(ii) Ahand washing sink equipped with[4 inch wrist blades,]goose-neck spout,[and]separate soap dispensers,anddisposable papertowel dispensers. A person maintaining or operating a nursing. (1)If a safe public water supply is not available, a private water supply may be used if it is approved by the Department. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. patient identification, specific nurse behavior, action, or inaction. [Signed]The nursing home shall file signedand dated reports of diagnostic services[shall be filed with]inthe[patients]residentsmedical record. (a) Be issued to all assigned direct care staff; and. (1)[Problems]Residents problemsand needs shall be identified, based upon the interdisciplinary assessment. [(19)](18)[Patient]Residentcare management. ]; [(6)](5)Specialized rehabilitative services[]includingoccupational therapy[services], physical therapy[services], speech pathology and audiology services[. (4) Other persons hired asgeriatric nursing assistants[nurse aides after July 1, 1990]shall complete an approvedgeriatric nursing assistant trainingprogram within 120 days of employment. The physician shall[note on]document inthe[patients]residentschart any restrictions applicable to the[patients]residentsparticipation in the activities program. (35) Licensed practical nurse means an individual authorized to practice licensed practical nursing under Health Occupations Article, Title 8, Annotated Code of Maryland. National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. The activating device for those signals shall be located in each patients room and each and every bathing compartment and toilet room or compartment used by patients. If the comprehensive care facility or the extended care facility is sold, leased, discontinued, the operation moved to a new location, the license revoked, or its renewal denied, the current license immediately shall become void and shall be returned to the Secretary. Federal regulations require that certain services be provided by a qualified social worker, the employee would have to represent themselves as a qualified social worker and thus under Maryland law, the employee would have to obtain a license to practice social work. There shall be an active program of restorative nursing care aimed at assisting each resident to achieve and maintainthe individualshighest level of independent function, including activities of daily living. (2) Each floor shall have at least one toilet room large enough to: (b) Permit toilet assistance or training. The nature of the threat; 2. The water heating equipment shall supply adequate amounts ofheatedwater according to the following temperature guidelines for: (1)Resident use, the water temperature shall be between 100F (38C) and 120F (49C): (2) Food preparation use,as referencedin COMAR 10.15.03; and. (a) A nursing home shall provide laundry service, whether on-site or off-site. hotline in the past has helped to eliminate [The written social history]Within 7 days after admission, thesocial workershall[be initiated within 7 days after admission. The posting on each floor shall include: (1) Names of the staff members on duty and the room numbers of the residents[that]to whomeach is assigned; (2)Name of the charge nurse or personwho isin charge of the unit;[and], (3) If the person in charge is not a registered nurse, the name of the registered nurse responsible for the unit; and. (5) A call system shall provide visual lights at corridor intersections, in multi-corridor nursing units. Proof of immunity to these diseases shall be verified by: (a) Documented evidence of administration of vaccine; or. [B. The nursing[facility]nursing homeshall: (1) Designate a medical director who has at least the following qualifications: (b) At least 2 years of experience or specialized training in the medical care of geriatric or chronically ill and impaired residents;and. Results will be mailed to you within five days of exam date. Virginia Board of Nursing Jay P. Douglas, MSM, RN, CSAC, FRE, Executive Director Brandon A. Jones, MSN, RN, CEN, NEA-BC, President . [(2)](4)The Department shall consider the following factors when[considering]decidingwhether to approve an administrator to serve on a less than full-time basis: (a)[Geographical]Geographiclocation of the facilities; (1)In the absence of the administrator, the[facility]nursing homeat all times shall be under the direct and personal supervision of an experienced, trained, competent employee. (ii) The nursing home shall make its residents personal furnishing policies available for review by residents and the residents representative. [.11-2].17[Facilitys ]Nursing HomesResponsibilities in Relation to the [Facilitys]Nursing HomesMedical Director. Skills Agile SAFe Product Owner / Product Manager certified Pragmatic Institute Management Certified: PMC-I Product Management Director Product Manager Product Owner Business Analyst<br>Project . A. (2)Attending physician means an individual licensed to practice medicine in the State who: (a) Admits residents to the nursing home; and. Sufficient areas shall be provided to accommodate all necessary office furniture, files, and other equipment[, including provision for]and enablethe safe storage of[patients]residentsvaluables. (1) The nursing home shall inform a residents designated pharmacy about the nursing homes written policies concerning the provision of drugs. Comprehensive care facilities and extended care facilities shall develop written policies, consistent with these regulations, to govern the nursing care and related medical or other services they provide covering the following: (1) Admission, transfer, and discharge policies including categories of patients accepted and not accepted by the facility, or those who are required to transfer to another level of care. Virginia Board of Nursing - Registered Nurse A physician in attendance upon a pregnant woman diagnosed with syphilis shall report the case to a health officer immediately. The Board concluded that reliance on any one institutions terminology would result in uneven reporting. (a)A distance of at least 3 feet shall be maintained between each bed. Open at all Times for Inspection. (1) If the nursing home terminates the services of the director of nursing, the nursing home immediately shall notify the Department of the termination. (e) If windows can be opened, but the nursing home has concern over the window being opened due to resident safety issues and elopement, the window sash may be restricted by hardware as approved by the Department. (2) The[facility]nursing homeshall ensure that floor space allocated to each bed meets minimum requirements listed in Regulation[.28C].49ofthis chapter, andis sufficient to accommodate the special equipment necessary to meet the needs of residents. The charge nurse or nurses shall make daily roundsonall nursing units for which they are responsible, performing such functions as: (2)Reviewing clinical records, medication orders, resident care plans, and staff assignments; and. (ii) The soiled area shall allow for sorting and washing soiled laundry. (5) Return of License or Renewal Certificate to the Secretary of Health. A. (2) Working hours shall be scheduled to ensure that the[dietetic]nutritionalneeds of the[patients]residentsare met. C. Locked Doors Prohibited. C. Staffing. 272, April 1995 and Transmittal No. All rights reserved. (b)The amount of storage space needed[is dependent upon]to store food depends on thefrequency of deliveries. (55) Plan of correction means a written response from the nursing home addressing each deficiency cited as a result of an inspection by the Department. General Requirements. printed copies of the Nurse Practice Act and Regulations can be (b) Give the employee acertificate[evidencing]signed by the programs teacher or trainer asevidence ofcompletion of the program[shall be issued to the employee. [Agency Note: Recommended space: Storage10 percent of area designated for exercise and rehabilitation; Officeone therapist, 110 square feet; two or more, 85 square feet per therapist.]. address of all witnesses). F. Retention and Preservation of Records. L. Resident Directed Meal Pattern. (3) The plumbing fixture for the utility sink within a janitors closet shall be provided with an approved back-flow prevention device. (1)Medical records shall be retained for a period of[not less than]at least5 years from the date of discharge or, in the case of a minor, 3 years after the[patient]residentbecomes of age or 5 years, whichever is longer. The quality assurance plan shall include: (3) Procedures to take action when there is a change in the residents condition,including: (a) Communicating changes to the director of nursing or the residents attending physician; and, (b) Changing the residents plan of care as necessary; and. A[comprehensive or extended care facility]nursing homeshall recognize the authority of: (3) An[advanced]advancedirective that meets the requirements of Health-General Article, 5-602, Annotated Code of Maryland; [A. Board of Nursing Professional Licensure Requirements. (8) National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, which is incorporated by reference at COMAR (65)Resident activities coordinator means an individual who: (i) Certifiedtherapeutic recreation specialist; (iii)Licensed occupational therapy assistant; or. The[facility]nursing homeshall ensure that: (1)The nurse manager or the director of nursing of vent units has a background in ventilator care or is qualified in ventilator management; [(1)](2)Respiratory care services are provided by a sufficient number of qualified personnel;and. (2) Foodinstorage shall be arranged so that new food items are stored behind old food items. State Operations Manual for Provider Certification, Appendix RResident Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities, Transmittal No. (2) Private sewage disposal systems shall comply with COMAR 26.04.02. (a) A residents room shall have direct access to an exit in accordance with the requirements applicable to nursing homes specified in NFPA 101 Life Safety Code. Determine if a report should be madeif yes you MUST report immediately to the State Agency (see below). (10) Comprehensive care facility means a nursing home that admitsresidents requiring medical services and nursing services rendered by or under the supervision of a registered nurse, who: (11) Concurrent review means daily rounds by a licensed nurse which include: (a) Appraisal and observation of all residents by the licensed nurse to determine any change in each residents physical or mental status; (b) If there is a change in the residents physical or mental status, an evaluation by the licensed nurse of the residents medications, laboratory values relating to the resident, and clinical data relating to the resident, including the residents: (c) Evaluation of injuries sustained by the resident that result from an accident or incident involving the resident; and. Understanding a Nurse's Role as a Mandated Reporter - NurseJournal Filing a Complaint. If the medical records supervisor is not a qualified medical record practitioner, the Department may require that the supervisor receive consultation from a, Current medical records and those of discharged, Medical records shall be retained for a period of, G. Current RecordsLocation and Facilities. B. (2)The Department shall be notified of the name of the assistant director of nursing. (4) A computer system with a monitor or other electronic display device may be installed to replace the call system enunciator, as long as it reveals the location where the signal originated and sounds an audible alert tone. License Status Options Active. SS-07, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA). (1) For every four licensed beds, there shall be at least one hand washing sink. (iii) Inform the appropriate law enforcement agency and, if feasible, the specified victim or victims of: 1. (6) The nursing home shall make available to residents educational and informational materials relating to immunization against influenza virus and immunization against pneumococcal disease. (2) The name and license number of the replacement director of nursing shall be supplied to the Department as soon as employment begins. Welcome to the Maryland Board of Nursing Temporary Nurse Aide Pathway for CNA/GNA Certification. (3)The Diet Manual for Long-Term Care[Patients]Residents,as published by the Department,[which]or any other similar reference material thatcontains food allowances and guides for regular and therapeutic diets[may],shallbe used. B. customers, and stakeholders with PDF Board of Nursing - Mgaleg.maryland.gov (c)For purposes of Life Safety Code enforcement, the[facility]nursing homeis considered[as]to bean existing[facility]nursing homeif it has been in continuous use as a nursing home. Use of[Hot Water Bottlesand, Ice Caps]Hot Packs, Ice Packs, and Other Therapeutic Medical Devices. (ii) A bed that is certified for Medicaid to a distinct part of the nursing home that is a skilled nursing facility. The Department in these cases may require additional space to be provided.]. [(7) The facility shall request that each employee receive immunization from influenza virus in accordance with Health-General Article, 18-404, Annotated Code of Maryland. (5) Timely admission to the hospital when the attending physician determines acute hospital care is medically appropriate; C. Exception for Comprehensive Care Facility. Online jail inmate search miami florida. (12) Culture change facility means a nursing home where physical environment and operational changes have been made to establish person-valued and person-directed care activities and services. (6)Food and fluid intake ofresidentsis observed, and deviations from normal are recorded and reported to the: (a) Provide acontinuingin-serviceeducationprogram for all nursing service personnel; (b) Provide a thorough job orientation for new personnel; and. (2) A dumbwaiter, elevator, or ramp shall be provided in a[facility]nursing homeof more than one story where more than eight[patients]residentsabove or below the kitchen level[,]receive bedside tray service[;]. (62) Registered nurse means an individual licensed to practice as a registered nurse in this State. (1) The licensee, if not acting as an administrator, shall appoint as administrator a responsible person who is[qualified]: (a) Qualifiedby training and experience[,];and[is licensed]. In existing structures, the Departmentshallentertain requests for waivers on itemsthat: (1) Willnot endanger the health and safety ofresidents, visitors, employees, and other individualsusing the nursing home; and. (b) The nursing home has an agreement with a qualified social work consultant that provides for sufficient hours of supervision to assure that the employees services meet the medically related physical, social, and behavioral health needs of the residents. Call us at (425) 485-6059. Nursing homes that employ an individual on or before January 1, 2021 shall be exempt from the license requirement. Laurie has 1 job listed on their profile. The quality assurance plan shall include: (1) A description of the measurable criteria for ongoing monitoring of all aspects of resident care including: (b) Prevention of[decubitus]pressureulcers, dehydration, and malnutrition; (2) The methodology for[collection of]collectingdata; (3) The methodology for[evaluation]evaluatingand[analysis of]analyzingdata to determine trends and patterns; D. Patient Complaints. D. Protocol. (4) There shall be an agenda to guide meeting participants. (d) "Board" means the State Board of Nursing. In existing facilities where a physical separation is not possible, exceptions as to approved laundry facilities may be made at the discretion of the Department. (b)The transfer of any stock which results in a change of the person or persons who control the[facility]nursing home, or a 25 percent or greater change in any form of ownership interest, constitutes a sale. .44 Physical PlantHeating and Cooling. The Board waives the renewal requirements for military personnel when they are called to active duty. (2) The[facility]nursing homeshall ensure that[all]employees[who]maynotprovide services that require direct access to residents[may not provide such services]without documented evidence that the employee is free fromcommunicabletuberculosis[in a communicable form]. reporting and/or correcting unsafe working conditions, equipment repair and maintenance needs. The medical director shall actively participate in the, (1) Advising on the development and execution of an employee health program, which shall include provisions for determining that employees are free of communicable diseases according to current. The resident care management system shall. (2) CMS Manual System, Pub. I. (1)A nursing home shall be equipped with a properly maintained air conditioning system. (4) A food service floor panty shall include the following: (d) Sink for purposes other than hand washing; (e)Hand washing sink with soap dispenser and disposable paper towel dispenser; and. The Maryland Board of Nursing requires written, verified evidence of completion of the appropriate education requirements in accordance with Md. (b)Renovations of[existing]allkitchens shall be approved by the Department,which will consider modification of the minimum space requirement based on space available, costs,and type of service. (2) Describe the nursing homes plan to assure that there is an adequate amount of safe drinking water for all residents and staff for a minimum of 72 hours. (3) BedroomExisting Construction. [B. 10.34.23 Pharmaceutical Services to Patients in Comprehensive Care Facilities, Effective September 16, 2013. (f) Each living room forresidentsuse shall be provided with a sufficient number of reading lamps, tables, and comfortable chairs or sofas. A nursing home shall be protected throughout the entire building by an automatic fire extinguishing system. (ii) Office space shall be at least 110 square feet for one therapist, or 85 square feet per therapist if there are two or more. F. Charge Nurses Daily Rounds. E. Auxiliary Heat. [Facilities]A nursing homeshall maintain a permanent[patient]residentregistry in which the name of each[patient]residentis entered in chronological order with the date and number of entry. NOTE 1: 18-202 requires an administrative head of an institution (defined to include hospitals) who has reason to believe that an individual on the premises of the institution has an infectious or contagious disease (except for HIV/AIDs), to immediately submit a report to the health officer. If the resident refuses the drug or if a mistake occurs: (b) The occurrence shall be documented in the residents chart. (3) A[nurse aide]geriatricnursing assistantis deemed to satisfy the requirements of this chapter if that individual has successfully completed a training program approved by the State before July 1, 1990, or has been grandfathered under previous regulations. A If the nurse is subsequently found in violation of the Nurse Practice Act and is disciplined by the Board of Nursing, this action is then considered public information. The requirement is to tell the Board what the hospital did, not to characterize the underlying conduct. . (1)Within 2 weeks of[the]referral to specialized rehabilitative services, the rehabilitation team members shall provide[to]the attending physicianwitha written report of the evaluation, including goals and progress of the[patient]resident. Police Officer. 272, April 1995 and Transmittal No. The agreement shall provide for sufficient hours of consultation to assure that the staffs services meet the medically related social and emotional needs of the patients.]. records, Medication Administration Records (MARs) and controlled substance An occurrence of a confirmed or suspected infection shall be reported and acted on in accordance with COMAR 10.06.01 and COMAR 10.15.03. Responsibilities delegated to other staff besides the director of nursing shall have a clear delegation of authority. An investigator who is a health practitioner, police officer, educator, or human service worker, acting in a professional capacity in this State, who has reason to believe that a child has been subject to abuse, shall notify the local department or appropriate law enforcement agency. Q Who pays for the chemical dependency evaluation and the drug screens? (2) Document the verification in the residents medical record. (d)Residentsmay not occupy rooms extending below the ground level. (1) A pharmaceutical services committee, or its equivalent, shall develop written policies and procedures for safe and effective drug therapy, distribution, control, and use. Search a specific Title (will search only that title for word or codification number). (2)The[water]temperatures[in hot water bottles]in the building, hot packs, and therapeutic equipmentmay not exceed 120For 49C. [Patients]Residentsmay not be admitted or retained if, in the judgment of the attending physician, they are: [G. Admissions Procedures for Patients With Communicable Diseases. Contents of Record. (a) The nursing home shall provide residentswith theirown bed. [(2)](b)[Seventy-five]A nursing home shall allot 75square feet[shall be allotted]for treatment area per[patient]resident,based on peak treatment schedules. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. The[facility]nursing homeshall establish,implement, andmaintain[, and implement]aneffective infectionprevention andcontrol program that: (3) Maintains a record of infections in the[facility,]nursing homeand the corrective actions that were taken related to infections; and, (a) Effectiveness of the infectionprevention andcontrol program by surveying rates of infection, especially of[those residents who have an especially high risk of]infectionrates that are significantly higher than usual; and. registered nurse requirements for the Executive Director; (3) hiring and paying for an external . (b) Laundry service shall be provided to meet the residents needs. (3)As appropriate, respiratory care personnel are competent in the following: (j) Recognition of and attention to the psychosocial needs of residents and their families. Staffing. (a) Beresponsible for the control of the operation on a 24-hour basis;and[shall serve]. D. A licensee[aggrieved by]that disagrees withthe imposition of a sanction under A(1) or (5) of this regulation may appeal the Secretarys action by filing a request for a hearing in accordance with Regulation[.59].78of this chapter. An interdisciplinary team shall completeor revise as necessarya[resident specific]resident-specificcare plan for each resident within 7 calendar days following completion of[all]assessments,including: (4) Significant change in the residents condition.