Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev last week warned the United States that the hypersonic missiles would soon be close to NATO's shores. Perhaps all they want is a buffer zone with no NATO assets in sight? Russian warship, go fuck yourself - Wikipedia There was a table top exercise done by the Navy back in the late 80s. russian dockyards will need to build more tugs. General Carter, who joined the Royal Green Jackets in 1977, has been head of the armed forces since June 2018. He told officials the UK stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the Baltic state a Nato ally. Without ASuW the RN is badly exposed, and its criminal negligence sending sailors into a warzone without ability to take offensive action. I meant a small number combat troops postured to help the Ukranians defend themselves. British Defence Minister Ben Wallace accused Russian pilots of conducting unsafe aircraft manoeuvres 500 feet (152 m) above the warship. Today : UK Navy Shocked, 7 Russian Warships off UK CoastNine Royal Navy warships are shadowing seven Russian warships after "unusually high levels of activit. The Russians are on drawdown but maintaining overwatch I understand. Patrol ship HMS Severn was on duty in the English Channel and Dover Strait, where it shadowed a surfaced Kilo-class submarine, the Stary Oskol, the corvette Boikiy, patrol ship Vasiliy Bykov and support ships. Are you saying another country told Iran to attack the UAE? The German government even went so far as to brief journalists on Tuesday that cutting Russia off from international banking systems - the so-called 'nuclear option' of sanctions - was off the table, prompting angry denials from Washington. Russian warship with 'unstoppable' 7,000mph hypersonic missiles 'sails A multi-front assault might also involve a move into northeastern Ukraine, encircling but perhaps not entering cities where forces could get bogged down in urban fighting. The region has been on a knife-edge since the end of last year when Moscow moved as many as 100,000 troops, as well as tanks and missiles, close to the border. Helicopters for the littoral, Nuclear boats for larger vessels. The only delusional people are the idiots who think Biden is doing a good job; hes lost Afghanistan, Ukraine next, and probably Taiwan in 2023 when this emboldensRead more . [1/6]British Royal Navy's Type 45 destroyer HMS Defender is docked in the Black Sea port of Odessa, Ukraine June 18, 2021. The Royal Navy said it is tracking the frigate and the tanker movements with an HMS Portland frigate, as it could carry what is considered to be one of the world's deadliest weapons. HMSs Dragon and Defender never had Harpoon fitted. Really Ivan ? With you on this DL, some interim AShMs on all T45/T23sbut Mr Wallace is here in Sydney at the moment. The Royal Navy has kept close watch as four Russian ships sheltered from rough weather in the seas off the east coast of Scotland. I certainly do! Forces would secure control of a canal that provided Crimea with fresh water supplies until Russia annexed the region and Ukraine stopped the flow, he said. Ireland tells Russia live-fire naval exercise is 'not welcome' Germany was starved to death in WW1 by the blockade of the North sea and WW2 bomber command destroyed its industrial might. I have little doubt that corruption in Russia has led to some pretty shoddy construction. Video shared by the US Coast Guard of a Russian ship near the Hawaiian Islands. However, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he may consider halting the pipeline if Moscow attacks. To Decimate is as you put Dave 1 in 10 ,50% is half which is Dimidium, Cheers Tommo my googlefu is poor however, my google translate fu was non-existent , Over the last third of a century the pollies have dimidiumated the British Army . Seizing southern Ukraine could cut Kyiv off from the coast and NATO's presence in the Black Sea, Melvin said, and could play well with Russian nationalists who see the area as the historic 'Novorossiya' lands or 'New Russia'. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Stand by to be surprised. Next time round-Hillary Clinton vsRead more , Grandpa Biden has been engaged with the Pentagon bigwigs and was informed that Troops had already been pulled out of Vietnam .Now have your 40 winks and Cocoa, You cant blame Trump for this. We have got troops there, albeit only a small number in a training and advisory role still complicates the plot for Putin. Will it would be nice not to hear from that stroppy self-important brat anymore, I doubt your proposal will solve either of the threats we face; Russian aggression and climate-climate. Kongsberg have said that the NSM will also get the receiver. It was/would cost a big chunk of their budget to keep them operational and safe. He would have stolen a march under US noses, scored a propaganda victory, brought Iraq under Russian influence and probably have prevented the 2003 invasion. I agree with your 10 year rule. Those deliveries are ongoing, and there are more scheduled in the coming weeks.. It depends on the severity of what Russia will do if it invades. Im not entirely sure how/where you have Ur info ref Astutes having v limited Comms when dived from? I think Irans aspirations in the region run much deeper than having mild cooperation with Russia. 2014-2021 UK Defence Journal, all rights reserved. However, the MoD has failed to reveal which, if any, of the existing equipment programmes will be cut to reduce the funding gap. Unless of course you are a Putin oligarch;0). it was not to long ago that a few Russian soldiers died in a Russian barracks collapse, dont believe your own hype, and considering the Ukraine people are fighting for its independence, where they are stationed does not matter. Russian warship with 'unstoppable' 7,000mph hypersonic missiles 'sails The. I thought you might of recovered somewhat, after that meltdown you had a couple of years ago? F35 will be able to carry 8 of these missiles internally. "These aircraft posed no immediate threat to HMS Defender, but some of these manoeuvres were neither safe nor professional," Britain's Wallace said. "Escorting the Russian task group alongside forces from our NATO allies has demonstrated the UKs commitment to the alliance and to maintaining maritime security. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. "These are Ukrainian waters and it was entirely right to use them to go from A to B," Johnson said. The warship is feared to be loaded with 7,000mph hypersonic missiles with a range of over 600 miles. While the oil tanker Kama turned on its AIS tracker, the frigate Admiral Gorchkov kept it off to stay under the radar. As for the numbers unvaccinated, I know Putins trolls have been stoking that fire with conspiracy theories about the vaccines. Some showed messages saying:'Be afraid and expect the worst.'. Ah, but at least the Brits flogged off some 60y/o CVR(T)s. Invasion of a NATO state or even probably Sweden Im sure would. Here's why a Russian warship is 90 miles off US coast in Cuba Or perhaps NATOs drive eastwards since the fall of communism might just be giving them sleepless nights! The Marshal Ustinov, a large cruise missile ship, is one of a. On western side it was concern that with the post Soviet economic collapse theyd end up in very dodgy countries hands. And therein lies the fate of the world!! Build the strongest argument relying on authoritative content, attorney-editor expertise, and industry defining technology. 'They discussed U.S. and international security and economic assistance to Ukraine, and the Secretary expressed appreciation for Ukraines continued calls for a diplomatic solution, stressing the need for Ukrainian unity in the face of the Russian threat,' Price said. The BBC said shots were fired and that as many as 20 Russian aircraft were "buzzing" the British ship. The White House corrected the off the cuff remark from the long press conference. Working hard for your Master Putin, Hay! I really cant believe he wants to invade Ukraine. If you were spending months in a bunker in a trench system in that climate I think it may well matter. 'Grateful for [US's] political & security support. Our potential foes are very clever and will exploit gaps. Our SSNs will be busy chasing their SSNs, and so each RN surface vessel should be capable of offensive action. The ships, which can each carry up to 25 armoured personnel carriers, were deployed three days ago but it remains unclear if they are heading for Ukraine. Certainly Ivan is getting very desperate now with the prop.! Broker a deal to have Russian military bases in their country. Would tend to agree with you Graham, to what end does Putin need to invade Ukraine? And the Russian surface fleet is still very much made up of 80s tech, that isnt very reliable. Putin might be doing maskirovka. Locally known as the UK Minister of Defence. I think one of Moscow's long-standing goals has been to try to sow divisions between and within our countries and quite simply, we cannot and will not let them do that. An good opportunity knoks coming soon, to sink the Russian fleets in the Med, lol!! Biden is shaping up to be just as bad and hopefully another 1-term wonder. I think you overestimated Russias economy Ivan , its smaller than that nutty economy of Italys lol. It builds up its arsenal in one location to make the world think thats the location they are going to attack. And T26 will also receive the future cruise/anti ship weapon. Its the bowl of gruel and the slice of old bread that really makes it all worthwhile. Published. His views were backed by Labour leader Keir Starmerwho tweeted on Saturday: To protect our values and our security we must be steadfast in our opposition to Russian aggression. As its a shed load easier to detect an RF emission and from a lot further away with a highly sensitive receiver. The Americans have just sent their first shipment of Aid to the Ukraine what was sent was classed as LETHAL Aid. Russia warns Britain it will bomb ships next time | Reuters Also known as SPEAR capability 5. As they have plenty of gear around Ukraine already it makes sense that at least some of the 6 are bound for Tartus. The proliferation of this capability within the new Russian Navy is profoundly changing its ability to deter, threaten or destroy adversary targets. The Turks the bosphorous cutting off vital Shipping routes to Russia. The assessment put the number of rebels within Ukraine who are loyal to Moscow at 35,000 and estimated Russia has a further 3,000 military personnel within Kiev's territory. Im for one are hoping cool heads prevail. "Even with the pressures of Covid, we remain at short notice to respond to threats both in home waters and around the world. Nuclear centrifuge assembly plants. Im afraid Martlet wouldnt scratch the paint on a Kirov, whilst the Wildcat wouldnt get within range to launch kinetics before being eliminated by the Grumble. THE Royal Navy has shadowed nine Russian warships stalking Britain's coast in the past two weeks. I cant imagine we would though, as it could cause an incident in the channel. Meanwhile the potential peer foes, Russia and China, were very quietly building up their defensive forces initially and then offensive to a standard able to match a peer adversary. Correction. Express. He sees weakness and disharmony and a split America with half the voters seeing thier Country as an island totally ignorant of what losing Europe would mean to the US position in the World. The Kremlin also deployed servicemen to Belarus this week, ostensibly for major military operations with the country, sparking fears in neighbouring Lithuania. Coast Guard releases video of Russian ships in Hawaii waters But more significantly, the conclusion was the Belgrano would have been pummelled by the sheer weight of accurate fire that both Blake and Tiger could put down. Trump was right about Germany being too dependent upon Russian gas and some EU states not spending enough on defence. Russian forces could expand the fighting in Donbass to draw Ukraine into a conventional conflict, said Neil Melvin, director of International Security Studies at the RUSI think-tank in London. Moscow has announced the 'successful' completion of tests on its Kinzhal - or Dagger - hypersonic missiles, which can carry nuclear or conventional weapons with a range of 1,250 miles, in the Arctic, though the weapons had been deployed with Russian forces ahead of the trials. But T31 isnt designed or intended to be a high end anti submarine Frigate, more a general purpose Frigate for more day to day operations ,anti piracy ect but capable enough to operate as part of a task group. You guys need more ships me thinks . An armed Russian warship docked at a harbor in Cuba on Monday as Russia warned the U.S. against causing a repeat of the Cuban missile crisis. do you have the recipie for this distillery? Dont forget its got a great habit of hitting other random stuff like holiday homes or your best mates frigate. Concussion will do too much damage. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the British warship, which was travelling from the Ukrainian port of Odessa to the Georgian port of Batumi, was acting in accordance with the law and had been in international waters. As for Corbyn and Johnson, I generally agree I just wish people could see its kind of theRead more , Hi Ron-no need to apologise, I enjoy your posts and know that things for all of us can get robust at times. Ammunition depots. Iranians being bombed at will??? Large cruise missile ship, the Marshal Ustinov, is one of at least three Russian navy ships that have been travelling back from the Mediterranean to their home port in the north of Russia. So were Western economies corrupt, going back in time. Yep, you may well sleep well when not being reminded of the things you could actually be doing to help the world, Ive partaken in wars over Oil and I dont even drive, Driving fossil fueled powered cars is not the only thing causing climate change and that we need to change. The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionals. It can be logically assumed that KALIBR capability willRead more . An analogy would be how the small number of US troops placed in both Syria and Afghanistan deterred attackers until they were removed andlook what follows. Commander Ed Moss-Ward, HMS Portland's commanding officer, said: "Escorting warships in UK territorial waters and the adjacent sea areas is routine activity for the Royal Navy. The Ropucha-class landing ship can transport 10 main battle tanks and 340 troops or 12 BTRs and 340 troops or 3 main battle tanks, 3 2S9 Nona-S, 5 MT-LBs, 4 army trucks and 313 troops or 500 tons of cargo. True , I seem to remember one the OSINT Bunker pod cast guys saying if they start to move Air assets near the Ukraine border than probably the war is on , they have just done that. RNs lack of AsUW is a gamble, otherwise why retain harpoon? It looks like a scene from 1984. They hit targets of a 'simulated enemy' in 'large-scale' exercises involving 500 military personnel. Its not as easy as it seems, accurately targeting the correct vessel in high shipping density waters. Its the same with 90% of Russian kit. Most of its armour is 25+ years old, its tube artillery is a similar age and is seriously out ranged by modern Russian systems and they have just announced a cut in numbers to about 75,000..!