A fire swatter is most effective when used with another tool. landscape image of an org chart with six rows: - Logistics Your number one priority during patrol is to: Patrol the control line to check for spotting across it. 8. - Press your face to the ground to breathe 5. Secondly, power imbalances should be fixed. Open air vent three-fourths of the way 3. The theory of Hofstede's cultural dimensions constitutes a framework revolving around cross-cultural communication, which was devised by Geert Hofstede. Identify the set of terms that BEST completes the sentence below. - Wear gloves inside the shelter. B. dozer lines. Natural firebreaks, such as: Creek beds Depressions in the ground Rock slide areasrocks should be small enough that your shelter is still able to rest firmly on the ground Lee side of ridge tops and hills Flat areas on slopes, such as benches or road cuts Explosives, such as dynamite and blasting caps. And because you come from a culture where asking questions is appropriate, you may misinterpret their silence. What You Can Do. - Strong winds Use them for official use only Added 27 days ago|1/19/2023 6:05:04 AM. Differences in Worldview From Lane, Patty. These differences are cultural differences that cause problems when people communicate. Identify THREE common denominators of fire behavior on tragedy fires. 2. The major elements of culture are symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts. - Hot material on a slope In these cases, it is possible to use items at hand to light a fire. You may be tempted to follow the golden rule and treat everyone exactly the way you would want to be treated. - Anchor points A hopeless situation is one where a structure or group of structures can't be saved and you need to retreat to a safety zone. Perhaps Lee-Lei's anxiety has nothing to do with this stereotype of Asian culture. Place each clue in order to match with an example of what to look for. copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. - Dry mop-up Previous research found that the within-country variability of human values (e.g., equality and helpfulness) clearly outweighs between-country variability. Arousal level of actual and ideal emotions has consistently been found to have cross-cultural differences. 3. - Scratch line Cultural factors can also impact how autism is understood, interpreted and accepted in different Few of them are listed below: 1. Think before pushing the talk button Instructions and assignments not clear. Place fire shelters where these are present: Keep your supervisor informed of hazards, and avoid breathing toxic fumes, There are three tactical modes for fires in the wildland/urban interface. 4. - Unexpected shifts in wind direction or speed increase fire danger. All of the following are proper examples of using your senses during mop-up operations, EXCEPT: feeling hot materials with your bare hand. Sex-Linked Traits & Polygenic Inheritance | What are Sex-Linked Genes? It includes carefully feeling with the hand to detect any fire, digging out every live spot, and trenching any live edge. a[a\IO4BTC4~wQd/r4cd"/ry9Cta16]|dnal]0*tbT(MDe#E-:bQ2Y[cGNWNJv}#^d`JYR6_8MJ^;r*B}[>~BOkY si[Fd - Directs the overall management of the incident Keep your portable radio in its protective case - Carry all tools horizontally, below the waist and close to your side. Identify THREE facets affected by cultural differences. Identify THREE true statements about lookouts. For safety while using hand tools: Keep your eyes on what is being cut A safety zone is your refuge from danger. Use your agency's method for rolling hosethe watermelon roll, firefighters' carry, or figure eight method. Planning a beginning and ending point Page 65 The concept of cultural humility was developed by medical doctors Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray-Garcia in a 1998 academic article published in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. If you set up a routine of communicating about issues that may arise, though, you can minimize the damage of the mistakes you make. 2. 21st century is dubbed as the century of globalization where trade and other barriers have been put . In two to three paragraphs, describe a living situation that is non-normative to you, and investigate your opinions and judgments about it. Keep an eye on any potential problem areas Be alert. Identify Pragmatic challenges - the practical challenges faced by business. Foil is missing in lengths of 1/2 in. 2. Escape routes should provide the quickest possible path to the safety zone. Cultural identity is a part of a person's identity, or their self-conception and self-perception, and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture.In this way, cultural identity is both characteristic of the individual but also of the culturally identical group of members sharing the same . Which of the following statements regarding physically fit firefighters is FALSE? 1. identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 . In an example of self-critique, physicians in a training program to develop cultural humility may collect and reflect on their daily experiences with patients from different cultures, noting where they apply assumption and bias. Of all the so called "environmental uncontrollables", culture, or at least the study of it, is one of the most difficult to comprehend, take . Trench built on steep terrain to stop rolling debris, - Hotspotting CULTURAL FACTORS Culture encompasses the set of beliefs, moral values, traditions, language, and laws (or rules of behavior) held in common by a nation, a community, or other defined group of people. Keep informed on fire weather conditions and forecasts. There may also be cultural differences between you and some of the customers and clients you serve. There are many hazards you face when traveling to a fire on foot. Protective outerwear 2. Tilt torch downward to dispense fuel at each desired ignition point, HMSY - 1340 Homeland Security Intelligence Op, Command & Control - ICS, Strategy and Tactics, Pre - Calculus Part 2: Lesson 5 and Lesson 6. Radiant heat. Falling debristhe equipment can dislodge rocks, vegetation, or other items that may hit you. Safety means being secure from danger or harm. Hazardous materials can be a _____________ material or a combination of _____________ materials. Select TWO potential hazards you need to protect the hose from. Scrape striker end sharply against ignition end of fusee in downward motion, away from your face and body identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130. Non-native speakers have a harder time using cues like this, and so you are going to have to work extra hard to detect violations of your expectations. Controlling the fire with a fireline. Identify THREE examples of safety zones. Fight the fire before it reaches the structure. Dislodged burning objectsthe equipment can knock down burning trees or other flammables. Drain water from hose as you roll. 4. Mark new escape routes and communicate the change to the crews. Occupancy and location Visibility Place each component of a progressive hose lay in order to match to the appropriate use. Shorten discharge times when using Class A foam. Prohibit smoking within 100 ft. (30 m) of helicopter, fuel storage, and fueling equipment. 3. Listener responsibilities lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. - Shovels, axes, and Pulaskis can adversely affect fire behavior. Of course, you might make mistakes, and thats OK. Conveying that you are open to learning and communicating about potential differences can go a long way. Follow these steps, and you'll bring it on homethe hose, that is: Replace protective caps on accessories and male hose ends Maintains a professional appearance for the crew A non-judgemental mindset lets you observe cultural differences without labelling them as 'good' or 'bad', or 'right or wrong'. Replace immediately. - The hose is dangerously close to the flames. Mostly, it's important to be okay with not knowing everything. 6. Nozzles and nozzle settings have specific purposes during a wildland fire incident. Detect 1. Acrobat Distiller 8.1.0 (Windows) Identify the distance firefighters should maintain when walking or working with hand tools. Base all actions on current and expected behavior of the fire. - Since you have control over these hazards, you should be able to work to eliminate them. 6. There is more than one kind of safety zone you can escape to. The correct order is as follows: Remove shelter from packaging Open and shake out shelter completely 3. Though cultures are powerful, they are often unconscious, influencing . Rusted tool head. Top row: one box labeled IC with a broken line to the second row (to indicate that some items are missing. Cultural globalization. Achieves long reach in high winds. Examples of subjective hazards are: East Asian cultures tend to be collectivist meaning that they value the needs of the group over the needs of the individual. Beliefs are the tenets or convictions that people hold to be true. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. - very high frequency (VHF) Through these 8 aspects, we can see how our world is becoming more integrated on many different levels. Determine if the residents are home Second row: four boxes, one blank labeled A, the others labeled "Planning Section Chief", "Logistics Section Chief", "Finance Section Chief". Potential Hazards and Human Factors on the fire line, Do you have the risk management process down? Communicator responsibilities, The risk management process is a set of steps for. Luckily, there is often a simple solution to understanding how people are reacting to their interactions with you ask. Identify a nozzle that has to be readjusted each time you open it. Lie on your back or sit with your head toward the wind wind speed and direction can change rapidly. This introspective practice of cultural identity gives way to an openness to otherness. Stir and mix hot embers with dirt 2. - Bevel grubbing edge 3/8-inch (10 mm) wide Identify THREE advantages to being accountable for your gear in the fire camp. Flank 4. You'll protect the engine from fire by following these tips: Maintain constant radio communications with adjacent forces Keep the fusee on the burn side of the fireline Diamond-shaped images Let's know how do cultural differences affect communication. 4. Due to the increasing diversity of our world and the intermixing of different cultures, the importance of cultural competence in the professional world has become more salient. I feel like its a lifeline. Keep informed on fire weather conditions and forecasts. (6 mm) in length are detected along folded edges. But thats not the most effective way to navigate cultural differences. Values are a culture's standard for discerning what is good and just in society. - One or more lookouts should be posted when crews are assigned to drainages. Communications Don't apply a straight water stream near it. Identify THREE situations when you may turn down an assignment. Place each category in order to match with an appropriate tactic. However, a tool with a sharp blade benefits you because it: Dozer and tractor plow crews. Did preconceived notions influence the quality of care they received from me? While fighting a fire in a wildland environment, you see in the distance a fenced in area with large cylindrical tanks. Also discuss whether you believe this type of attitude is normative and why. 8. This information was valuable when having conversations with people so I didnt assume people were disagreeing with me when in fact they were agreeing. 4. It's very rude in Chile to eat anything with your hands, even when eating French fries, always have a knife and fork at the ready. Wildland firefighter protective clothing is designed to protect you from: Personal injury Radiant heat Hostile ambient temperature conditions - Subjective Hazards are hazards that firefighters have control over. Damaged threads Create your account. Identify TWO water conservation steps you can take on the fireline. Hostile ambient temperature conditions What is the minimum required PPE that a wildland firefighter should have? Burning leaves or needles placed in unburned fuel with a shovel Have lookouts in place Safety zones and escape routes not identi ed. When dealing with people from other cultures, pay careful attention to the failures of your predictions. Identify TWO tools you can use in conjunction with a fire swatter. Identify THREE facets affected by cultural differences. PScript5.dll Version 5.2 - A lookout should be able to see both the fire and the crew. Hence, a practitioner may be an expert in their field of mental or medical health, but their client is an expert as well. You want to accord people the same respect you expect from them, but how you interact with them will depend a lot on their expectations about what particular interactions should look like. Rolling the hose properly will protect exposed threads. Remove lock ring in vegetation-free area Ensure that all compartment doors are closed Place each type of aircraft in order to match to the correct precautions for loading and unloading. Culturally determined characteristics include: the language spoken at home; religious observances; customs (including marriage customs that often accompany religious and other beliefs); acceptable . Customs of marriages and religions and special social customs. Culture and Conflict. - Flare-ups generally occur in medium fuels. For example, in some cultures a . Action options. You are approaching a slope while fire fighting. Any hazard you encounter while traveling on foot becomes even more dangerous if you can't see it. Identify a TRUE statement about safety zones. 10. Aluminum particles or debris is visible inside the bag. Microsoft Word - 071227_s130_m1_508_ev_ls_ev_jvFINAL.doc Decision points In addition, there are general aspects of culture that are useful for anyone to study. - Fog stream When an individual understands what their own beliefs, identities, and biases are, the projection of those ideas onto others becomes clearer and, therefore, poised for repair. You must place the clamp at LEAST how far away from any coupling? Identify the BEST way to remove unburned fuel that is outside of but adjacent to the fireline. Sometimes firefighters may have to burn out without a drip torch or fusee. Establish good communications with all involved agencies Dull cutting edge All of the following are steps supervisors should take when establishing escape routes, EXCEPT, Answer: Refuse to place escape routes above a fire burning uphill on a slope. 37,348,062. Professionally, this means improved relationships with patients, clients, customers, etc. - Hoseline tees. Identify escape routes and safety zones, and make them known. Escape routes Page 4 Rear The rear or heel of a wildland fire is the end opposite the headthat is, relatively closer to the point of origin than to the head. Defective equipment is being used. 2008-02-06T11:17:02-07:00 Food Housing Dress Religion Wildland firefighter protective clothing is designed to protect you from which of the following THREE threats? Carefully follow instructions from the boat crew. 0B.3 0B-01-S130-SR. 0B.4 FIRE BEHAVIOR TERMS Spread - Movement of the . Get into a face-down position with your feet toward the fire Starting with the hottest area and progressing to the coolest After a few months of studying Mexican culture and working with some Mexican patients, Lisa feels confident in her understanding of the culture. Create your account, 8 chapters | Sand and refinish with light coating of linseed oil. They may utilize self-reflective questions such as: What knowledge do I think I have about the patient's culture?