} var winWth = $(window).innerWidth(); Zx'q{$LY*%\@.LTW(N)Tut]E@Y3vWrN=WT+&2Oq82d{mrjH($sF#DKG\`q e$bL*eB0%a ,A%c`(cC[((* .i0JP)00htP10}yX 8^ded8$6Bc z"&a^I3l b'L.pjq]v36 ?@ }L endstream endobj 135 0 obj 629 endobj 122 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 114 0 R /Resources 123 0 R /Contents 127 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 123 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /TT2 124 0 R /TT4 129 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 130 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs6 125 0 R >> >> endobj 124 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 174 /Widths [ 250 333 408 500 500 833 778 180 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 278 0 564 0 444 0 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 722 722 611 333 0 333 0 500 0 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 444 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 760 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /GCBNMG+TimesNewRoman /FontDescriptor 126 0 R >> endobj 125 0 obj [ /ICCBased 132 0 R ] endobj 126 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 656 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -568 -307 2028 1007 ] /FontName /GCBNMG+TimesNewRoman /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 94 /XHeight 0 /FontFile2 131 0 R >> endobj 127 0 obj << /Length 327 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream "translate(" + dstLeft + "px, " + dstTop + "px)"); Those reports will go away in phases for each grade, several months before their first performance review closeout date, the Air Force said. 1A1X1 Flight Engineer. H\U PG^3520r HBDD7* RJ5Y AK1jxFuZn)`Jv^w_ 2H^k `y`=)|Sxm,/,n\-}sg:gp':4 C hb```- The EPR replaced the Airman Performance Report (APR) in the late 1980s. $(".fancybox-caption").addClass("af3-caption-bg"); var $currentSlide = $(".fancybox-slide.fancybox-slide--current.fancybox-slide--image").parent().parent(); Although the EPR is a record of an Airman's performance during the reporting period, there are some things we're not allowed to include in an EPR even if they did occur during the reporting period. Certain airmen will have an interim due date, while others will wait until the first static closeout date. JOINT BASE CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Reserve enlisted Airmen assigned to the 315th Airlift Wing here will soon find themselves falling into the same performance review cycles as their active-duty counterparts of the same rank due to recently announced, total-force adjustments to the enlisted evaluation system. Section II. var origImgWth = $(".fancybox-image").prop("naturalWidth"); The DAF will remove adverse information from records of those currently serving service members who sought. The overall rating scale is from 1 to 5 and point values are used to calculate promotion points. if (isMobile()) The Air Force . '
' + So those with a promote now statement on this next EPR will have a considerable advantage. Bass previously pledged to reinstate the importance of experience when evaluating Airmen for promotion, according to Military Times, reversing a change to the system that started in 2014 that USAF leaders said at the time was focused on job performance. For the 2015 cycle, prior to releasing the new EPR forms, the Air Force will only count EPRs (maximum of three) closed out while an Airman was promotion eligible. $(".fancybox-content").css("height", newImgHgt + "px"); The new system is set to drive performance. (browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(navigator.userAgent) Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany. getDetailsURL($(this).parent()) + Enlisted Performance Report. These changes will impact senior airmen and staff sergeants who are promotion-eligible beginning with the 22E6 promotion cycle. %PDF-1.5 % function getDetailsURL(fbObj) { "QQ + } 0000003155 00000 n Chief of Space Operations Gen. B. let debounceTimer; Last closed out EPR: 31 MAR 2016. $(".base-caption-info").addClass("full-height"); } The service plans to transition active duty officers, Air Force reservists and Air National Guardsmen to the new dates by grade in 2022 and 2023. buttons: ['share'], return '
' I tried searching but there isn't an explanation for all of them (FDR = Forced Distribution): 1B - 1 EPR. In the new system, weighted points are gone. } The current promotion system varied the available points each year based on the number of years an Airman was eligible for promotion. The changes introduce a new Promotion Recommendation Score, which places value on the experience of Airmen and sustained performance when it comes to promotions. trailer << /Size 136 /Info 118 0 R /Root 121 0 R /Prev 327667 /ID[<0de3414bf43e9bbf9bf7a9be6c9711e1>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 121 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 115 0 R /Metadata 119 0 R /PageLabels 113 0 R >> endobj 134 0 obj << /S 762 /L 867 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 135 0 R >> stream '">DETAILS'; Our Air Force values the experience that our Airmen bring with them, Chief Master Sgt. $(".fancybox-caption__body").prepend(prependClosing()); ['2#lD'y"@: LE!; closeDetails(); $(".fancybox-content").css("transform", So because he tested a previous cycle under the new system he will have a 20 pt advantage? This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. AFDPO Newsletter Winter Edition 2022. else { Rachel Cohen joined Air Force Times as senior reporter in March 2021. $(document).ready(function () { Langley Air Force Base, VA - Jan 2014: Then Chief Master Sgt. return ''; '
'; Instead, full point values are awarded for each year. An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. This fact sheet is designed to give you information concerning referral EPRs and what actions you can take. When they're considered for promotion, Airman Great will have approximately 7 more points in EPRs towards his/her overall score than Airman Good . The Air Force's old enlisted promotion system was heavily criticized by airmen for out-of-control grade inflation that came with its five-point numerical rating system. Yes, the EPR system is inflated and yes, they do intend to distribute forced quotas on the number of 5's and 4's. $(".fancybox-caption__body").addClass("mobile"); As supervisors of Air Force personnel, one of our most important jobs is ensuring we accurately document the performance of our people in the written word. (Mark . } / Impact of experience points under new Promotion Recommendation Score: Second-time eligible, received a Promote Now in 2021 and a P in 2020 aPRS will be 250+10=260, First-time eligible, also received a Promote Now in 2021 but has less experience aPRS will be 250+0=250. Chance Saltzman outlined the three lines in a series of commanders notes published Jan., Thousands of Airmen and Guardians who remain unvaccinated against COVID-19 no longer have to get the shotsand those whofaced disciplinary action for failing to get vaccinated will have their records wiped clean. var dstLeft = Math.floor((winWth - newImgWth)) / 2; The scoring system is based on a 10-point scale, and is divided into a six-two-two rating system. $(this).find('figcaption').html() + Copyright 2023. $(".fancybox-button").css("display", "block"); An official website of the United States government, Air Force Public Affairs Agency, Operating Location P, DAF hosts Black History Month STEM achievement panel, SecAF Kendall visits Maui Space Surveillance Complex fuel spill, IAAFA infuses agility into training with modern technology, simulators, Accelerating the Legacy 2023 honors Tuskegee Airmens legacy through aviator development, student outreach, Jones steps down as Air Force under secretary, Voting open now for Department of the Air Force Spark Tank 2023 finalists, Vice Chiefs Challenge calls Airmen to operationalize Agile Combat Employment, Air Force launches Energy-as-a-Service pilot program at Hanscom AFB, Air Force Battle Lab accelerates battle management for PACAF, ABMS CFT, ACC, CJTF-HOA conducts joint FARP exercise on African continent, AFGSC commander approves formal assessment to investigate missile community cancer concerns, Beale AFB Airmen launch ACC minority outreach initiative, 366th Fighter Wing approaches lead wing IOC with Raging Gunfighter 23-1, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. return isMobile; The Air Force promotion system promotes the most fully-qualified noncommissioned and senior noncommissioned officers based on the quality of their records and other weighted factors, while recognizing . We know what we do. $(".fancybox-caption__body").addClass("mobile"); Airman Great has all "5" enlisted performance reports, Airman Good's last EPR was a "4" with the rest "5s", and Airman Average's last EPR was a "3" with the rest "5s" (or swap the "3" with two "4s"). let detailSize = "full"; The USAF commissioned officer equivalent is the Officer Performance Report (OPR). Evaluations have three primary purposes. Gen. Charles A. McGee Leadership Award, named after the legendary Tuskegee Airman, will give either $18,000 per year, The Space Forces new leader has definedthree lines of effort he wants the young service to pursue, focusing on combat-ready forces, personnel management, and partnerships with other Pentagon organizations and allies. '' + 0000000768 00000 n Press J to jump to the feed. $(".af3-caption-body").stop(true, false).animate({ height: "0vh" }, 800, function () { || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(navigator.userAgent.substr(0, 4))) { f*]@- , @hDH!;HA:A,&@nP# s% Qf30Hni Gh l6}9 k`UiFHb` 0 . $(".af3-caption-body").addClass(detailSize); '' + afterClose: function () { This fact sheet is designed to give you information concerning referral EPRs and what actions you can take. ), the Washington Post, and others. Just like the point structure for current year performance, experience points increase with increased levels of performance. The Department of the Air Force is updating the performance report process and writing style as part of the talent management evolution. function prependClosing() { let isDesktopInit = false; The complete schedule of close-out dates: Civilian reports are due March 31 and Sept. 30. $(".fancy-photo-detail-link").removeClass("photo-detail-gradient"); function captionToggle() { }, let isDesktopInit = false; Similar to the current system, the PRS continues to utilize a maximum of three EPRs in the current grade and point values are constructed to favor an Airmans most recent performance. Hb```# $>iCD-ll xP x4GKF!uK8,v+R^qSj if (isMobile()) A rater's failure to perform one or more of the above responsibilities alone will not form the basis for a successful appeal. isMobile = true; 0000003971 00000 n Promotion Date (DOR): 01 JUN 2017 to SSgt Start date1-APR-2016 (Day after last closed out report) . INTRODUCTION: You have just been notified that your Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) is being rated as a referral EPR. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. } One of the behaviors that takes some time and effort to change is an Airman's willingness to be promoted. }); 0000043590 00000 n $(".fancybox-button").css("display", "none"); showFBShare() + $(".fancy-photo-detail-link").html($(".fancy-photo-detail-link").html().replace("SHOW", "CLOSE")); caption: function (instance, item) { / function isMobile() { fbObj.find(".actions .download").attr("href") + '
' + getDownloadURL($(this).parent()) + endstream endobj 128 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 656 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -558 -307 2034 1026 ] /FontName /GCBNNM+TimesNewRoman,Bold /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 160 /XHeight 0 /FontFile2 133 0 R >> endobj 129 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 150 /Widths [ 250 0 0 0 0 0 833 0 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 0 500 333 333 0 0 0 0 0 722 667 722 722 667 611 778 778 389 500 0 667 944 722 778 611 778 722 556 667 722 722 1000 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 556 444 556 444 333 500 556 278 333 556 278 833 556 500 556 556 444 389 333 556 500 722 500 500 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 500 500 0 500 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /GCBNNM+TimesNewRoman,Bold /FontDescriptor 128 0 R >> endobj 130 0 obj << /Type /ExtGState /SA false /SM 0.02 /TR2 /Default >> endobj 131 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 39448 /Length1 59456 >> stream This means that a feat that may have taken months of planning and effort must be fully described in one line. It awards full point values for each rating in any given year. The first new dates are Oct. 31 for first and second lieutenants; Feb. 28, 2023, for colonels; May 31 for lieutenant colonels and majors; and Aug. 31 for captains. Everything else in this section is irrelevant to your civilian resume. $currentSlide.find(".fancy-detail-link").on("touchstart", function() { captionToggle(); }); The new score removes this outcome and allows sustained performance and experience to be valued. } $(".fancybox-caption").removeClass("af3-caption-bg"); All Airmen having the same level of performance and same years of eligibility receive the same experience points. The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. The new system also eliminates any point value for the Not Ready Now recommendation and does away with the Do Not Promote recommendation entirely. %PDF-1.3 % hb```f yAX cnl8```c )zAmXp3n`~XC8?}Sw j*xwgtj-pIsmkqi/won %2leyFdSXKeu"aO> But Airmen with a second EPR can receive anywhere from 10 to 20 points based off the promotion recommendation they received in that review, and Airmen with a third EPR can add an additional five to 15 points. Download Hi-Res showFBShare(); By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. $(".base-caption-info").removeClass("full-height"); The push to create a new Space National Guard got a major boost last week as a bipartisan team of Senators offered new legislationeven as the Pentagon works to craft details on a competing plan. $(".fancybox-caption").removeClass("desktop-init"); '
' + But let's not underestimate the importance of this task it is important. o The tweak to the promotion system is one of several changes coming in 2022. (U.S. Air Force graphic) displayhgt = "90vh"; $(".closing-box, .closingx").on("touchstart", function() { captionToggle(); }); The new score continues the practice of placing greater value on recent over past performance. 1A0X1 In-flight Refueling. This page provides U.S. Air Force airmen like you tools to learn how your evaluations (EPRs) and decorations are an integral parts of the Air Force's Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS). Feedback and evaluations are automated into myEval based on a member's (Ratee) reporting period (the period of supervision culminating in an . The Air Force announced Thursday it will adopt a more predictable officer evaluation system that better compares airmen to their peers a change in the making since 2016. } It's gonna take a couple years for things to even out once 3 becomes the norm and the old 5s are no longer in people's last 3 EPRs. No evaluations will close out in April, June or December. Brown Jr. covered a broad range of topics with his additions to his Leadership Library in February. Just like the point structure for current year performance, experience points increase with increased levels of performance. 1A2X1 Aircraft Loadmaster. })); The EPR system has come under heavy criticism from all ranks in the Air Force. 4B - 4 EPR. } Officers who are already picked for promotion will use the more senior grades due date, the Air Force added. Records the ratee's performance for the rating period on the applicable form. $(".fancybox-content").css("width", newImgWth + "px"); The USAF commissioned officer equivalent is the Officer Performance Report (OPR). .NS ORGANIZATION, COMMAND, AND LOCATION - Enter the information as of the closeout date of the EPR . By approaching recruiting centrally as a Total Force, Air Force Recruiting, The Air Force last week announced an expansive new ROTC scholarship available to older Cadets committed to commissioning, with the goal of recruiting and retaining more future Airmen in the program. Get your daily fix of Air Force news delivered right to your inbox every day. This will be my first cycle so only I will only have the norm 3 epr. return caption; Most everyone that received a 5 like usual last cycle had their 250 pts this past Tech release. }, Let's say next year we both are the norm of a 3. var ratio = Math.min(winWth / origImgWth, } 1. The last two headers split the remaining four points evenly. // device detection getDownloadURL($(this).parent()) + For the most recent EPR, Airmen will receive 250 points for a Promote Now recommendation, 220 points for Must Promote, and 200 points for Promote. And for Airmen with only one eligible EPR, that will be the extent of their score. '
' + Air Force Global Strike Command is launching a new study of cancer risks among Airmen and Guardians who worked near intercontinental ballistic missiles and is developing new resources for current and former service members and their families. function recalculateImageSize() { function captionToggle() { NOTE: The organization names do not have to be exactly as the EPR notice (computer language) appears but may follow the style in AFI 37-127, Air Force Standards Functional Address System, or as commonly used for mailing purpose. You are confused as to what this means and what your next step should be. $(".fancybox-button").css("display", "none"); We value our Airmens experience, and we must show them that, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. It's High Time We Deflate EPR Ratings. The singular due dates per rank are known as static closeout dates., Rank-specific due dates deliver improved predictability to our officers, raters and units, while also providing a synchronized comparison of performance within peer groups, Air Force personnel boss Lt. Gen. Brian Kelly said in a press release. 2qfnAC '5p8Z4g9B(L*>&Q[D*"H var caption = ''; (U.S. Air Force graphic). $(".fancybox-caption__body").prepend(prependClosing()); return; of the Air Force James A. Cody . Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. My friend receives a 3 and has his previous 5. let detailSize = "full"; I want to be an officer only if I'm a 17D can have less weight than I worked my whole life and serving in any capacity would be an honor. The United . Currently serving Airmen and Guardians who sought exemptions from the Pentagon's COVID-19 vaccine mandate will see those actions reversed and records erased, a new memo from Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall states. Instructions for constructing an EPR appear in chapter 3 of Air Force Instruction 36-2406: Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Systems. Also if he tested the last two cycles and had a 5, 5, 3 for his EPRs (3 being most recent) he would get. DAFI 33-360 has been superseded by DAFI 90-160 as of 14 April 2022. The Air Force currently uses two EPR forms. The promotion recommendation will only be provided when an Airman is promotion eligible, with that rating contributing to an Airman's EPR score in WAPS. Changes are coming for the Air Forces enlisted promotion system, changes that USAF leaders say better reward experienceas long as its backed up by sustained performance.. You have just been notified that your Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) is being rated as a referral EPR. $(".fancy-photo-detail-link").html($(".fancy-photo-detail-link").html().replace("CLOSE", "SHOW")); Members then assign numerical ratings in eBOSS to records using the scoring scale that ranges from 6 to 10 points, with 7.5 representing an . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 3 epr = 200 pts x 100% = 200. '
'; The changes in the Enlisted Evaluation System introduce a new Promotion Recommendation Score, which places value on the experience of Airmen and sustained performance when it comes to promotions. $(".fancybox-content").css("transform", %%EOF else { myEval brings automation and a new level of digital capability to the feedback and evaluation experience for Total Force Airmen and Guardians.All Raters and Ratees of Airman and Guardians will access feedback and evaluations through the myEval dashboard. Feb 17, 2022. Is it possible to get a line number going in with 200 EPR points getting the Promote rating? But you should be prepared to defend your position. Under the current system, when an Airman has three years or more in the eligibility window, that Airmans most recent EPR is worth 50 percent of the Airmans score; the middle EPR is worth 30 percent; and the oldest of the three EPRs is worth 20 percent of the weighted EPR points. } EPRs are required to be written in a format peculiar to the U.S. Air Force. It's pretty much the commander offering STEP promotions to a few of his subordinates each year if they can put in the time to study. [5] While technically the 1 through 5 scale is supposed to award an "average" performer a 3 and the 5 should be reserved for members that are "Truly Among the Best", the practice has been that nearly all . function getDownloadURL(fbObj) { // Fancy box miscalculates because of race conditions with new layout These changes will impact senior airmen and staff sergeants who are promotion eligible beginning with the 22E6 promotion cycle. AC - Exceeded some but not all expectations / FDR. Let's say next year we both are the norm of a 3. allow Airmen to choose alternate exercises for their physical fitness tests, SDA Taps Raytheon for Seven More Missile-Tracking Satellites, Photos: F-22s Deploy to Tinian for First Time as Part of ACE Exercise, In Message to Force, Austin Touts Once-in-a-Generation Investments, Heres What USAFs Science Board Is Studying Now, Were Weird: New Commander Details Life Inside Task Force 99, Air Force Separated 610 Airmen For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine, Adverse Actions to Be Erased for Some Troops Who Sought Exemptions to COVID Vaccines, USAF Launches New Study of Cancer Risk in ICBM Crews, Senators Launch New Drive for Space National Guard, Heres What the CSAF Is Reading, Watching, and Listening To This Month, New Total Force Airforce.com Site Highlights Guard and Reserve Opportunities, Air Force ROTC Unveils Sweeping New Scholarship for Older Cadets, Saltzmans Priorities for Space Force: Three New Lines of Effort, New Rules for Vaccine Refusers After DOD Lifts Its COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate. For a total of 225 pts and a 25 pt advantage. 120 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 122 /H [ 768 745 ] /L 330197 /E 77220 /N 29 /T 327678 >> endobj xref 120 16 0000000016 00000 n if (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|ipad|iris|kindle|Android|Silk|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\. endstream endobj 629 0 obj <>/Metadata 64 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[636 0 R]>>/Outlines 107 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 624 0 R/StructTreeRoot 134 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 630 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/Properties<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 631 0 obj <>stream Some evaluations that are on the horizon or have passed will proceed as normal, depending on an officers previous closeout date. afterLoad: function (instance, current) { Under the new plan, officers in each rank will be on the hook for an annual performance report at the same time, rather than staggering their evaluation due dates throughout the year. The changes principally affect how Enlisted Performance Reports will be scored, with the introduction of the new Promotion Recommendation Score, the service announced in a news release. Does anybody know what all of these codes mean?