During the march, there should be vocal or instrumental music or the Worthy Patron may recite the following: W. P. "Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here my brother had not died. It is good to consider the experience of others and profit by their knowledge and example. A. Flexible and fully equipped, our 5 meeting rooms accommodate up to 100 delegates.An ideal location when travelling on business to leisure. Having received the degrees of our Order and, therefore, being able to assist you, permit me to direct your preparation for the ceremonies of initiation. Avoiding the doctrinal points and, read in the spirit of fraternal love, as illustrated in the lectures of Freemasonry, that remarkable book, the Koran, might justly be taken as a comment upon the much older, far wiser, and most remarkable book ever written, the Old Testament of the Hebrews dispensation., Morris continues, Our forms of faith are diverse. Sister Conductress, you will present this sister at the third point of the Star for further instruction. At the words "each link shall fall away in death," the hands will be unclasped. 24. Eastern Star theology is no different. B D It is given by ( 15. ) It is given by ( 3. ) It is given ( 9. ) July 1, 2022, 10:00 am Your email address will not be published. The 6 Telltale Signs to Look For. She secured pardon by laying her hand upon the golden scepter which he extended to her, saying, "What wilt thou, Queen Esther? One of the Eastern Star lectures explains, Ladies, you are connected with Masonry by ties far more intimate and tender than you are aware of, or than I can ever inform you of.. The king's countenance flushed with anger when he beheld her intrusion. The Lion is appropriate to Electa, as a symbol of the Courage and Power that sustained the martyr defenders of Truth. Please check if there are posts that match all the below criteria. Explore More Holiday Sign. The candidate is led inside the door and stopped. Adah rises and takes her position at the right of her chair; after each lecture the Star Officer will remain in her position, standing until the Conductress and candidate have passed her, then be seated. Show prices. If God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.". This heretical attempt to place the heathen gods of this world on the same plane, or in the same godhead, as the God of heaven is a grave violation of the truth of Gods Word and the explicit teaching of His Commandment. The Conductress will communicate the Grip to the candidate. W. P. Arise, my sister, we accept the pledge you have given and share with you in this solemn Obligation. Although some writers have taken the origins back as far as 1778 or 1793, the degree format and content of today finds its roots in the design of Dr. Morris. If there are two, the Associate Conductress offers her left arm to the candidate and in like manner follows with the second. The Secret Work of the Order of the Eastern Star is comprised of Six Signs, Five Passes, Two Mottoes, a Word, and a Grip, in addition to certain special answers to stated questions. The open Bible is appropriate to Jephthah's Daughter, as a symbol of Obedience to the word of God. The upside-down five-pointed star, or pentagram, is also the symbol of the Church of Satan and a well-known symbol of the occult. The Eastern Star rituals, degrees and secrets are definitely FATAL to the soul of its members. Cand. Beliefs and Practices of this Cult, What Is a Cult? eastern star secret signs. About; British Mark; Publication; Awards; Nominate; Sponsorship; Contact Begin you. Ruth represents the virtue of religious principles. B D It was the day of the grand council of governors, princes and officers of Persia. ", "Martha saith unto Him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. The second epistle of John is addressed to "the elect lady and her children." A book every interested observer should read on this subject is Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star by Cathy Burns. Cond. Here the wives, daughters, mothers, widows and sisters of Masons, may become co-laborers with the great Brotherhood in the service of humanity. Here we may aid, comfort and protect each other in our journey through the labyrinth of human life, and by cheerful companionship and social enjoyments, lighten the burdens of active duty. During the march there should be vocal or instrumental music, or the Worthy Patron may recite the following: W. P. "And it was so, when the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, that she obtained favor in his sight; and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. Before the door is opened to receive the candidate the lights may be turned down and soft music played during this lecture by the Conductress. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us, John says in 1 John 1:2-3. Copies are kept of the Bible, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Old Testament, the Zend-Avesta, the Sutras, and the Quran. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. It is worthy of note that the worship of the Supreme Being of the Order of the Eastern Star does not include Jesus. Jesus told the thief on the cross, a criminal under the death penalty, Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43). Jephthah, when he saw her, rent his clothes and in the anguish of his heart, cried aloud: "Alas, my daughter! This is clearly and unambiguously the theology of the devil. B D ", "And it came to pass, when he saw her, that he rent his clothes and said, Alas, my daughter! The Voting Sign of the Order is the uplifted right hand. Adah replied: "My father, if thou hast opened thy mouth unto the Lord, do to me according to that which has proceeded out of thy mouth." From Ruth around Electa to Esther; from Esther around Adah to Martha; from Martha around Ruth to Electa; from Electa around Esther to the Worthy Patron. He began work on it in the mid-1800s, but the first Grand Chapter was established in Michigan in 1867. The Order of the Eastern Star sprouted from Masonry, and members are required to be connected with the Masons, though it does not technically boast direct affiliation. With this knowledge of its requirements, are you willing to proceed? Begin. As you illustrate in your life the virtues of these tried servants of God, so shall be your reward. In Eastern Star, Adah is represented by the color blue and a sword and veil. It is given by ( 6. ) ", "Jesus saith unto her, thy brother shall rise again. Amen. We must also be sure that we are not faced with anything that distorts the truth. The heroines of the Order represent the various stations in a womans life as well as attributes to emulate; they are as follows: Adah (blue), Ruth (yellow), Esther (white), Martha (green) and Electa (red). Why did I become an Eastern Star? She then removes the candidate's hat, gloves and shawl or cloak, prepares and leads her to the door of the Chapter-room. Why am I an Eastern Star to day? The Lord does not limit by age. The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) is a secret society that is similar to that of the Masons. Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha, and Electa What are the Heroines colors? Life's experiences, coming thick and fast, are the soul's appointed means of growth. It has its own god A floral five-pointed Star should be provided, having flowers of the appropriate colors for the several points. A seal is here set upon your lips. 4. She is the widow from the Book of Ruth. W. P. "Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us. Who knocks at the door of our Chapter? Morris had the idea that it would be nice to have a way for female relatives of Master Masons to share the benefits of knowledge and self-improvement that Freemasonry made available to men and to have a place in the Masonic Family that would allow men and women to participate together.. The Lamb is appropriate to Martha, as a symbol of Innocence and Humility. Ascertaining the name of the candidate, she returns and standing West of Esther's chair, gives the sign of Salutation and says: A. C. Worthy Matron, I find in waiting.., who is desirous of being initiated into our Order. First, that it would be fatal to the character of any lady for truth who should disclose the secrets of these degrees unlawfully. After each lecture, the labyrinth is followed in a similar manner, always leaving the chairs to the right and the Altar to the left. The Worthy Patron will say: W. P. Sister Conductress, you will escort the Worthy Matron to the East. The Order of the Eastern Star is open to men who are Master Masons, and female relatives, spouses, and descendants of Master Masons. This short document reveals all of the Secrets and Rituals. If your church is lacking in opportunities to participate in fellowship, look into what you can do. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths.". Prayers Are Offered to the "Supreme Being" The Order is open to people of all religions.. Ruth rises and takes her position at the right of her chair. Why Do We Need to Be Crucified with Christ? That the signs and passes may be more firmly impressed upon your mind, with the assistance of our Conductress, I will repeat them with explanations. it shall be even given thee to the half of the kingdom.". by Why Freemasonry is a counterfeit religion. [5] Esther, the wife from the Book of Esther. This short document reveals all of the Secrets and Rituals. W. Cond. Official model mayhem page of Juliangel; member since May 22,2022 has 50 images, 141 friends on Model Mayhem. He became Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky on the 12th of October 1858. The officers enter in two files led by the Conductress and Associate Conductress and take positions as follows The Chapter is at liberty to introduce into the procession the Marshal and Chaplain and may also elaborate the figures as it may desire. In Eastern Star, Ruth is represented by the color yellow and a sheaf of barley. Eastern-Star-Secret-Signs.pdf Downloaded 33 times 228.89 KB, Download Copyright Free Full Premium Pack of 15 Easter Sign, Your email address will not be published. Fairest among ten thousand altogether lovely. ", "And now abideth Faith, Hope and Charity, but the greatest of these is Charity.". 23-24). However, they are still allowed to join the OES if they have a qualifying relationship to a man who is an affiliated Master Mason. They shall advance in front of the Associate Matron and ( 19. After a few years, Elimeleck and his sons died, leaving Naomi, Ruth and Orphah in mourning. Wiccan Witchcraft revealed and compared to Freemasonry. "The Hotel itself is quite small and has no barrier free entrance, not even a lift. Rather than seek fellowship and societal good outside of the church, we can work to bring our churches into a more perfect reflection of Gods plan for His kingdom on Earth. What need in my life does Eastern Star meet? The General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, What Is the World Mission Society Church of God? If at all possible, list at least one actual author or editor for a book instead of using "Unknown". By it you bind yourself to the most solemn secrecy respecting the work of the Order and to the performance of those acts of kindness and forbearance, which are essential to our welfare and prosperity. The dangerous thing about secret societies is that they deliberately turn truth into error in a cryptic underhand so as to deceive the ignorant uninformed candidate. 4. That our joy may be full. 6. Her colour is blue, and her cardinal virtue is respect. The Kabbalah approach is extremely allegorical and superstitious, using things like numerology and other surreptitious methods to find alleged hidden and deeper meanings in the inspired text. Electa. The king sat upon his throne of gold and ivory, surrounded by the highest officials of his empire. " Jephthah went forth to battle, the victory was gained and the victorious warrior returned to Mizpeh. This is the opposite to Christianity with is governed by faith and love. We came here to worship him. 2.2 miles from Boot. There are also many Christian organizations dedicated to doing good, from major international organizations to your local homeless shelter. Far-fetched, mystical, superstitious or private interpretation is not accepted. This system way of instruction always contains embedded threats and confusing thought within it. She is often associated with autumn. The Eastern Star was long known as Sirius, the Dog Star, or the star of the Egyptian god of chaos, Set. The third is the Wife's sign, or the sign of Esther. Eastern Star secrecy, The true character and ethos of Freemasonry, Freemasonry is an actual religion Here they may share with the Masonic brother in promulgating the principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. This short document reveals all of the Secrets and Rituals. ( 13. ) I have. The candidate is conducted around Martha's chair, leaving the chair to the right, then across the Star, leaving the Altar to the left, around Ruth's chair to Electa for instruction. W. P. Sister Conductress, you will cause the candidate to be in proper position at the Altar to receive the Obligation. As our hopes and aims and labours are one, we, trusting in one God, and doing, each of us, what we believe to be His expressed will, do humbly expect a common reward when we have passed that common lot which none can escape. For what came you here? I will, with your assistance. ", "And whosoever liveth, and believeth in me shall never die.". Ans. 3. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths. My friend, human life is a labyrinth through which we all wander blindly and too often, in ignorance. his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances" and she was his only child. Sister Conductress, you will present this sister at the second point of the Star for further instruction. By means of secret signs and other work of the Order, we are able to make ourselves known to each other wherever we may meet. It has, two. Freemasonry oaths examined, English Freemasonry collapse Esther, attired in her queenly apparel, with heroic purpose, sought the presence of the king. The color appropriate to this degree is yellow, whose golden hue symbolizes Constancy, teaching faithful obedience to the demands of honor and justice. The Secret Work of the Order of the Eastern Star is comprised of Six Signs, Five Passes, Two Mottoes, a Word, and a Grip, in addition to certain special answers to stated questions. God provided His Word in order that He might clearly and unambiguously communicate with mankind and reveal Himself to humanity. The different grades are progressively acquired by travelling several different levels of enlightenment. The General Grand Chapter was established in 1876, and its website proudly proclaims Eastablished (sic) in 1876, as this system has remained until the present day. Alyssa Roatstudied writing, theology, and the Bible at Taylor University. Fear keeps people from God. F. When the two months had expired she was seen, followed by her friends, winding her way down the mountain's side to the altar where her father, with an almost broken heart, was prepared to fulfil his vow. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. There are a few things you should carefully consider first. Her charity, benevolence and generous hospitality to the poor entitled her to great distinction. As Electa I represent this historical heroine and commend to you the sublime virtue she exemplified through her life, "that we love one another." Electa, looking him steadily in the face, received the crossprecious emblem of her Saviour's Sister Conductress, you will present this sister at the fourth point of the Star for further instruction. To-day, prosperity or the presence of The Eastern Star theology totally undermines the character of Jesus Christ, contradicts His teaching, and negates Gods plan of salvation. By the sword Adah was slain. To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. The color appropriate to this degree is green; an emblem of nature's life and beauty and a symbol of Martha's trustful Her symbol is a crown and sceptre as she was the queen known to sacrifice her life for her people., The fourth point of the star. P. Is the candidate properly prepared? The Gospel is not only for those with a clean record. One of Christianitys main tenets is that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The Order of the Eastern Star claims that the star comes from this biblical passage in Matthew 2:2: Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? Officers and members always observe square corners. Dr. You have heard the words of It alludes to heroic submission, under the wrongs of persecution. Martha. This short document reveals all of the Secrets and Rituals. Her colour is yellow, and her cardinal virtue is piety. Queen Esther, when informed of the cruel edict, resolved to risk the loss of royal favor and life itself, to save her people from death. It here presents ancient Occultic Cabalism as the actual mode of its interpretation and the meaning behind its secrets. This, and a form of Gnosticism, has held an important position within the cults of the arcane mysteries throughout the centuries. Blue symbolizes Fidelity. These organizations are shrouded in mystery and intrigue. So Esther drew near, and touched the top of the scepter. In language, customs, and modes of thought, we are cast in different moulds; butin Masonic unity we are one, and one in Masonic faith. The Officers should carefully change the words, adapting them to the initiation of a Lady or Gentleman, or Ladies and Gentlemen, as circumstances require. American Freemasonry is crumbling Be not weary in well-doing. Having been reared a Pagan and afterwards becoming a convert to the Christian religion, she was subjected to severe trials and the most bitter persecution. In due time the enemies of the Jews, being powerful and numerous, persuaded the king to issue a royal edict commanding that upon a given day the entire Hebrew race should be destroyed. Though the Order is carefully not identified as Christian, but rather open to all believers in a Supreme Being, these biblical women form its core. This brings up interesting questionswhat God, exactly, are the prayers directed to? to trample it under foot. The later development of a so-called Christian Kabbalah came to the fore in the 1200s and has interested Occultists ever since. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. We must be careful that when we are considering new ideologies, they bear sound doctrine, not mythologies or platitudes that suit us. However, the Bible does have multiple passages on what to do when considering new groups and ideologies. Find out more about herhere and on social media@alyssawrote. Let truth be spoken and let it shine through your life. It is given by taking hold of the other's hands as in ordinary handshaking and pressing the top of the thumb hard against the space between the second and third knuckles. Billed as an organization promoting fraternal love and good works, it may seem a tempting club to join. Royal Arch degree analysed The queen approached. Complain not, therefore, at any trial. Evangelical Truth expose Freemasonry on RTE television, We recommend Should A Christian Be A Mason David W Daniels. Though it is the nature of many clubs and jobs to be exclusive, one as deeply tied to religion (with its prayers and rituals) as the Order setting up so many gates and boundaries poorly reflects the reality of the Gospel and the love of Christ. ), The Grip of the Order is given by ( 20. 23. The main thing about occult practice is that it is done in a secret cryptic manner. Upon being informed of her history, her devotion to Naomi and present circumstances, advanced to where she was resting and addressed to her kindly words of encouragement. A. M. My friend, you are heartily welcome. The sons married women of Moab, named Ruth and Orphah. In the measureless realm of time, how brief is our earthly life; yet how moment- Hotel Am Ehrenhof. The second is the Widow's sign, or the sign of Ruth. This is clearly and unambiguously the theology of the devil. While the candidate is signing the By-Laws, there may be vocal or instrumental music. January 15, 2023, 9:00 am, by Lovely. Begin you. She is the sister of Mary and Lazarus from the Gospel of John. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.. This organization should be shunned by all godly observers. 5. W. P. Sister Associate Conductress, you will retire and prepare the candidate for the ceremonies of initiation. The name of the Order, the names of its degrees, and modes of recognition are unchangeable. Here they may share with the Masonic brother in promulgating the principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. The Lily of the Valley is appropriate to Ruth, as a symbol of Loveliness among the Lowly. duty. The royal guards held all avenues of approach to the council chamber. Worthy Patron, the alarm was caused by the Associate Conductress with a candidate, who desires to receive the degrees of our Order. Eastern Star is a social Order comprised of persons with religious convictions and spiritual values, but it is NOT a religion and is neither secret nor political. That the blessing of our Heavenly Father may rest upon our labor, let us unite in prayer.