The NIV Student Bible - Philip YanceyPhilip Yancey The Langauge of God ~ Francis Collins. St. Augustine teaches that the future is unknowable, which is also hinted at in many places in the Bible. I hope you dont feel the same way, for example, about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which is mainline Christian and insists on keeping the name. Thanks for taking me to a deeper understanding of my faith, who God is and who I am. I still struggle with lack of self-confidence and procrastination when it comes to writing. Philip. Is he both able and willing? Over the years I have enjoyed, benefited from and been changed by your writing. Here is the story. It would be great if you could find some fellow-Aussies, even local ones, to trade manuscripts with. . at a time I too was having many struggles with prayer; still am, but hopefully getting better. Every Blessing upon you and you family! To this date I have still not received the results of this investigation. For others, it is in a time of quiet reflection and prayer. I have read others books by you, but this one strikes a special chord with me. His grace truly IS amazing and His love IS unconditional! teacher. Born November 4, 1949, in Atlanta, GA; son of Marshall Watts and Mildred (a teacher) Yancey; married Janet Norwood (a social work director), June 2, 1970. I know you have been receiving good and aweful feedbacks and comments, but let me just express mine. Its funny how Dr. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. I wrote this book with Dr. Paul Brand, who was a specialist in physical pain because of his work with leprosy patients. So Id best decline. The Evaluation Team Darren G. Had been in the position for one year and had set things up, Capt. But, I lack arguments, and mainly ideas on how to suggest this. I like to think of Mark 14:50/51, and that after the disciples fled a young man of dubious sexuality was still there defending Jesus. However, by this time both Monty and Frank had died untimely deaths and their two daughters had taken over for their fathers. I have read Prayer and it fundamentally changed my prayer life. I love reading your observations of how God is working in different parts of the world. That was 4 years ago and today I still struggle with my flesh but I know He truly loves me! I find it much easier to feel (and show) true love and grace for people who are judgmental and unkind outside of the church than for those who are judgmental and unkind within the church. I hope you know this history. My experiences with the church, and personal hardships association with the PK life left me quite bitter and disillusioned. On some of these occasions he stayed with me in my home. Thats my story, or at least a bit of it. Like yourself I read a lot and have come to consider CS Lewis, Victor Frankl, yourself, William Lane Craig and others to be guiding lights (and almost friends unmet) in faith and family. Philip Yancey grew up in a strict, fundamentalist church in the Deep South. So, Ive long wanted to thank you. He strongly advised my parents to steer me into a writing career. My interests include skiing, climbing mountains, mountain-biking, golf, international travel, jogging, nature, theology (in small doses), politics, literature, and classical music.. Why? I believe they are still in print in Portuguese, although you are fluent in English. Just one sentence. The man in charge is a police sergeant who for no apparent reason began to recount his story of miraculous recovery from terminal cancer. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. You should be flatteredvery few writers get contacted by a publisher! I am so glad I was able to represent my Saviour, my God, on Wall St that day. I must also admit that I have used many illustrations from your books over the years of leading a study from our home that has now morphed into a zoom study. The second is the reference to a spirit of deafness and muteness. I am constantly baffled by opinions I hear Christians say and by the state of the church vis--vis a suffering world. Im going to try to put the short version down of all thats in my heart . Our prayers are that people who ask him the meaning of his name, will read your books, feel understood and rediscover their faith. A religious way of doing life, is strategically employing falsehood, WHY do human beings so easily surrender their precious freedom? The disappoint of God by Yancey? I also told my friend Monty, as well as a few others in Corrections Alberta and the Alberta government about the situation. The Kingdom could use you! I now own and have read all of your books. I have gay friends and a godson who has had a gay marriage, and would welcome all into my church. Dear Phillip, You wrote 2 books I have a question about-The Jesus I Never Knew & The Bible Jesus Read. Your sheer honesty makes you human, therefore makes it feel okay for me to be also. You write often about those writers and thinkers who have mentored you along spiritually; you have become one of those mentors for me as I make my own way along as a writer and a scholar. Stalins Great Terror, Katrina and Galvestons storms, Europes Black Death, Chinas incredibly deadly dynasty battles, the tornado outbreak in 2011, WWI, WWII & The Civil War, the Holocaust, throwing acid on Afghani schoolgirls, religious wars such as the Thirty Years War and the Crusades, Krakatoa, last months Hajj Pilrimage trampling, Idi Amins reign of terror, Oklahoma City, the Spanish Influenza epidemic, Bhopal and Union Carbides methyl isocyanate poisioning (I teach about this one in HazMat class), Haitis quake, Rwandas genocide, Sandy Hook, female genital mutilation, the Challenger Space Shuttle, or closet to me, 9/11. To understand the definition of forgiveness, does the reference of your book, which is called Forgive and Forget written by Prayer: Thank you Lord for Your sacrifice, your unconditional love and for Your hope. I expect many of these felt a twinge of guilt not being on the battle front, but they were just as useful at home in the USA building war materials. I have just started reading Prayer and confess to a kind of disappointment, for two reasons. Good luck! I have received much love and respect from prisoners and the elderly [6] [7] [8] [9], and have therefore considered it my duty to keep them from being abused. The claims of Christ demand that I seek the things that make for peace. When I read Whats So Amazing About Grace, it feels like Im listening to a gifted story teller, with the occasional commentary or explanation following a story. And thank you for your message. And the sad part is that he did it to a priest before me and he told me he would write a letter about that priest so he never works as a priest again. Still thinking about it. We would love to have you come and speak here! From that time until today, I was exposed to some many coincidences that I had to marvel and wonder at what was happening. I just read your comments about Donald Trump. I have prayed the prayer of salvation too many times to count, starting in my teens and continuing well into my thirties. I loved reading your book The Gift of Pain. She said to go ahead, so I told her about how my life had changed after reporting illicit activities at work. Our study, Prayer, Does It Make Any Difference has turned out to be a great faith builder for me and probably the most helpful (to my understanding of God) than any of your other books. Thank you for rescuing so many of us from rigid Christianity and teaching us to welcome messy Christianity :-), including doubts and questions. They are out there, at least in the big cities. Bruce Smith the Church Army regional Director ,later to be the National Director came up to me on the platform and said we have found out about your (gay past just thoughts in Hawaii) you are no longer accepted in the Church Army ,and he walked away leaving me with my suit cases , shattered and no place to go. It provides extra background and may be helpful for you, but isnt tied in directly to the video group study. Im sorry you waited so long to mail that letter! I read quite a bit so I may have lost memory of where this story originated. But Godand prayer, Yancey concludedis much more complicated than that. Good luck on your deadlines! Hi, Im Ana Paula, Im 32 years old, Im from the Methodist Church, Im a journalist and Im currently studying Letras (Portuguese) (I do not know how to say). Thanks! For the first time, I realized that my inability to understand God as human had nothing to do with my salvation and everything to do with modern evangelical culture trying to incorrectly force Him into a human box. Mark your calendars today! Our human pleasure is a mere glimpse of what God must feel. For Yancey, prayer involves listening as well as speakingand often the listening is the more important of the two. I have searched for your book in my city at all bookstrore. I feel like both the father and the son with myself. No, one does not exist. Kathleen Norris and Richard Rohr are also helpful, especially Rohrs template of Order/Disorder/Reorder. Can you suggest anything to help me feel Im worthy of the sacrifice madeI am simultaneously eager and scared to meet Jesus again. She abandoned her little girl to the streets. I lead a small group Bible Study and have used your materials several times. Its long and comprehensive, and helped me greatly in putting together various ways of looking at the Atonement. Would you ever consider a childrens book or devotional? For a while I have been wanting to send you a message and yesterday, I stumbled across a video featuring a talk of yours in Hong Kong (True Happiness?), prompting me to send you a note! Rather, I expressed my disappointment that so many evangelicals hold up as their flagbearer a man whose life seems to contradict the most basic principles of our faith. Did you need to read a book to know how to communicate with them and let them know your feelings? Ramazan was very dependent upon Paul to complete all the information on Moslem diets and other customs on the computer, and therefore worked closely with Paul. That same day, on Wall St, so many people said to me that I was the first Christian they had ever met a Christian who wasnt right-wing and intolerant, etc. Philip. Thats all I needed to know. Hi Philip, Im a missionary in Latin America, Biology teacher/school administrator, and have greatly grown through your books. Salutations. He told me I was on my own. I was not welcome however I could stay a short time to sort out what I was going to do. Whosoever has not sinned, people! Philip, Thank you so much for your reply and your help! I thought that being a Christian meant experiencing God and Jesus in the same way that I would experience my human family and friends, which I have never been able to do. Literature for me opened the cage door that let me fly out." I am in my 60s and will probably die an atheist unless someone can change my cold heart, even if it is an attempt to maneuver me to their self serving purpose. According to the RBC website, Yancey has been Dave Kline. Id like to explore perspectives on faith with one or both of the Obamas, though theyd be tough to get to. I have a close friend who has recently written a book which may interest you. I want to start off by saying that you have been an invaluable resource for me in my shaky Christian walk. But, as for a factual statement this is extraordinarily unsatisfying. In my first year at the FSCC I learned that Gord Dominey was sexually abusing young offenders. Paul used the tensions between Brian and me to demoralize me. And feel free to share with any who may benefit from seeing the film. Jesus tells us not to fear. My film was largely inspired by my own faith crisis and transition, and I thought that you might appreciate the film. Even Peter, the apostle, said, Some of the things Paul says confuses me. Recently, we attended a series Instead of talking it through with me and praying ,they reacted by removing me from the mens dorm, . I served as EX Dir of Hampstead YFC in MD. I am an evangelical Christian. (With Tim Stafford) The NIV Student Bible, Revised, Compact Edition, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 2002. the way Jesus demonstrated a different way if being human. Thank you for having the heart of Christ. Thanks for the important reminder, Tom. On page 15 a man from Iowa said, I know there is a God: I believe he exists, I just dont know what to believe of him. These words rang true with me as I wonder if God set the world in motion and then decided to step away. What a thoughtful, honest expression. So much for the foundation of the Bible. I persevere in very large part because of comments like yours. I remember that conversation, one of many in which I felt completely inadequate. So I keep searching. I can hardly find the words to express how much your books have positively affected me. You are not wanted here.I was devastated. I have been radically convicted that I do not have that right. Lewis that was incredibly helpful to me. Im still working on it (being more graceful). I know theres enormous suffering out there, and hardships I cant relate to, and I dont want to take anything away from them God, but I need to hear you. I dont want to contradict your teachers, so I hesitate to respond specifically to your questions. Thank you Philip for the extensive research in The Jesus I Never Knew. In an "awful vow", against which Philip Yancey and his brother, Marshall, would constantly collide, his mother dedicated her two boys to God: "He is a ghost figure, summoned by our mother at key moments. So, just how does a man whos been through all Yancey has, draw close to the God he once feared? Please pray for the Lord to be glorified throughout this process, for strength, grace and wisdom for all involved, for her salvation and that of her family and friends and for complete healing. I dont like that part of me when I go to church. In his most personal and provocative book ever, Yancey offers compelling, true portraits of grace's life-changing power. Former president Jimmy Carter has called Yancey "my favorite modern author".[9]. Discovering God: A Devotional Journey Through the Bible, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1993. I kept hoping that by the last chapter you would say that Richard finally made peace with God and is walking with him (I didnt make the connection with your dedication at the front of the book). Your books have inspired me greatly, especially those on suffering. He knew the suffering that would happen and he still created us. Philip. It sounds like youre doing great, frankly. Thank u for listening to Godnand writing those books. Felipe. Shortly after his return, Pauls mother died and Paul had to go back to BC once more. But it was mostly your writings that got me through this period of several years. | All rights reserved. 3. He never commented, but some of the Roman Catholic chaplains were grateful for my comments. Maybe Im thick-headed, and thats okay, but I see so much pain here, and suffering, and helplessness and hopelessness, God, and thats okay God, I will keep doing my best, but oh God I just need you to show me something., A couple days later I was killing time in a used bookstore, for the air conditioning as much as anything else. Recently a Christian relative said he does not pray for mercy for others anymore, but that they should be given their ministry instead. What I love most about reactions to my memoir is that readers tend to tell their own stories in response. His voyeurism, a criminal offense under Canadian law, was permitted to go on until I blew the whistle on him. It affects me discouraged a lot so I lost my motivation to have relationship with the Lord by not reading the Bible or prayer. I told him that I had to go, and ended the call. It only scratches the surface because we dont want to know so much why, I think, but what now? How do we live in light of this? Yancey was born in 1949 and grew up in the outskirts of Atlanta, the younger of two boys. II look like? The Bible college movement originated during the time of North America's Third Great Awakening. This is the second time I have commented here. I do not have an answer for this. Paul is a large and imposing man. I just want to clarify if it was really you that wrote it. We first met at a YFC Directors certification course in 1972 in Rockford, IL. It seems that your pilgrimage somehow inspired me to embark on mine, somewhat. I began to teach Sunday School and lead Wednesday night prayer and study meetings, meanwhile preparing sermons. We are going to use this book with our High School student Bible Study next semester and are looking for one. I have read Whats So Amazing About Grace? several times on the other hand. Eleven Golden Medallion Awards, Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, including awards, 1978, for Where Is God When It Hurts?, 1980, for Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, 1985, for In His Image, 1989, for The Student Bible, 1990, for Disappointment with God: Questions Nobody Asks Aloud, 1996, for The Jesus I Never Knew, and 1998, for What's So Amazing about Grace? My doctor told me to find a good GP and to take a year off work to recover. Dont drive yourself crazy in asking the why questions, but to seek to see Gods love, concern, and care every day of our lives. Ive often thought of the parallels between physical and emotional pain. Hi Philip, Doing so I reached a woman who told me it was her daughters phone. I pray and pray and pray and response. And perhaps most temptingly, I cant try and write off the other Christians who supported President-elect Trump. After having applied for welfare in Quebec and Ontario, and being refused every time, I finally ended up in PEI. First the title in english means much more it is like when you have found something great and want all your neighbors to know I felt like the woman that lost that coin and then found it was the feeling I got with the english title that I couldnt get with the spanish one Spanish is my mother tongue now that I am reading it in the original language, I cant stop reading the book is making me realize that even though I was taught a lot about grace I wasnt really living under that grace and showing others that grace thanks for writing and reminding me about it I like that part that you far rather convey grace thank explain grace I pray I can convey grace too, Ive always wondered about that title in Spanish (my wife grew up in Colombia and Peru). So my final and dangerous calling has been to publish a book that allows Christians of all denominations to gain a close and personal look at the dreadful and unmerited suffering that continues to be imposed upon believers supporting same-sex marriages. An English degree maybe? It is God reaching to him again! But I actually came away from it with a huge burden for Richard. I would have mild panic attacks in the parking lot before Bible Study. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most content. She is not a believer yet. What it actually says is that a golden rope was tied around the High Priests leg. However, I wrote about it in a book published with the movies release, a chapter later adapted in The Bible Jesus Read. On April 1, 2022, the Wheaton College Alumni Association honored Philip Yancey M.A. The pastor wrote later, Was God in Dunblane? I was not a pretty sight. She said this man came over to her and he began saying something in English she couldnt understand and she looked up at him. We meet a few years ago at a CS Lewis conference. Then I found a very healthy grace-filled church in Chicago. What's So Amazing about Grace?, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 1997. Love and forgiveness and grace and mercy are so much more important to me than any miracle. If I meet somebody who I dont think likes me, I say to myself, Bob, this ones just temporarily out of order. I lived the first 26 years of my life barely acknowledging God and praying sporadically whenever I wanted to, nothing I did back then ever went right. See resources from our past podcasts. Hi Philip, Nonetheless, if youre ever travelling in the vicinity of Vicksburg, Mississippi, my husband and I would love to treat you to a very lively but respectful conversation over dinner. I have always admired your books. Yet, that could not keep Matthew with us. Ed Stetzer, (quoted from ), Christianity Today magazine recommends these books: My stand for the vulnerable cost me my career, my home and my health. Yet, grace never came alive in my heart like it did today. A lawyer with the Edmonton Legal Centre told me that the envelope incident was not sufficient reason to dismiss me. Life is still almost overwhelmingly hard and I know that none of my dreams are likely to become reality in this life. . Church, Why Bother? With deep gratitude, I thank you for putting a piece of your heart on paper it truly is beautiful. My position on the Board of COPE was terminated and my reputation was dragged into the dirt. I know that history well, and also the Chinese version of similar atrocities. And then you went on to the English version. If you would be honored if you would make a quick read and let me know what you think and that my reference to your book is correct. I spoke to all four wardens at the Institution about it, as well as CSC Commissioner Don Head. The assaults I experienced in the Institution were not only verbal. Why would God allow it? Im reading through Vanishing Grace for a second time right now, and I keep thinking, this is what I want!, sometimes with tears. Of course, I eventually realized legalism is not the province of just one group. Thanks a lot Philip, thanks a lot. What would you say God receives from us? Meanwhile, Im simply grateful for the privilege of making a living by exploring what I would do anyway. While on the trip, we worked on a trailer that really needed to be condemned and replaced but since we did not have the money for that, we did what we could to fix leaks and replace the rotting floor. Maybe your book will help guide me to the answers I am looking for. A camera crew filmed the entire event from start of the fire inside to its complete destruction from the outside. She had amazing spiritual insight and was keen to evangelise her community. God loves me, I wont get the answer to the why and God loves me and God wants a relationship with me.