It is a well planned and logical progression of chapters and topics. It contains accurate references to the Trump presidency. In general, I am impressed by the amount of thought and research that has gone in to preparing this edition. These aren't things I ever bother with in textbooks, so I have no opinion about whether they are useful or not in this case. There is little to nothing lost compared to a mainstream textbook. I have detected nothing in the text that could be considered culturally insensitive or offensive. read more. Perhaps the next addition could include an index listing the section number of those various tools to make it easier for students to find. The headings and subheadings are appealing and provide the students with direction about what is coming next. The book is actually slightly longer and denser than other texts I have assigned for an introductory course in American government. I wish the footnotes included links back to main text. There are even two chapters on public policy, which many basic textbooks omit. This textbook does a nice job covering women Chapter 7, especially in regards to elections. Gerrymandering and redistricting is continually evolving. Chapter Tests and Lesson Quizzes:Printed blackline master booklet of Lesson Quizzes and Chapter Tests includes all the editable tests available online. Not a major issue for $40, but annoying. The book covers all of the basic components of American government. The structural framework of the chapters maintains a similar design throughout. I did not see too much passive tense. The book is internally consistent. It's nice to have them in one place, and not all other textbooks do that. The book is actually slightly longer and denser than other texts I have assigned for an introductory course in American American Government is a very comprehensive textbook. Reviewed by Angie Hull, Assistant Teaching Professor, MOBIUS on 1/15/19, Comprehensive in terms of concepts and how they related to current ideas. This coverage emphasizes and links back to the section of the text on Civic Engagement. I imagine the authors are planning to update every two years and it should be relatively simple to add/subtract topical material without substantial modifications to the foundational text. If anything, as I noted above, breaking chapters into even more sections or sub-dividing those sections would enhance the ability of the instructor to chunk material. The text then moves through its substantive topics in a coherent manner with useful transitions between topics. p. 136, in which only a small fraction of the page is filled with an external link) , though if you are not strictly concerned with minimizing page count or aesthetics, this is feature rather than a bug, as it reduces the need for thing like including figures on a page with unrelated text to maximize efficient spacing. Although it lacks some of the additional material that other traditional textbooks provide (i.e., more information on judicial decision-making or constitutional interpretation), the text accomplishes its goal--to provide a clear and accessible overview of the American political process. The writing is clear and accessible to an introductory-level undergraduate reader. United States Government Our Democracy Chapter 1 PDF Book Details . While the textbook references race, ethnicity, gender, and other identities in expected chapters like Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, and even the Media, overall the textbook offers a limited approach to identity politics in the context of American politics and government. Plus, they blend with the gray boxes of the same color that are often used, otherwise effectively, to present case studies or specific examples. read more. Electoral case studies provide for a story within a history. For example in the discussion on the writers influencing the colonies toward revolution, Locke, no doubt an important writer, is presented while many others could have been highlighted. read more. [et al.] This organization allows instructors and students to easily reference particular sub-units of content. I am not sure about the process of updates though and I suspect that within one or two years the book will need a refresh. Reviewed by Nicholas Goedert, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech on 6/20/17, The text is impressively comprehensive, both with respect to its range of coverage and depth of discussion of each topic. Please read our Terms of Use and Privacy Notice before you explore our Web site. For example, what were free people color doing while such issues as Shay Rebellion and debates about military involvement in the Revolutionary War were going on . Introduction, Consitution, Federalism, Civil Rights and Liberties, Parties and Ideology, Opinion and Media, Congress, President, Courts, state and local, and International Affairs. It includes the entire student text along with a variety of planning and instructional support for the print and digital resources. read more. V. Democracy (pp. There seems to be a great emphasis on students and the system, as indicated in Part 1, and civic engagement more generally. References are balanced--not exclusively conservative or liberal--and include non-partisan resources.This text appears to be carefully edited and reviewed. This topic will require frequent updating. Overall, this is a solid choice in terms of comprehensiveness. My only critique of the book is that the sections on Congress, the presidency, and the court system appear later on in the textbook. Other similar books dive too deeply for my purposes into the minutiae of government without providing concepts or making those concepts too academic sounding. Each module is self-contained with its own summaries, key terms, assessments, and suggestions for further study. Right from the start is an engaging "What is Government" and "Who governs" introductory sections, followed by excellent descriptions of our constitutional backgrounds and developments, and next the originality and purpose of our federal system of government. Logical and standard fare. The foundational building blocks of the republic that are provided are similar to the last 1. - A timely set of examples, nicely updated through the beginning of the Trump presidency. The text is culturally sensitive and consistently makes use of examples that are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, backgrounds, etc. The examples used throughout the text are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, genders, and backgrounds. The text is highly segmented, which may seem overwhelming at first, but flows in a way that makes sense. I was quite impressed with this textbook, and have made plans to adopt it next year. The images and charts used in the book help clarify the concepts very well. The material is not overly self-referential. I really like that a section on state and local government is included. Building Democracy for All is an interactive, multimodal, multicultural, open access e-book for teaching and learning key topics in United States Government and Civic Life. The textbook content and organization is consistent throughout. A chapter on State and Local government is also included as a useful addition. He was our longest-serving president and also our best. read more. The text and figures were attractive and easy to navigate. PDF TEXT: United States Government: Democracy in Action US GOVERNMENT I have also discovered no instances in which the presentation seems unduly slanted or biased. I really like that a section on state and local government is included. In addition, some of the information on the map can be confusing for students: the UK is a monarchy and a democracy; and some countries that appear as democracies are transitioning to democracy or are really autocracies. While I am echoing this notion from a previous review, I did find it to be true that Kurtz et al. This book does a much better job of bringing these groups in than some other texts I have seen. And a printed version is also available for those who prefer it (including me!) Solid end of chapter educational aids are provided. Recent elections and the up to date makeup of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches are provided, along with the most recent as possible statistical aspects of our bureaucracy. The textbook covers all the essential parts of American government. But that does not render it an invalid tool. Oak Meadow Website . The chapter organization was not revolutionary but logical and familiar. Also, the map on page 15 lists Russia as a representative democracy. Might be using this text in the spring of 2020, Reviewed by Amedee George, Professor, SUNO on 4/23/19, The chapters in the Kurtz et al e-book covers all relevant chapters of American Government and even offers chapters on Foreign policy, Domestic policy and State and Local government. The writing is clear and concise. 5.0. I did not see anything that I would say is not accurate, as much as a couple items that need to be updated, but that is discussed below. Basics of American Government - University of North Georgia Of course, whenever there are big changes on the Supreme Court or in the American governmental structure updates would need to be made. The text covers exactly what an introduction to political science/government textbook should cover. The text is highly relevant for students studying American government and politics today and will serve students well in subsequent years without seeming obsolete. This . Understanding Economics. However, the editorial voice of the textbook is less clear than some alternatives from commercial publishers. has on the daily lives of each and every American, motivating students to become active participants in all aspects of our political system, and helping overcome the I did not notice anything offensive, but the textbook could be updated in the future on the topic of transgender individuals. The accuracy of this text is equivalent or higher than any introductory text I am familiar with. You can use that resource if you would . There are minor mistakes in some of the tables and figures, too. The text was easily navigable and the Index, search function, and drop-down menus in the Table of Contents functioned seamlessly. The United States has a complex government system. I suspect some will like this placement and others not, it is likely a matter or preference, but is worth noting. Origins of American Government Articles of Confederation Power Point Note Packet. The highlighting of key terms and the examples that are provided are helpful. "in order to" was overused. Offers many examples and insights to a wide variety of political views and cultures. In the balance, I recognize the critiques above may not sound like the book is a good resource. The canonical terms of introductory American Government are present and defined adequately. Examples used are inclusive of a variety of races, ethnicities, and gender. For the most part, you could move around chapters if not sections. In terms of content, the textbook has all the chapters one normally expects from an introductory American Government textbook. AP United States Government and Politics - AP Students - College Board Sometimes it is used in plural sense, but most often used in the singular sense. Reviewed by Eileen Feldman, Instructor, Bunker Hill Community College on 11/20/20, This text, American Government 2e by Krutz and Waskiewicz, covers all areas and ideas of the subject appropriately beginning with the origins of each political construct, through its evolution in America, and trends into the future. Although this book is culturally sensitive, I challenge the authors to do more. In reviewing the table of contents, I found the book has a logical flow that begins with defining what government is and then proceeds to provide information on the critical subjects of our American Government by Glenn Krutz covers a lot of ground. The text is academic, yet accessible. Even though the publishing date is 2019, however, many of the charts, maps, graphs, pictures, and statistics in general are from 2015 or earlier. Overall, the content is up to date. It would be useful to have the endnotes at the end of the chapters. Fifth, Page 338 discusses the Electoral College as the reason for a two-party system, but the explanation given does not explain why the Electoral College is one of the main reasons why there is an entrenched two-party system. The writers also relied on tons of well-referenced outside sources that can easily be reorganized and incorporated into additional units. Because of the texts design, I believe that it will be a manageable task to keep it up to date. Elazar is a bit dated to present as useful fact (14.2) Many Supreme Court Justices do not regard the Court systems as the guardians of individual rights, but reserve this right to Congressthe Court, in their eyes, is there only to enforce laws that are made, whether right or wrong, so long as they are strictly in concordance with the Constitution. My concern about the text are the hyperlinks and how they are integrated within the content. Issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, and class are addressed in appropriate ways. The internal structure of individuals chapters is clear and logical. It is such a long and comprehensive textbook that possibly it might suffer from not having a clear and overriding theme. The United States Government Manual. Different perspectives of complex issues are presented. I suspect students will read the chapters as rather lengthy. I find it useful assigning my students questions based on discussions in various sections of chapters. In 1988, the U.S. Senate paid tribute with a resolution 3 that said . My preferred text, The Logic of American Politics (Kernell et al. read more. I found it very appropriate for undergraduates. Well, longevity is a tough matter for this kind of text. There is also a Link to Learning in each module that guides readers to content related updates that are available online. Again, the sections of the book include origins of the republic (in this case called "Students and the System"), individual action, collective action, formal institutions and government output. But as with any American government textbook, this information will need to be periodically updated. Useful explanation with visual of common goods & excludability; unitary, federation and confederation; contents/concepts of Constitutional amendments. It covers all the bases of an Introduction to American Government and then some. Generally, I don't think my critique of the modularity poses a problem for the use of this text. Although the disinclination students sometimes feel toward politics is examined , the many and various avenues to address grievances or engage in government enterprises are the centerpiece of the book's mission. read more. I would have preferred more of this, but the book was adequate in this regard. One of the first things that I check when reviewing any textbook is the organization of the information in the table of contents for its structure. For every chapter a special effort could be made to fully integrate the experiences and writings of people of color. It offers an excellent collection of concepts and ideas useful to political science students. Finally, the "further reading" section is missing major works. Nearly every chapter has classic and current concepts to understand the evolution and development of institutions. It was quite easy to use. Textbooks Submitted By: Daproim Africa Proofread By: Daproim Africa Usage Restrictions: This is a copyrighted book. This is one of the pluses of this text. Each requires students to open up these extended opportunities for more information but in my opinion slides into information "overload" dimensions. The text, while voluminous, should be readily understandable to the typical student. How the Iroquois Great Law of Peace Shaped U.S. Democracy I was actually surprised at the 'updatedness" of the book. Students first learn what constitutes a government. The writing appears to be objective and factually correct. Milestone Documents. I also liked very much the "exercises" section allowing "assessment of learning." The book seems to presume knowledge of the concept based on preceding chapters. Some texts may cover only one additional chapter other than the I note there is a link to the homepage of those repositories in the text. As other agents of socialization dont seem to educate students in how essential their participation is to a healthy democratic system, any text that emphasizes and provides easy ways to engage in politics is welcome. Reviewed by Nicole Kalaf-Hughes, Assistant Professor, Bowling Green State University on 2/1/18, The text covers all areas that one would expect from an introduction to American Government textbook. There is an additional chapter on State & Local government aside from the chapter on federalism - which offers An innovative inclusion is that, in addition to the standard chapter on federalism, American Government (2e) also includes a separate chapter (14) on State and Local Governments. Not every one covers Civil Rights and Liberties or Foreign and Domestic Policy, but this text does offer a chapter on each of those. It is one of the few textbooks that offers colored images in it. Very well done. However domestic and foreign policy are rushed at the end while lobbyists and other peripheral topics enjoy a more central position. American Government and Civic Engagement, entire unmodified textbook can be accessed here on OpenStax, SLED (Statewide Library Electronic Doorway), "Slave Streets, Free Streets" - Virtual Tour of Baltimore, c. 1815, World War I: Why Young Men Wanted to Go To War. The deeper learning tools like Middle Ground and so forth allow the reader to learn more about a specific concept using a real world application and should provide the instructor with a ready-made activity that will more actively engage the student be it in an online or seated class. Reviewed by Hyokyung Kwak, Assistance Professor, College of Charleston on 9/19/21, This textbook covers all the main topics need for American government 101. I would reduce the number of "in order to" and replace with "to" in many sentences. It is only mentioned in the chapter on civil rights. I plan to use this textbook in my first year Intro to American Government & Politics classes and will use the State & Local chapter in that class. In this textbook, I was pleased with both. According to Yale professor Juan Jos Linz there are three main types of political systems today: democracies, totalitarian regimes and, sitting between these two, authoritarian regimes . Wish contents would take me straight to the chapter I click. Reviewed by Amanda Sink , Senior Lecturer , UNCG on 12/5/16, It covers all the areas that may be taught in an American Government intro class. Product details Publisher : McGraw Hill; 1st edition (August 11, 2014) Language : English . Do away with elections and democracy itself might be saved, argues Alexander Guerrero. Faculty are used to getting free copies of texts. United States Government; Our Democracy, c 2018, 9780076681136 Even worse, most of the Domestic Policy chapter is a theoretical discussion of policy; the only substantive area that gets much coverage is budgeting and tax policy (section 16.5). I can see myself using this textbook in the future. There are areas where graphics examples could be updated; a few of the federalism chapter charts are using 2014 data. In addition to the readings at the end of the book like The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and Federalist #10 and Federalist #51, the textbook includes links to other readings and primary source documents to supplement the material. If the candidate fails to achieve 270 votes, then the election is sent to the House of Representatives. For example, the chapter on political parties resembles a history text. See the License and About pages for more details, as linked below. A downside of the online version is that the section, source and other links do not open in a new page, at least for me, which causes the reader to then backtrack with the effect that after a few instances some readers may not bother. This includes a host of the Critical Thinking questions that I found to be on point and thought provoking. Then again maybe that is just my bias because of what information was included and what was omitted. The explanation of disagreements and legal decisions in particular is objective yet clear what values, tradeoffs, etc were at stake and how the decisions affected government especially. The language seems accessible. In general, the content is suitably up to date, although some tables and figures should probably be updated soon. I am strongly considering adopting this for my students, though I wish that it were weightier and lengthier. The is consistent in its use of terminology, and the frameworks that it provides are generally helpful and clear. United States Government Our Democracy | Bookshare There were a few places where the order within the chapter was slightly distracting (the media chapter comes to mind), but this was not a major issue. I plan to regularly assign these items to use in discussion and written work. For example, Chapter 1, Section 3 has a discussion on civic engagement along with colorful graphs and data pertaining to 18-29 yr olds and their political participation.