Ex-military wanting to ply their tactical handiwork in return for treasure were welcomed to Mozambique to help the Portuguese military. These men were often directed to wear Rhodesian uniforms, and the South African government falsely claimed that some had volunteered for the Rhodesian Security Forces. Blisk - Official Titanfall 2 Wiki One would figure two slugs to the chest would drop the enemy fighter, but no. Thank you for your support. The Mozambique drill, originally developed by a Rhodesian mercenary, MIke Rousseau, is a standard practice drill for self defense. While Im no gunfighter and there isnt any (sane) person who wants to learn gunfighting from me, Id offer another alternative that might be more slightly attainable to more people, and which is suggested by our own Stephen Wenger based off of his decades in studying armed self-defense. There was a flurry of unrest in Mozambique. Therefore, the more difficult head shot should be used as a follow up to your double tap. |-- Topic Forums [78], The nationalists argued in their propaganda that the Rhodesian regime's need for foreign volunteers illustrated its political and military weaknesses. It is not known how many Vietnam veterans fought in Rhodesia. [46], In addition to the actual volunteers, thousands of South African Police and South African Defence Force (SADF) personnel were deployed to Rhodesia by the South African government to serve in or alongside the Rhodesian Security Forces. Seeing that the fighter was still advancing, Rousseau attempted a head shot that hit the guerrilla through the base of his neck, severing the spinal cord. For simple evaluation purposes, position a target with a V1 and V2 zone 5 yards to your front. MOZAMBIQUE DRILL.. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. They generally joined the Rhodesian Security Forces individually after seeing advertisements or after being contacted by recruiters. This bullet struck a bit low, entering the mans neck and severing his spinal cord, effectively ending the fight. He also wrote that these men were from 38 different nationalities. Portugal had ruled Mozambique for . He turned a corner and came face-to-face about 10 paces with a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. Originally, it was called the Mozambique Drill, but the more current name is Failure Drill. The Mozambique Drill[1] is a close-quarter shooting technique in which the shooter fires twice into the torso of a target (known as a double tap to the center of mass), momentarily assesses the hits, then follows them up with a carefully aimed shot to the head of the target. [67] Many of the volunteers were frustrated that they were paid only in Rhodesian dollars, as foreign banks would not process this currency and the Rhodesian government allowed no more than R$1,500 to be converted to other currencies. Copyright Ammotogo.com 2023 All Rights Reserved. [94], Many of the foreign volunteers opposed the March 1978 Internal Settlement, under which the white Rhodesian government agreed to cede power to moderate black leaders. Its a handy tool to have in your defensive tool box just in case shots to center mass dont accomplish what they are supposed to do. This led to a rapid growth in the insurgency which the security forces were unable to contain. Rhodesian officers also sought to use their networks in other militaries to attract volunteers. These two additions to the drill could make a world of difference in a real-life self-defense situation. The Rhodesians' brutal counterinsurgency tactics also proved counter-productive. After a quick assessment of the situation, Rousseau tried for a shot to the mans central nervous system. [69], Despite the Rhodesian government's claim that it did not recruit mercenaries, the British mercenary Peter McAleese was accepted into the Rhodesian Army during 1976. Hearing this story, Cooper later incorporated this three-shot drill into his program of instruction as a way to end a fight that cannot be immediately stopped with bullets fired into the chest. [75] The Rhodesian Army only learnt of Lamb's history after his death during an operation in 1976. Even better (although much more difficult), make the final shot as youre moving offline. [16], The Rhodesian Security Forces were considerably expanded over the war. [23] In 1979, the military historian John Keegan noted that foreigners made up between a quarter and a third of the strength of the RLI. [81], The British government was opposed to its citizens fighting for Rhodesia. However, in a dynamic situation, the fraction of a second it takes to assess the threat could put your life in danger. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. [36] Neil Grant gave a lower figure in 2015, stating that over 10 per cent of the unit were foreign volunteers. Jack Malloch - Wikipedia The French troops were being withdrawn from Djibouti upon that country's independence, and French intelligence agents helped facilitate their recruitment by the Rhodesian Army. The British, United States and several other governments were unable to prevent their citizens fighting for Rhodesia due to difficulties enforcing the relevant laws. List of battleships of the United States Navy, List of aircraft of the Malaysian Armed Forces, http://practicalfirearmstraining.com/reading/HandgunDrillsPDF.pdf, Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, USMC manual CMC-37R of 8 Feb 2006: METHOD OF TARGET ENGAGEMENTS. These articles frequently highlighted the experiences of Americans who were fighting in Rhodesia. Click the Go To Forum Thread link below to jump in! [89] This law can only be enforced within the United States, meaning that American citizens who enlisted to fight for Rhodesia while overseas could not be prosecuted. [34] Foreign volunteers were also offered land if they settled in Rhodesia after completing their service with the security forces. Rousseau immediately brought up his Browning HP35 pistol and fired two bullets into the target's upper chest, usually enough to incapacitate or kill outright. You fight with what you have, and at about ten paces (or five yards) Rousseau fired two 9mm rounds into the fighters chest. As he turned a corner, he encountered a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. It takes focus, determination, and plenty of practice to pull off the Mozambique Drill quickly and effectively. Failure Drill: A Proven Strategy to Stop an Attacker |-- DU Groups During the fighting, he encountered a guerrilla fighter armed with an AK-47 at . Most of its members left Rhodesia after the company was withdrawn from operations to be retrained, though some settled in Rhodesia. While engaged in fighting at the airport of Loureno Marques (modern-day Maputo), Rousseau was armed with only a Browning HP35 pistol. |-- Places Canada had similar laws to the UK, and France and New Zealand were unable to prevent their citizens from travelling to Rhodesia to fight. FRELIMO was the dominant political party in Mozambique fighting for independence from Portugal. Rousseau hit the target on either side of the sternum, usually enough to incapacitate or kill a target outright. |-- General Discussion: Presidency He was fighting in the. Mike Rousseau was a white Rhodesian mercenary engaged in combat against FRELIMO guerillas in and around the Mozambique capital of Maputo. Habah l'hargecha hashkem l'hargo -- "If someone is coming to kill you, rise against him and kill him first.". [77] Rhodesia attempted to counter the "mercenary" claim by processing the volunteers through the Department of Immigration and framing them as prospective Rhodesian citizens, though few ever applied for citizenship. Although two shots to the vitals of an attacker will stop a threat cold in most situations, it doesnt work 100 percent of the time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Cooper_%28colonel%29. Towsley on Tactical blog Archives - Bryce Towsley Facebook It sought to attract more white immigrants to the country, but from 1973 onwards the white population decreased. [46] Economic factors also influenced some of the volunteers, as they believed that the Rhodesian Security Forces offered better career prospects than those available in their home country. Id argue that if the two shots at (and hopefully in) the chest of an aggressor fails to convince him to break off his attack, then youd be better to drop your aim to fire the third shot (and perhaps fourth and fifth shots) at the pelvis next. [71] There were concerns that many of the volunteers were motivated more by a desire to fight in a war than a commitment to Rhodesia. During a fight, he bumped into a guerrilla soldier armed with an AK-47. Learn how your comment data is processed. He was fighting in the Mozambican War of Independence 1964-1974. .22 LR Self-Defense Ammo Testing - Gunpowder Magazine Mozambique Drill - Wikipedia Rousseau related the story to an acquaintance, small arms expert Jeff Cooper, founder of the Gunsite Academy shooting school, who incorporated the "Mozambique Drill" into his modern technique shooting method. A British deserter from the Rhodesian military claimed in 1976 that 2,000 of the 6,000 regular soldiers in the Rhodesian Army were British and another 100 Americans. Titanfall Blisk is working under a new long-term contract with the IMC on the Frontier, providing Combat Intel and Counterinsurgency services. Seeing that the fighter was still advancing, Rousseau attempted a head shot that hit the guerrilla through the base of his neck, severing the spinal cord. This drill was popularised by Rhodesian mercenary Mike Rousseau, during the Mozambican War of Independence, who was the inspiration for the character of Kuben Blisk. [34][62] Rhodesian recruiters told prospective Australian recruits that the cost of living was much lower in Rhodesia. 2023 Springfield Armory. Rousseau was fighting at the airport at Loureno Marques, which is now called Maputo. [8] The academic Michael Evans has written that "the Fronts world-struggle ideology was based on a conspiratorial interpretation of modern politics that emphasised virulent forms of Anglophobia, anti-communism, anti-internationalism, and anti-liberalism". Although speed is definitely one of the goals of the Mozambique Drill, it isnt nearly as important as accuracy. 50 Rounds of 185gr JHP .45 ACP Ammo by Federal - AmmoForSale.com [62] The revelations about Lamb's history embarrassed the Army and led to concerns in Rhodesia about the quality of the foreign volunteers. [60] The volunteers also received the same pay as white Rhodesians,[43] between $US 4,000 and $US 7,000 annually. Center mass is easier to hit quickly, and in most cases will effectively stop a threat. this do in honour of dead mercenaries - Democratic Underground [42] Small numbers of black ex-Flechas from Mozambique were also accepted after the end of Portuguese rule in that country; they were paid less than white soldiers. 4 Things to Do During Self-Isolation - The Shooter's Log Volume 9: EDC Digital Magazine. Aaron Cowan of Sage Dynamics takes a look at the Mozambique Drill and puts his own spin on it, suggesting for arguments sake to try firing all three shots to the head instead of two to the chest and one to the head. From the beginning, Africas indigenous people resisted. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Taken aback by the failure of his double tap to stop the threat, Rousseau took a moment, leveled his pistol at the charging mans face, and fired a third round. Silveira v. Lockyer, 2003. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. These volunteers felt that Ian Smith had betrayed white Rhodesians by signing this agreement. [9] It took pains to not be seen as racially or politically extreme, and the party's rhetoric was focused on the need to combat the perceived communist threat rather than the goal of sustaining racial superiority. A proposal by the mercenary Mike Hoare to establish an international brigade modelled on the French Foreign Legion was also rejected. The views Miss the zone, and the projectile could deflect off the bony areas of the skull without eliminating the threat. The Mozambique Drill brings together low-round count that challenges a shooter's speed, accuracy, and fundamentals. However, here we are more concerned with your shooting than tactics, because the subtle nuances of the proper tactics can vary from situation to situation. It is commonly known as a" Mozambique Drill" because it comes from a story told to Cooper from Rhodesian Mike Rousseau, a mercenary during the Mozambican War of Independence. The bullet hit the base of his attackers neck, severed the spinal cord, and stopped the fight. At least thats what Ive been told. Messages posted on the Democratic Underground Discussion Forums are the [56] The desertion rate among foreigners serving in the SAS was particularly high. These letters were closely scrutinised, as many of the men who had written them were considered "obviously nuts" by the Rhodesian Army's recruitment officer Major Nick Lamprecht. The ZAPU argued that the failure of the British and US governments to stop the flow of volunteers was a barrier to reaching a negotiated settlement with the Rhodesian government, and demanded in 1977 that this be halted. The third shot should be aimed to destroy the brain or brain stem, killing the target and preventing the target from retaliating. 2003) (Kozinski, J. [16] The academic Kyle Burke has written that some anti-government paramilitary forces in the United States draw inspiration from the volunteers, and cite them as an example when encouraging violence against African Americans. Successful applicants were then offered a rank in the security forces. Portugal had ruled Mozambique for four hundred years, had subsequent deep roots in the country, and was not leaving without a fight. Mike Rousseau was a white Rhodesian mercenary engaged in combat against FRELIMO guerillas in and around the Mozambique capital of Maputo. the opinions of Democratic Underground, LLC. They observed that the volunteers "failed in their efforts to protect the white regime, but not before they supported and contributed to a conflict that lasted fifteen years and claimed tens of thousands of lives". It kind of worked. |-- Latest Breaking News [79] Both the main nationalist groups believed that the volunteers' presence indicated that western governments supported the Rhodesian regime. However, since you wont have time to interview your attacker in the heat of the moment, the specific cause of the failure isnt important. Rousseau later related the story to an acquaintance, Jeff Cooper, who incorporated the "triple tap" or "Mozambique Drill" into his practical shooting technique. Those who were considered potentially suitable were sent information packs, and asked to supply documentation to support their application; preference was given to applicants who provided notarized documents in their response. [1][5][8][9], The Mozambique Drill was incorporated in the Gunsite curriculum from the late 1970s. Britain and the United Nations Security Council imposed wide-ranging trade and other sanctions on Rhodesia with the objective of forcing it to return to its previous status. Africa has always offered employment opportunities to those with certain skills. This little rhyme, refers to the Mozambique Drill. a close quarter tactical method of killing a target with two shots to the chest and one follow up shot to the head. All too many of the other great tragedies of history - Stalin's atrocities, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Holocaust, to name but a few - were perpetrated by armed troops against unarmed populations. [5] South Africa and Portugal provided Rhodesia with assistance, and it was able to evade the sanctions and covertly trade with many countries. There arent a lot of guarantees in a gunfight, but the Failure Drill just might be your best defense in time of need, particularly if you are facing an opponent wearing body armor. Some of the volunteers were later identified as agents of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. He also noted that the party drew on the ideas and language used by the contemporary radical right movement in the United States to justify UDI. Armed with a Browning HP35 pistol chambered in 9mm, Rousseau immediately brought up his Hi Power and shot the guerrilla twice in the chest. There is evidence that the Departments of Justice and State tacitly encouraged Americans to volunteer for Rhodesia as part of efforts to prevent the country collapsing before a negotiated solution to the war could be finalised. The. Two to the body, one to the head, is guaranteed to leave them dead.. opinions of the individuals who post them, and do not necessarily represent Rousseau told his harrowing story to Jeff Cooper, who thought that it made a darn good defensive shooting drill. Rousseau immediately performed a "double tap" maneuver, a controlled shooting technique in which the shooter makes two quick shots at the target's torso. Shooting Skills: The Mozambique-Failure Drill, Light Em Up: Home Defense Lasers and Lights. Those who were combat veterans resented being placed under the command of younger and less experienced Rhodesians. |-- Political Videos Dissecting the Mozambique Drill - Bearing Arms His third shot was low, taking out the fighters neck and spinal cord. [90] The activities of Americans in Rhodesia were widely publicised in the United States, leading to protests. The scope of these sanctions was increased over time, and included restrictions on support for its military. The need for non-Rhodesians to sustain the country's independence was also considered problematic. Mike Rousseau, a Rhodesian mercenary during the Mozambican War of Independence, was armed only with a 9mm Browning Hi-Power pistol, and he rounded a corner at Loureno Marques (now Maputo) Airport and came face-to-face with an African guerilla armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, less than 25 feet away. The volunteers frequently received a hostile response from Rhodesians in the units they were posted to, and many ended their contracts early as a result. At the start signal, draw from concealment and fire two shots into the V1 zone and one shot into the V2 zone as fast as you can do so without missing either zone. The Rhodesian government attempted several strategies to address these shortages. You have entered an incorrect email address! If any of your three shots miss, you have failed the drill. Today, with the proliferation of zombies in our culture, it could be called the zombie drill or zombie check, because a head shot is the only way to kill a zombie. Rousseau immediately brought up his Browning HP35 pistol and fired two bullets into the target's upper chest, usually enough to incapacitate or kill outright. [58], Foreign volunteers who were accepted were required to swear an oath of loyalty to Rhodesia, and the Rhodesian government considered them to be members of the security forces rather than mercenaries. Engaged in a firefight at an airport in Lourenco Marques, Rousseau encountered a guerilla fighter armed with an AK-47. According to the anecdotal history, the technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau, engaged in the Mozambican War of Independence (1964-1974). It was finished in 1980 and published in 1991. [23], The expansion of the security forces, increasing battle casualties and a decline in the white population due to high rates of emigration led to serious shortages of white personnel that greatly hindered the Rhodesian war effort. In 1977 the pretender to the Albanian throne, Leka I, asked the Rhodesian government to train a battalion of Albanians that he hoped to recruit. A former police ofcer and serviceman with the U.S. Army, Richard A. Mann is one of the most well-respected rearms authorities writing on the subject today. Rousseau had a pistol. This is an effective way to stop a threat that isnt immediately stopped by two shots to the bodys center mass. [4][12] The resistance to the Rhodesian regime was dominated by two black nationalist movements, the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) and the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU). The more we all know, the better organized and stronger the shooting and hunting community will be. Rousseau was carrying his Browning HP35 pistol when he turned a corner and found himself face-to-face with a guerilla armed with an AK-47. The most effective way is two easy shots to the attackers center of mass, then assess the target. An accurate shot to the T-zone (the area between the eyebrows and upper lip, also called the ocular cavity) damages the brain and central nervous system and secures instant incapacitation of the target. Relying on instinct and training, Rousseau delivered a double tap to the combatants chest with his Browning Hi Power pistol and, Upon hearing the story of Rousseaus encounter, Cooper incorporated a three-shot drill into his training at the famous, . [29] Advertisements were also placed in other American magazines, including Shotgun News and Shooting Times. He offered Rhodesia the services of these men after they completed training, though he intended to eventually use them to retake Albania. The so-called Mozambique Drill (two shots to the chest, one to the head) was actually developed by accident by Rhodesian mercenary Mike Rousseau during the War of Independence in Mozambique when two pistol shots to the torso failed to bring down an enemy guerrilla. The Mozambique drill is performed for both accuracy and time. Click Two American ex-Marine deserters from the Forces who robbed jewelry stores in Salisbury, while carrying stolen Uzis, were involved in a shoot-out with authorities at the South African border. The drill was inspired by an incident encountered by Rhodesian mercenary Mike Rousseau during the Mozambican War of Independence (1964 to about 1974). [15], Foreigners with far right beliefs were often sympathetic to the Rhodesian cause during the war. Before it was even a drill, it was actual shots fired in a gunfight. Rousseauarmed onyl with a pistolturned a corner and encountered an enemy. [102] He also wrote the novel Crippled Eagles which was based on the experiences of American volunteers. He is a contributing editor to numerous gun-enthusiast magazines and websites, including Combat Handguns, Black Guns, Gun Tests, Gun Digest, Gun World, Ballistic, range365.com, SHOT Business, and others. [30] As a result, White has observed that the volunteers were typically more willing to fight and even die for the ideology of the Rhodesian Front party than for Rhodesia itself. in 1978, he was the final recipient of the Rhodesian civil Independence Commemorative Decoration for services rendered to the country.