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Your tender feelings are easily moved by sad stories, lost animals, and unhappy human beings. Sagittarius Sun Aries Moon: Scorpio . This person can give a sense of extremes - from hyper sensitive to ethereal, from being artistic and dreamer to being a con artist. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095, The Astrological Significance Of Sun In Pisces, The Astrological Significance Of Moon In Sagittarius, Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon Personality Traits, Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon Love, Relationship & Marriage, Famous Personalities With Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Sun Taurus Moon: Focused and Reliable, Full Moon in Aries: A Time to Process Actions & Emotions, Aquarius Sun Libra Moon: The Eccentric Diplomatic Progressive, Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon Personality Traits & Compatibility, Sun In 1st House Synastry - The Light of My Life, Moon Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: Discover What It Means For You, Sun Square Pluto Synastry A Complete Guide, Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path. She is career-oriented and tends to impress others with her innovative ideas. Sagittarius Sun Pisces Moon people are extremely likable yet very difficult to get close to. Because they live so deeply in their imagination, their thoughts can become their reality. Embodying two water signs, the Pisces sun Scorpio moon is an extremely sensitive person. He is adventurous and enjoys trying new things, but hes not one for being alone these men need to have people around them. People born with the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Sagittarius have a good sense of humor and a fiery temperament. This planets influence also favors secrecy, suspicion, jealousy, and cruelty. Also, see Moon / Ascendant Combinations and Sun / Ascendant Combinations. Pisces-Sagittarians are sometimes too blunt in their behavior and expression that may result in aggravating the issues to the next level and causing harm. For the individual with Pisces Rising, the word sentimental comes to mind when describing you. In the Sagittarius Sun Scorpio Moon combination, the idealism, lofty vision, and spirituality of Sagittarius is strengthened by an intense, determined, and ambitious Scorpio Moon. When crossed, you can be cruel and biting. Having Scorpio Rising, though you are sometimes viewed as a lone wolf, you do have an ability to work with peopleactually, to lead people. Dealing with the Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Pisces man can be difficult. It wouldnt matter if they would have a problem, they would keep thinking positively and even compromise if it would be necessary. They are kind and loving people who find their joy in the company of their partner. They are the most honest and brave of all the zodiac signs. You have a very developed sense of independence. Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. Highly spiritual in essence, but tending to avoid organized religion in practice, you exude a deep confidence in yourself and in your calling, whatever it may be. You can get everything you want. They see all and they know all. Join me on this intuitive journey of divination through tarot and astrology. She charms you with her artful manner, captivates you with her creative intellect and stirs you with the force of her powerful feelings. They seem honest on the outside but this is not always the case in reality. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. He loves exploring new places, living life on his own terms and finding adventure in everything that he does. You must recognize your values because you have a quick understanding of problems. Not the best at guessing what others want, these guys are also hurtful and harsh with words and they are usually only paying attention to their own needs. In this sense your sensitivity quiets down to give way to your firm purposes. Their view on life is optimistic and youthful, so they wont be romantically interested in a person whos negative and nags them all day long. They desire a long-term commitment the fairytale love they believe exists. Both learn a lesson from everything that happens in the course of their life and handle emotions well. Pisces with Libra rising is a combination of a charming temperament, an attachment to the artistic, and a dedication to creativity. It also encourages confusion, indecisiveness, worry, vagueness, carelessness, and self-deception. A Sagittarius Sun Pisces Moon man is someone who is kind and caring at heart. Did I say Kindness? You are looking for a relationship that is more aesthetic and thoughtful rather than carnal. Moon in Sagittarius Character Description, Pisces Best Match: Who Youre Most Compatible With. They are extremely honest and loyal. Because they live in a fantasy land of their own mind, sometimes they have a hard time differentiating between imagination and reality, making it difficult for their lovers, family, and friends to measure up to their expectations. Were you born on a Scorpio Full Moon? You are called into action as you have to find some outlet for your passionate sense of social justice and responsibility. List of 12 star signs. Your personality shines in front of others without you trying. This is the type of woman who will have two jobs and come up with inventive ideas. No matter how suave Sagittarius Sun Pisces Moon man appears, he is still a bit sensitive to criticism. She often responds emotionally, rather than logically, and can be influenced by her environment on a subconscious level. Failures do not bother you because you have the capacity to withstand adversity. Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon people are never satisfied with the mundane and material satisfactions, they would rather dig deeper, sail the waves of the unknown and struggle to achieve only the best in life. This subtle planet symbolizes awakening compassion and empathy that make an individual unique. Being imaginative, intuitive, and governed by spirituality, you have inherent talents for creative arts. Your rationality and empathetic nature make you withstand every challenge without giving up your values. A Taurus ascendant adds equilibrium to the Pisces sun sign. It doesnt matter what life throws at them, these guys cant concentrate and be specific. You seek to realize your aspirations. This is the personality of both a scientist and an artist. Not to mention their love for life and high ideals cant be seen in people in other signs. You can also achieve a good position in commerce, retail, or trade. You are a very philosophical individual who is never content with external impressions. Your intuition must be supported by constant effort. He engages in numerous relationships, always looking for a lover or soul mate. The Sagittarius is curious about the otherworld and the Pisces wants to express everything related to it. These individuals are known for making their friends life enjoyable. Please leave a comment below and let me know. You will help with anything that is within your reach to banish hatred and violence, by peaceful means. The Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon woman can have problems when going after what she wants from life. You cannot pull the wool over their eyes. You are a sensitive and intelligent fish, with enough capacity to overcome difficulties. They sometimes look to others as inferior because they cannot perceive things as Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon does. You are an intelligent being and you have a highly developed mental order. The most compatible sign is Gemini since it rules their 7th house. With Scorpio rising, you feel that your mission in life is to fulfill an investigative objective. You have a far-reaching and powerful imagination. Furthermore you have an extremely sensual, indulgent nature, and enjoyment seeking can effortlessly become the opponent of the Pisces-Scorpio. Or was it a Sagittarius Waning Gibbous? Pisces can be lifted up and given focus by the emotional strength, passion, and regenerating qualities of a Scorpio Moon. Both these planets imply identical, yet at the same time, different mental work that governs the life of every human being. The urge to understand human nature has led man to look at the starry sky and find answers. Because hes creative and an intellectual, he would make a great artist. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. Energetic, Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon will try to influence others to be the same as them. Not at all traditionalistic or able to perform domestic chores, they need a lover who allows them to be sloppy and isnt too needy. Being emotionally fragile, you absorb negativity from your surroundings. The days about February 27 give weak eyesight, especially if born close to sunrise. . Your willpower and determination are formidable. Its possible hell decide to marry in one month because hes unpredictable. Their soulmate, who can be hard to find because of their tendency to pick people apart, has an adventurous spirit, a big heart, a strong sense of direction, and an acceptance of life just as it is. If you were born with Pisces Rising, you carry within yourself a strong artistic gift that must sooner or later find expression. You are a tolerant being, capable of understanding everyone. They tend to be dramatic which can lead them to cause drama in their intimate connections and lash out when theyre feeling sensitive. As a possibility, he may become aggressive if provoked. Both Aries and Scorpio have strong similarities and differences that complement and also cause friction. She is capable of profound love and emotional devotion. Your sense of community values will land you in positions of responsibility. He will immediately like to switch onto a new partner if he feels tied in his relationship. pisces sun cappy moon in fact seems to be drawn to scorpios. The sensitivity, empathy and compassion of Neptune brings you closer to Spirit. Unleashing it on others is possible and this can open the way to cruel or malicious behavior. Your gift of leadership is born from a mysterious magnetism. The Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon is best paired with someone intellectual, empathetic, and firm in attitude. They have psychic abilities beyond what meets the eye, and their intuition is razor-sharp. They are intensely sympathetic and compassionate toward others, so much so that they may go out of their way to save someone who is down and out. Pisces is a direct and social person with a quick wit, but he can hide things from his lover, so their lover may expect to counter such situations. Learn more about how this natal chart placement will affect your life, your perspective, and your destiny. The Sagittarius Sun Pisces Moon woman has a warm heart and a giving nature. Both signs are deeply emotional, sensitive and tend to be unsteady in their decisions. Their perfect match should be more humble, kind, and gentle than they are. The combination of Pisces Sun and Scorpio Moon signs produces a very emotional and sensitive personality. They find the purpose of their life in helping others to move ahead. You possess a strong, fixed and determined personality, though inwardly you are less firm and decisive. The 12th house is probably the most misunderstood house in astrology. Leo rising helps you to follow through and develop your humanitarian ideals. Eye Shape: round . The ruling planet for Aries and Scorpio is Mars. Because shes restless and has an occupied mind, she can become too anxious. Pisces is the dreamer of the zodiac, while Scorpio is the intensity. The free-spirited approach of these individuals make them highly optimistic and open minded. by Ryan Hart | Updated on June 15, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. Sagittarius moon Least compatible with: Cancer moon Scorpio moon Pisces moon Virgo moon Analytical and intelligent, Virgo moons appreciate a chance to solve problems and feel of service to others. Scorpio rising is magnetic and intuitive, drawn to intensity and often, chaos. It symbolizes ones ego, vitality, growth, and creation. Pisceans are curious and attracted to mystical and abstract knowledge, whereas Sagittarians are drawn towards the world of reality with a hint of discovering something ideal and abstract. They also tend to be quite romantic, idealistic, and philosophical. Sagittarius Sun Pisces Moon men are very confusing and can be quite difficult to understand. These people are optimistic and dislike being confined or restricted. Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. Their problems seem more difficult to them rather than other people and because of this, they can at times, be cutting with others who they perceive cant reach the same level of empathy they are capable of bestowing. Friends will be touched by your amazing ability to find value and meaning in the rejected and negative, and in your capacity to use such insights as the basis for forming new attitudes. The unpredictable nature of Jupiters influence can leave people in difficult situation when something has been promised and not delivered. And they dont always have a sound logic. However, it can be negative when it is an obstacle preventing you from moving towards the future. Pisces and Sagittarius are two signs that are in tune with each other because they both have Jupiter as their planet. Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon people often tend to be very friendly, open-minded, and inspirational. Because of your kind personality, you will be able to make many friendships. With Pisces Rising you are probably fond of children; your own children usually bring you pride and happiness. Do not focus so much on yourself, but turn your energies outward. You are likely to have wavy hair and well-shaped feet. However, your intuition will not let you sit by. The youthful and explorative combination of Moon in Sagittarius compels you to explore the deeper meaning of life and the purpose of everything. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac and Sagittarius people are optimistic, independent, idealistic people. They sometimes fool themselves by imagining the situations better than they are. These natives are forever optimistic and can resolve any situation, no matter how annoying. Pisces Sun Aqua rising hereusually they like to pigeon-hole us into this dreamer bs but not at all. This personality has amazing intuition that allows her to make the right decisions without hesitation. Pisceans born around midnight feel their "God within" from moment to moment, and it shows. Clear-cut decisions and statements take turns with dividedness and uncertainty. It is very likely that you will attract people of a stronger character, because in them you find the compensation for your insecurity. They may feel misunderstood by others. When she goes on vacation, she'd rather sleep in a tent than at a hotel. You have the ability to always get new enterprising friends to support your humanitarian projects. The Sagittarius Sun Scorpio Moon individual is a romantic through and through, you search for a kindred soulone who shares your idealism and love of freedom. If you have Pisces Rising, you tend to have large, luminous eyes and a sensuous mouth. She will do all domestic chores, but she is not at all stay at home wife. She is career-oriented and tends to impress others with her innovative ideas. These Pisceans are better served by slowing down and being objective than almost anyone else in the zodiac. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. The Sagittarius/Pisces combination produces a man born to be a visionary, an adventurer, a champion of causes and the underdog. Sun Pisces individuals are capable of turning events into magical moments with their compassion and creativity. This man is a dreamer who is ill equipped to deal with reality. The energetic duo is capable of influencing others with their wisdom and realistic approach. You may sometimes have trouble with a first marriage because of in-laws and relatives. She loves to be in motion and in the midst of action, romance and love. And they will succeed. Others can be confused by you because they can not figure out your real objectives. They are so sensitive: This can be their downfall as they tend to harbor resentment when hurt and have a hard time letting go. Keen senses and acute powers of observation favor success in along investigative and research lines. Pisceans are kind, understanding, and honest towards other beings, whereas Sagittarians can be a little edgy and sharp sometimes with others. Sagittarius Sun Pisces Moon natives can be the most optimistic and open-minded of all any zodiac. Your email address will not be published. We don't collect your IP address. Sagittarius Moon Sign. They know things cant always be planned and thats why they live in the moment. They need to know that Im sorry is not an apology; it usually means Im gonna do it again. A genuine apology promises improvement! Because they are optimistic and open, its easy for them to be happy with any situation and strange people. These should not be hidden but shared with love, tolerance and compassion. Others see you as shy. On the other hand, he is full of dreams and idealistic thoughts. At work, your organization skills are very appreciated. Your supernatural intuition gives you the talent to make the right moves. For this reason, down-to-earth Taurus is a great fit. She's intuitive, and doesn't let emotions get in the way of her intellect. This combination can create very neurotic, criminally inclined individuals or it can result in spiritual and creative individuals. Determined, these natives would try anything to fulfill their dreams. Scorpio Rising individuals have an intensity, a dynamism that seethes and roils under the surface. A Pisces man and a Scorpio woman are very compatible according to their zodiac signs. On the other hand, the moon represents the hidden and intuitive side of ones personality. Your mind is subtle and deep, sensing intricate relationships and boundless meaning, and you pursue avenues of thinking often metaphysical, artistic, or scientific which may leave others behind but which will eventually influence people enormously. How to get a good man. In addition, their open-minded nature makes them adept at adopting new perspectives and exploring a variety of alternatives, making them spontaneous and adaptable. The Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon woman is generally restless and anxious. They never shy away from anything and are not afraid to be themselves in front of others. Leo definitely . Eventually, you should settle down to a real, long-lasting relationship. Gemini is a sign that loves to communicate and will give . Indeed, for those who've tried and failed to find the right man offline, internet dating can provide. They are extremely idealistic and may even seem naive at times. You are so passionate that you would die for a just cause. Once they decide on something or someone, they become hyper-focused on achieving that goal. Their extreme temperament and brutal honesty serve as their negative trait in many situations. As a matter of fact, these are the main traits that characterize them. This can be beneficial to you regarding any education. Not to mention he avoids confrontation as much as possible. Your wit amazes those around you. In work, however, you are knowledgeable and creative and can be quite disciplined when working within a group, especially in artistic projects. A sense of justice is what most motivates you to mitigate human misery. To find out what your Moon Sign & Moon Phase reveal about you, Get a Free Personalized Video Moon Reading here. This is not the person to have quiet dinners at home, he loves sports and he will probably spend his time playing tennis or studying a new subject. Moon: Pisces Moons are hyper-attuned to the. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. Her personality is so magnetic that it is hard not to be drawn into her attention span. The Sagittarius man personifies the Archer. However, around new people, they become shy and dont talk that much. Try detaching yourself a little from your activities and developing a more objective outlook. They also tend to be shorter and more top-heavy. So when you mix the influence of these two signs, this individual will surely become an adventurer extraordinaire, always willing to help others with empathy and understanding. Brown hair and water colored eyes. Walks with a waddling gait. She has a magnetic personality, but can be eccentric and her mood sometimes fluctuates wildly. And lucky is the one who captures your heart! She is inspired by beauty, art, and poetry and often believes that love conquers all. This is the reason why their partner can become exhausted with them. 1 They are Sensitive. What does this placement say about your personality and emotional side? We all want to know about famous people who are born under the same astrological combination as ours. These Pisceans are just downright inspiring. Because they are so perceptive of people and the world around them, they would excel . Pisces people with Scorpio ascendant swing like . Therefore, they need a partner whos more organized and clear-thinking. pisces sun sagittarius moon compatibility is strongest with people who have their sun in either Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn and their moon in Leo, Aries, Libra and Aquarius. Its their kindness that gives them their good fortune, and if they know not to be arrogant and inconsiderate, theyre truly the salt of the earth. Your versatility is developed through the learning of foreign languages. You're friendly and honest, so you meet potential love interests easily. Sun: The planetary ruler for Pisces is Jupiter and Neptune, which gives Pisces Suns a sentimental, intuitive, imaginative, and dreamy nature. You will make friends everywhere, always looking for a collective destiny. That is why you give tenderness, knowing that you will reap love. See your full Scorpio love horoscope for 2021. But if anything can get them off track, its the poison candy syndrome: Being inspired about something thats obviously not good for them. Putting their cards on the table just doesnt come naturally to them. Theres always a healthy dose of Florence Nightingale in the Pisces ego, so helping people and caring for living things brings them a peace and a fulfillment thats fully satisfying. Thats pretty accurate pisces sun sign with aquarius rising, Concur also pretty accurate. Philosophical and deep thinkers, they are often confused about the everyday life. It takes enormous courage to live with such knowledge; it also requires sensitivity to the reactions of others whose faith does not allow them to view their gods in the same light. Your calm and keen nature makes you avoid all confrontations. Not at all focused on the materialistic aspect, they are happy with a world that makes them think of important things and allows them tosoul-search. The woman with this Sun Moon combination has strong opinions and a progressive mind that is open to the new. Or was it a Scorpio Waning Gibbous? Having a Sagittarius Sun Scorpio Moon, you have a wonderful ability to renew yourself. Who said you are intriguing and mysterious? They may be drawn to careers in writing, painting or even acting. Both of these signs tend to be misunderstood in popular astrology, but they understand each other well. Very spiritual, they have a religious approach, no matter what they are doing. A spiritual community that encourages you to trust your intuition and to rely on your faith to move confidently through life. He likes taking his partner with him if shes as adventurous as he is. Both are positive and benevolent who respect the feelings and thoughts of others. This ascendant is appropriate to carry out bold projects, especially financial ones. While others may not agree with them, they think the world we are living in is the best we could have. You are high powered, sober, and introspective. Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon individuals are often the shyest of the Sun/Moon combinations. This woman is a poet in her soul. The Sagittarius Sun Pisces Moon woman has a wonderful, free spirit which has a sense of adventure and open- mindedness. This is part of your insecurity. Favorable because you have more assurance to face situations. He has a fear of being tied down, but when he's ready to settle down one day, he's sure to find a woman who will love and cherish him. Your idealism reaches unthinking, almost fanatical ends, always dedicated to defending the values of Humanity. Controlling that wanderlust and learning to cooperate with people are the requirements for your success in the world. With her strong opinion and progressive mind, the sky is the limit for her who loves to practice her ideas. The 12th house is probably the most misunderstood house in astrology. All you can do is look for warmth in their eyes and watch their behaviorand there's apt to be lots of behavior to watch! Scorpio Rising. Pisces Your Ascendant is Sagittarius The Meaning of Sagittarius Rising Your Sagittarius Ascendant (or Rising Sign) reveals the ways in which you present yourself to others, as well as the ways in which you immediately respond to the world around you.