They can provide a more economical alternative to private car use and enable access to opportunities and flexibility that cannot otherwise be gained. This will include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and. A Technical Guidance document will be prepared to accompany the local plan to set out how the policy requirements of the Climate Change Policy can be achieved. Life expectancy varies considerably across South Gloucestershire. It is proposed that the policy looks at a zoning approach to allow for reduced car parking provision in areas which are demonstrably well connected with ample opportunities for walking and cycling access to key services and facilities as well as good public transport provision. This Council Plan is ambitious, particularly given the pressure that has been placed on budgets, the uncertainty in the economy, and the very real impacts for those who have found themselves unemployed or facing six months away from education. In addition to contributions, the Council may also require packages of community benefits to be provided by the developer to offset and compensate the community for the burden imposed by hosting the project. This will help applicants understand how the policy requirements fit together and what information is necessary to demonstrate how the policies will be satisfied. In terms informing of the LPAs role, other emerging Local Plan 2020 policies sets out an overarching framework for the decommissioning and restoration of the Oldbury site against which pre-application advice and planning consents will be considered, and will also help inform the Councils response to any consultations on consents, licenses or permits from other organisations. Key drivers informing consideration of new planning policies and approaches include: As we begin considering what policies might need to eventually replace the Core Strategy and PSP, we start by discussing the range of issues facing South Gloucestershire. Good quality and positive existing trees and vegetation should be retained and protected; c) Where appropriate, well-located, attractive, and safe open spaces and play areas, which enhance social interaction and which offer opportunities for formal and informal play and rest, should be provided; d) Where appropriate, site-specific public art features are provided, in order to add visual and cultural interest, and to create a connection to the sites history, existing landscape or built qualities; e) Boundary treatments and any interfaces between public and private areas are robust and built to be long-lasting, define the public realm, clearly establish the difference between public and private spaces, and avoids small areas of incidental open spaces; and. To help satisfy Clause 1a, reference should be made to emerging Local Plan Policy Creating well-designed places which provides detail on requirements for energy conservation and sustainable design, and climate resilience. Further updates and evidence will be added to this page to support production of the new Local Plan. High quality and fast digital infrastructure will be expected in new development, the expectation and criteria of which will be contained in a proposed new policy Digital Connectivity & Broadband, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan 2020. Where we hope to develop policies covering new topics, this is also indicated. 19% of the population are aged over 65, which is expected to increase to 21% by 2043. SavingsBy 2024, we will have made over 102m in annual savings. We host key junctions for five motorways, both Severn crossings, have high speed rail lines to London and South Wales and have a large international port and airport nearby. Given the nature and scale of many NSIPs, it is likely that the full range of topics under the Environmental Impact Assessment regulations will need to be considered. Introduction: A great place to live, work and visit, How we will work: People, Place, Partnership, How we will measure performance: What it will look like, improving our resilience to climate change, enabling development of renewable and low carbon energy supplies, protecting and restoring our natural environment and encouraging greater bio-diversity. It should set out the overall parameters for the future evolution of the site, including: a) The existing, interim and end states for the site,:b) An outline phasing and timetable for worksc) The location and scale of existing and proposed structures, buildings, voids, boundary treatments and any proposals for their retention or modification,d) Demolition proposals both above and below ground;e) Proposals for new or changed earthworks, hardstanding or changes to land use and /or external appearance, including restoration where buildings are removed;f) Any locations, proposals and protection measures for onsite waste treatment, management and/or disposal of all types;g) The design approaches for new and altered buildings, structures and open areas,h) Strategic landscape and biodiversity proposals, including the management and or restoration of the mosaic of semi-natural and Priority Habitats for the benefit of protected Species across the Magnox estate, including the reinstatement of Lagoon 3 as open water for birds species associated with the estuary. All individual dwellings with one or more dedicated parking spaces or garage must include provision for 7Kw (32 amp) charging infrastructure suitable for charging an electric or other ultra-low emission vehicle. Broadly, this new approach aims to optimise development sites, by making more efficient use of land in sustainable urban locations, as required by paras 122 and 123 of the NPPF. It does not address the emissions that come from the construction phase of the development or the transport movements generated by a development. Go to South Gloucestershire Council. Search the register of planning decisions We've matched the postcode to South Gloucestershire Council . The criteria and expectations in relation to the use of resources, materials and re-use of buildings will be contained in a proposed new policy Sustainable Design and Construction, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan 2020. These shifting patterns make it more important to create well-designed living environments, with good storage spaces, natural light and views, with access to a range of quality private and public open spaces and public realm. It also requires, where any residual carbon emissions remain, contributions towards carbon offsetting projects in the local area. New policies might evolve from existing policies, or cover entirely new issues and topics. Decommissioning of nuclear sites and release from regulation July 2018, Planning Portal definition of Proximity Principle. Any good-quality existing surface materials, boundary treatments and street furniture have, wherever possible, been retained in situ. 2.6 A Stroud District Local Plan Transport Group was set up in 2017 to progress partnership working on the Stroud District Local Plan transport matters. We want to make sure that where our new Local Plan can tackle the issues and address priorities for the area, we have effective policies in order to do so. The Local plan includes policies for deciding planning applications in Bristol. 23. Proposals for waste management or disposal should form an integral part of the strategic decommissioning masterplan for the Oldbury site, in accordance with emerging Local Plan 2020 policy. Mechanisms therefore need to be put in place to accommodate flexibilities while also ensuring that mitigation measures can be adapted or modified to address any impacts arising from those changes. We would like your feedback on whether we have provided the correct range of policies that we will need in the future to guide development and create exceptional places and spaces within existing and new communities. You can read more in the Action Plans 7 11 document. This form of parking solution will therefore only be acceptable where significant and direct overlooking from habitable rooms of properties is provided and where other more secure solutions are not possible due to site constraints. An improving picture at secondary level. Mineral Extraction, Working and Restoration, 11. This process should allow for some flexibility to support innovative design approaches and be based on the most positive character elements found in the area. Creating sustainable rural villages and settlements, Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches. Coastal change), Flood zone 3 across the Levels EA requirements for levels of protection for NNB Potential for development to increase risk elsewhere Existing flood risk in local settlements, To address flood risk problems at Oldbury on Severn and the Levels Contribute to delivery of the Shoreline Management Plan, Theme: Transport, including for example: construction materials, equipment, abnormal indivisible loads and workers, Unsuitability of much of the local road network for the volumes and scale of NNB vehicles The safety, amenity and access needs of local communities Congestion and capacity issues on the Strategic Road network, including motorway junctions The environmental sensitivity of the locality Emergency access requirements in times of flood, Utilise non-road transport solutions including sea and rail The use of temporary transport infrastructure Capturing worker movements where they will result in least impact on the road network Maximising use of public transport, cycling and walking Separation, control and enforcement of necessary NNB road traffic and parking from the local road network Addressing congestion on the strategic road network increase capacity at local motorway junctions Contribute to delivery of JLTP, through legacy transport links and Park and Ride/ Park and Share facilities, For operational reasons construction workers may need to be accommodated on site Location of NNB site in Flood Zone 3 (see above) Significant proportion of workers may seek functional low-cost accommodation Potential commuting zone up to 90 minutes Pressure on local private rented sector Limited tourist accommodation in South Glos. Ensuring local communities are not unbalanced or overwhelmed, Workforce surveys during construction could enable mitigation adjustments if needed Contributing legacy in terms of:o Serviced sites or housing in line with the Local Plan and Housing Market Assessmento Amenity or recreational facilities for community use, Theme: Environment (archaeology & historic environment, landscape & visual, ecology), Large scale NNB construction in environmentally sensitive Severn Levels and Estuary International, national and local biodiversity and heritage designations and assets A currently tranquil landscape with dark skies Requirement for Habitats Regulations Assessment Delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain Historic Levels landscape with high archaeological potential Extensive PRoW network including the Severn Way Even with rigorous approaches to impact avoidance / mitigation, significant residual impacts are likely Advance archaeological, biodiversity and visual assessments to inform site selection and planning, Maximise the use of brown field land at the existing power station to minimise both use of green fields and visual impact Advance landscape and biodiversity works to minimise NNB construction impacts Off-site compensatory habitat creation and planting to contribute to biodiversity networks and mitigate visual impact Phasing to restore land and habitat as soon as it is no longer needed for construction purposes, Although nuclear power generation is low carbon, construction methods vary in sustainability Need to ensure climate change resilience (see also Flooding theme above) Adjacent nuclear decommissioning and NNB sites. Planning applications and development South Gloucestershire is a fast growing area, we are committed to creating more and better places to live and work. Strategic travel and transport schemes, 15. e) Good internal storage has been provided, which meets the expected day-to-day needs of a range of potential occupiers, by designing new homes and community facilities which as a minimum meet the Nationally Described Space Standard (or replacement of it). We will enable a low carbon, climate and ecologically resilient district through our policies, programmes, and decision-making. The development plan sets out the policies and proposals for the development and use of land in South Gloucestershire. 4) Nature and public spacesBelow ground provision for trees within public realm, such as root protection and growth systems, is often needed to ensure the proper growth and longevity of the tree. In recognition of the burden and disturbance borne by the community in hosting some Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects, the Council will where appropriate require packages of community benefits to be provided by the developer to offset and compensate the community for the burden imposed by hosting the project. Minimise cooling demand by reducing internal heat gains e.g. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, 7. Option 1 requires residential development to reduce carbon emissions from regulated energy use by 100%. Supporting the aspirations of our diverse communities is at the heart of our plans and we will engage with you and your community to identify and help meet your current and future needs, so that everyone can have their voices heard. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? National Policy Statement (NPS) EN-6 identifies an approximately 150 hectare (ha) site near Oldbury on Severn as being potentially suitable for the development of a nuclear new build power station (NNB). 2. The masterplan, including any necessary revisions, and individual proposals should seek to minimise impact on and maximise benefits and positive legacy for communities, the economy and the environment, including by: Securing sustainable and beneficial use and/or reuse and restoration of the site in terms of both interim and end states; and Protecting the site for high quality employment uses and/or green energy related uses in both in the near and longer term, while also: Ensuring that both the proposed works and their timing avoids impact on biodiversity designations and protected species, and where possible restoring, enhancing and managing Priority Habitats; Reinstating the habitat value of lagoon 3 for bird species associated with the designations on the Severn Estuary Conserving and where appropriate enhancing landscape character and visual amenity of the site and the locality including views across the local and wider landscape and estuary; Undertaking detailed archaeological and geoarchaeological assessment and investigation, recording and publication where development may impact on buried archaeological and environmental remains; Protecting the routes and amenity of the Severn Way and other PRoW links; Ensuring that any associated transport proposals are effectively controlled to avoid impact on local communities and ensure the safety of other road users; Demonstrating resilience to climate change and any increase in flood risk. Set out whether a carbon offsetting contribution is required to mitigate any remaining carbon emissions. The following policy therefore addresses only the planning aspects of radioactive waste proposals. Voter ID will be required at South Gloucestershire Council's local elections on May 4 (Image: PA) A row broke out over the Government's 'rushed and ill-conceived' new law . A set of short videos explaining the preparation of, and how you can get involved in shaping our new Local Plan 2020 for South Gloucestershire. 1. A strong commitment to equality of opportunity, value for money and transitioning to a low carbon future will flow through everything we do and will form the basis of an overarching plan developed with our key local partners. The timing of this Council Plan is important as we put in place the support and investment to re-ignite our powerful and innovative economy, and make our places safe, attractive, and sustainable for future generations. What are strategic and non-strategic policies? Localism. To do this, we have set out an overarching policy on climate change, which aims to ensure that climate change is considered at the beginning of the decision making process when the concept of a new development, including its location and design, is considered. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? role as consultee on the DCO and the preparation of a Local Impact Report;iii. But we have also drawn on the opportunities that have emerged from the emergency response to the pandemic in looking forward to the new norm; identifying new and better ways to keep residents informed, and working with individuals and groups who have stepped up during this time to help communities play an active role in finding local answers to local issues. Magnox is undertaking an ongoing programme of decommissioning. Local Plan 2.1 diagram South Gloucestershire Plan Area 16 4.1 diagram Cotswolds Area of Outstanding 43 Natural Beauty 4.2 diagram Coastal Zone 46 4.3 diagram Forest of Avon 48 4.4 diagram Severn Levels 62 4.5 diagram Approximate Areas of Major Aquifers 75 4.6 diagram Areas of Flood Risk - Rivers 82 5.1 diagram Green Belt in South Gloucestershire 96 The Council has identified ten themes and associated issues, constraints and opportunities relevant to: the development of sustainable and integrated proposals for a NNB development, and the minimisation of impacts on our local communities and environment, and the maximisation of positive outcomes, community benefits and legacy. The policy must also acknowledge and reflect that we are in a period of transition, and help support the process of moving from established practices to the new approaches which will better support our sustainability objectives in the medium and longer term. Oldbury A station Decommissioning, 55. On-site measures should be prioritised over carbon offsetting payments. Economic health South Gloucestershires Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2018 was 12,865m, ranking us 11th highest GDP of all local authorities in England outside of London. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? A Community Impact Assessment will also be required in order to bring together and assess individual and cumulative impacts on existing communities and to inform the development and timely implementation of appropriate management and mitigation measures. In addition, changes being proposed by the Planning White Paper may alter how these policies are progressed, as national guidance and legislation is amended. The wider environmental benefits referred to in Clause 1b include carbon dioxide reduction. Mitigation primarily means minimising greenhouse gas emissions from the development. It will be important therefore to assess the predicted impacts of the project over time, in order to determine either their acceptability or whether additional control measures and/or mitigation are required. You can also register for updates by The changes to the Order specifically relates to the way that retail, employment and leisure uses are classified. This is also supported by existing information on vehicles ownership and use in South Gloucestershire gathered through the 2011 census, however it is recognised that this was gathered nine years ago and a new census is due in 2021. Given the proximity of Oldbury A and the proposed NNB site, and the potential for close interrelationships between multiple factors, the Council will continue to work with the Nuclear Decommissioning Agency, the operators of Oldbury A and NNB promoters in respect of decommissioning plans and the potential for integration with NNB. ecological crisis and inequalities within South Gloucestershire. 25. 4) Nature and public spacesDevelopment proposal(s) will be expected to protect and enhance the natural environment and its features of landscape, nature conservation, heritage, or amenity value, particularly in the AONB, in and around designated national and local sites. The Local Plan 2020 will shape our district for the next 15 years. Saved Policy CS4 Renewable or Low Carbon District Heat Networks will be addressed too. This policy must work in combination with other aspects of the plan and also changes likely to happen outside of planning. The Council proposes a new approach to parking standards that better reflects the changes that we need to make in how we live and work in the future in order for us to live more sustainably. Locals have their say on where Bristol's boundaries end Bradley Stoke Bookmark New train station. This current policy applies a district wide standard for bicycle and car parking spaces for residential properties. The Keep it Local principle will see us commissioning more services and support from local voluntary and community groups who are best placed to support a new community conversation. Housing developments must be tenure blind/inclusive, with the same attention to detail and use of high-quality materials and boundary treatments used in affordable housing provision as market housing. An appropriately governed Community Fund should be established to provide positive financial support for projects that improve the amenity, accessibility and social infrastructure of the Oldbury site environs. 1) Context and IdentityPara 127 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires that developments are, sympathetic to local character and history, including the surrounding built environment and landscape setting, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation or change (such as increased densities).. The location, site planning, layout and design parameters for construction operations and all NNB related buildings, infrastructure, and mitigation measures avoids, minimises, mitigates or compensates for community, economic, and environmental impacts on the local and wider area, both in the short and longer term. The Phase 2 consultation ran from 7 February 2022 to 4 April 2022. The provision of electric vehicle charging in South Gloucestershire will be especially important for more rural areas where access to other modes of transport will be limited. Joint Local Transport Plan | BETA - South Gloucestershire Council Joint Local Transport Plan Transport planning is led by the West of England Combined Authority working with the four. We hope to consult you on a fuller range of policies in 2021. Low levels of unemployment in March 2020, 2.6% of the economically active population (16 and over) were unemployed, below the sub-regional (West of England) and national (England) averages (both 3.9%). The provisions and requirements set out in this policy will ensure all development meets a high level of design quality, addresses the Climate Emergency and leads to more sustainable development, places and spaces. As a council We Care. Good public transport provision relates to a close / walkable distance to bus stops and or railway stations; frequency of services; locations that are served by the routes including key destinations and facilities not found locally, and journey times to those destinations and facilities. We need to make sure that any current private and on-street parking provision is designed so that it can relatively easily be repurposed if the need for it diminishes. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? It will include where. Our Local Strategic Partnership will have a particularly prominent role on those issues which require a joined-up approach across multiple partners, most notably in tackling the Climate Emergency, our ambitions to enhance educational attainment and in closing the inequality gap, Priority 1 Creating the best start in life for our children and young people. South Gloucestershire Council is in the process of developing a new Local Plan, which is the top-level planning document for the district, which establishes where we do and don't want to. It should be noted that the decommissioning of Oldbury will also potentially result in other hazardous wastes such as asbestos which will require disposal at a hazardous landfill site. Magnox applies the Waste Hierarchy , Best Available Technique (BAT) and Best Environment Practice (BEP) to manage the waste from its nuclear liabilities. In establishing a character or identity of a development, the surrounding context is important to consider and reference. You can read more in the Action Plans 17 20 document. Pro-actively address issues of public concern both actual and perceived. Ensure dovetailing of arrangements between the Magnox and NNB sites. Consider NNB Emergency Planning in the context of development proposals for the surrounding area. South Gloucestershire is well placed to take advantage of these opportunities, and is working with the other West of England authorities to achieve resilient, healthy, communities, an enriched environment, and a successful low carbon economy. Current Parking Standards in South Gloucestershire can be found in the Policies, Sites and Places Plan PSP16 Parking Standards with elements in the Core Strategy policy CS8 and further detail in the Residential Parking Supplementary Planning Document. This means that where radioactive waste generation cannot be avoided or minimised at source, it will be disposed of in accordance with the relevant national policy and strategies. New technology, different attitudes and direction from national policy means a new approach can be explored to help meet the numerous challenges that continue to face South Gloucestershire. Clauses 2 and 3 of the policy set out specific on-site requirements. It guides the future use and management of land in South Gloucestershire. The 10 characteristics (except built form and movement) have been grouped into related pairs: 1) Context local and wider context, heritage, local history and culture, 2) Identity creating and responding to local character and identity, 3) Built form compact development, appropriate building types and forms, destinations, 4) Movement integrated networks for all travel modes, hierarchy of streets, parking and utilities, 5) Nature green open spaces, landscape variety, play, water management, biodiversity, 6) Public spaces well-located and attractive spaces, safety, social interaction, 7) Uses uses mix, range of home tenures, types and sizes, socially inclusive, 8) Homes & buildings healthy, comfortable and safe, external amenity, detailing, waste provision, 9) Resources energy hierarchy, materials and techniques, maximise resilience, 10) Lifespan management and maintenance, adaptability, evolving technologies, sense of ownership. Development within Existing Residential Curtilages, including Extensions and New Dwellings, 36. In 2004, 21 South Gloucestershire areas rated in the most deprived 20% nationally against at least one domain of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation. Accelerating the decarbonisation and decentralisation of the energy system in the UK is essential to mitigating climate change. Do you think there are any other issues? Consequently, Option 2, policy which requires residential development to reduce carbon emissions from regulated and unregulated energy use by 100%, is also presented. Where we have emerging draft policies to share at this early stage, we have provided this in this table too.