If they are relying on each other as colleagues or creative collaborators for a project occasionally, thats fine. You need to fight for what you had. I adore my Leo man! Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. Both of them are incurable romantics and can do well once they adjust to their different styles of love. He's the master, and she's his slave girl. But i just stayed to being her friend as i dont want to hurt her feelings by saying something to hurt their relationship. However, he liked to devote his time to other women yet come back home to me after he gave them all the best of him. Leo Man & Taurus Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Leo doesnt move his ass to really bother making a move towards a woman or progress into a relationship if hes not really interested in his heart, since he loves his freedom and he doesnt need to do much to receive attention. Even as close friends, a Pisces woman may be too emotionally demanding for a Leo man. So be strong n adapt your sorrounding which we pisces r good at. Also, my best advice to you is if youre wanting someone who is loving, caring, and will be loyal to you. Been deeply in love with a pisces women in my youth and dated others, currently very excited and intrigued with one right now and doing some refresher research because id love for this to go great, shes a real catch. i have a bf now his a leo man,i love him so much hope his my future husband someday im so happy with him and he loves me too,even were not see each other in person yet but i hope we make our first meeting a very special day meeting so inlove with each other,.i wait him always to see in person in gods will,godbless always our relationship forever. Horrible combination. So I will say try dont give up as I know leos dont give up do juat try . As a husband, he's loyal and supportive, and as a father, he's loving, playful, involved, and very proud of his children. Besides the fact that there are over 40 different astrological aspects that make up every individual chart. I believe it was live a first sight. He got angry at me and made me out to be a bad person because I spent my own money in my myself. So basically she has her masters in business very smart and intelligent person but her future in laws were like why? CONSTANT AUTO SPELL CORRECTION ON WORDS THAT ARE SPELLED CORRECTLY (CORRECTING TO WORDS THAT ARE NOT REAL) AND AUTO SEND TWICE!!! Yet hes not as expressive as she is. Pisces can not be owned as she is her own owner. Now she has another leo man. The two of you can connect through a love of music, paintings, literaturewhatever medium suits your style. Emily Blunt and John Krasinksi prove that a Pisces and Libra can be the perfect couple. The Leo man must never lose his youthful grace because a bored woman is an unhappy woman. There were times I feel like I didnt appreciate him enough but he meant the world to me in hindsight and got me through such a hard time. It started out magic but he shut his princess out because he could not silence his inner demons. In order to determine how compatible a couple might be, you have to go far deeper than sun signs. Conversations are endless and our time together is increasing by the day. My Leo and I have had disagreements but they are minor and I wouldnt even call them disagreements (theyre more like little debates lol) because he never raises his voice and I talk to him in my soft tone and we sort things out right then and there, then say we love each other. An emotional water sign like a Pisces woman can be too confusing and suffocating for a Leo man. Itll be almost 2 years since youve posted this. Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman Relationship Compatibility. Dont let him get away. A relationship between Leo women and Pisces men may be a bit rough and tumble, but with hard work and each respecting their partner's traits, it can be successful. This becomes exhausting for a Pisces woman. . A Leo man and Pisces woman in bed can have a powerful bond. What a fascinating character. He was 19 and Leo. Ruled by Neptune and Jupiter, she's an empath and romantic idealist who will willingly sacrifice herself in the name of love. the big egos, the cheaters, the flirters, the domineering (men AND women) are bad people operating at low levels and lack willpower. I guess its a Leo thing cuz my best friend and brother acts the same way. I call him my big teddybear because he is so loving, caring, sensitive and sweet. She's his Cinderella: the delicate, beautiful, gossamer woman who romantically enchants him and who he's drawn to save and protect. In return, however, he expects her to budge a bit too. He's a generous, magnanimous, kind, loving, and playful, "see me" kind of guy with a majestic aura who knows his worth and has no problem attracting women. Leo Pisces Compatibility: Love Relationship, Friendship, Marriage All rights reserved. When this happens, serious situations arent addressed and they can both pay a high price for their procrastination. If there is any infidelity to be had in this relationship, rest assured one can see the fury of the Leo mans roar and Pisces woman getting extremely hurt. Before entering into a serious relationship, both Pisces woman and Leo man should understand the others level of dedication as well as trying to figure out their own. She left me cause I told her to move on. She may see him as too authoritative, dramatic or overbearing. Patricia has been working as a counseling astrologer for more than 25 years. They both give each other the freedom and love; they crave for and promise to return to each others arms. Everytime I question our relationship because of our age difference he alwasy reasures me that none of the senarios I give him will happen. I love that about him. Nope. Aries (March 21 - April 19) People with Aries birthdays are most compatible with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, and Aquarius (basically, you get along with most people). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Plus, he just can't resist that steamy sizzle he feels when she's by his side. This couple also struggles with practical matters in a marriage as neither is particularly keen on keeping track of finances, dealing with mundane responsibilities or setting boundaries with children if they have a family. Like damn what do I do? Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman Marriage Compatibility. I have to say when its good its good and when its bad its reallllllly bad. As friends, a Leo man and Pisces woman can maintain a good connection if their friendship is relatively distant and low maintenance. Mind you we broke up a little over a year ago. Both a Pisces woman and Leo man prefer to find the easiest solution to a problem, even if this doesnt really fix the underlying issues. Astrological compatibility, however, can offer some basic insight. That selfish and cavalier mentality can rub a Pisces the wrong way, Ward says. My only concern is our age difference. They are fun, entertaining and confident, so they are the ones with the most humbling fantasies in bed with a trusted partner. She was the most selfish woman that I have ever slept with. He can gently guide, direct, and persuade her, but she'll easily slip out of his grasp if she senses he's trying to contain, control, or tell her what she can and can't do. He treated me like royalty and showered me with compliments, gifts, promises and I never felt so good and comfortable with myself around a guy before (with or without makeup)! A Leo man and a Pisces woman complement each other in many ways. Both partners are tender toward one another and eager to express their hidden fantasies to the other. Take A Zodiac Quiz. He will become overwhelmed by her moody nature. Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman Bed Compatibility. Hell try to impress his Pisces partner by showering her with gifts. Pisces get attached to one person and may get jealous over how many friends and flirtations Leo has outside of their relationship. She said she doesnt want to marry anyone for money cause money isnt important to her. No relationship is perfectkeep that in mind! She takes everything to heart and he can hurt her feelings without realizing it. Good luck girl! She is dreamy, mystical and seems to him to be a bundle of secrets. Then last year about 2-3 months of back and forth and her feeling bad, we got back together. but he stayed the course. 7 Astrologically Compatible Celebrity Couples Who Are Matches Made In A Leo man and a Pisces woman are both idealistic when it comes to love and romance. So you are probably wondering what I did to let her know I wanted to date her? Leo and Pisces are two markedly different signs, conscious efforts to understand each other and to make adjustments are necessary in order for this relationship to be harmonious. they have a way with non verbal language. we also did long distance before splitting up. But I dont know how to feel about it. I just started dating A leo & I like to take it slow, while hes a Lion & Im a fish Im not sure how long I can hold him off.I like friendship before intamacy .Hes very romantic & I just met him , So I made it clear that Communication is extremely Important in a friendship & Relationship .Please give me advice on how to Tame this lion Of A Man lol, Arlette, I am in the same predicament. Pisces are so emotional compared to Leo. Im 29 and hes 31. She is demure and will be standing alone and watching the room. Instead, a Leo man will just assume that his actions speak for themselves. Partly because of his insistance to pull me in his arms and repeat, I love you. And when he does, she showers him with more adoration and has no problem making him the center of her attention. I GIVE UP!!! He understands me in ways that no one else does. A Leo man and Pisces woman who are successful in love need to accommodate each other at every turn. We were so much in love, we used to fight, he used to loose him temper making me cry but couldnt see me hurt so he would do every possible thing just to make me smile. I felt empty and suffocated with her mainly due to our differences in communication styles. by finding this article out i can pin point my flaw and hers so we can figure things out even more quickly while also make our bond even stronger. The best match for a Leo man in relationships is a woman who shares his independence, confidence and desire for adventure. (Leo man and pisces woman) we just met a week ago, it was love at first sight, and seems like this friendship is starting off fabulously! As passionate as Leo is, he doesnt always know how to express how he is feeling on a deeper level.