Marcel calls Klaus a dick for not telling him Rebekah was in town. As of the end of Season Two and the beginning of Season Three, Marcel had a tenuous and strained relationship with Klaus and was leading the supernatural community at large once again alongside Davina, the new Regent of the nine covens of New Orleans. The Season 4 premiere began five years after Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) stabbed Klaus (Joseph Morgan) with. Where To Watch Supercell For Free Online? If we go back to season 3, episode 22, Marcel was ready to kill him but Klaus and Rebekah distracted him to use Papa Tunde's blade. Their first recruit was Gia, with whom both men, and especially Marcel, developed a close friendship. He asks her to come back inside with him because their family needs to lay Klaus to rest. However, right before his death, he wanted to live happily. Elijah demanded his brother, but in actuality was just keeping Marcel occupied while Freya and Hayley worked on freeing him below. The Mikaelson's Aunt Dahlia had ruined the plan and ripped Aiden's heart out from his chest to frame Klaus for it. In The River in Reverse, Marcel meets with Tyler and his lair. Before Elijah was bitten by Marcel, fans will recall that he and Hayley finally got together. This character remained a controversial one. Aiden comes to the loft again to ask for help since Finn wants werewolf child solders in the war and he doesn't want to risk his brother's safety. Marcel gave the white oak bullet to Elijah but after some debate among Elijah and his newly revived brothers, Kol Mikaelson and Finn Mikaelson, he didn't destroy it, instead opting to keep it save, much to Marcel's chagrin. Kol listened to Marcel and tried to flee New Orleans, leaving Marcel to explain Kol's departure to a shocked Davina. Sofya who was possessed by the Hollow had stabbed Elijah by the thorned stake, and things went downhill from that point on. They decided that they would scare Klaus away using the Originals' father, Mikael, who had been hunting Klaus for nearly a millennium. He brought up that Marcel bringing Tristan back to The Strix would get him deeper into the society and earning more of their trust. Marcel works with other members of Klaus' sireline. They don't know what to do without her. He also sent Elijah an invitation, hoping that he'd be able to attend. Elijah refused to go along with his suggestion, having no intention of releasing Tristan. Minus the whole sex tape thing. In his loft he calls Ruben Morris, a seer, to find out who exactly Rebekah's witch is. Marcel had turned her then left the babysitting job to Elijah who ended up taking a liking to her. Outnumbered Mikael fled and he confronts Davina mad that she resurrected him. Marcel tells him that he'll let him stay in HIS town, as long as he understands that Marcel is the King. When they had a moment alone, Davina thanked Marcel for saving her at the Harvest years ago and for everything else he had done for her after, telling him she loved him. Once they learning that the only way to stop Davina from destroying the entire city, they must complete the harvest Marcel takes Davina with him and hides her. In Brotherhood of the Damned, Marcel remembers his time in WW1 as he's trapped in The Abattoir. He asks Josh if he has any luck on that dating site he's on. Marcel says it's his secret and HIS town, so he won't tell him. Marcel pulls out the vial and relishes in Klaus' anger, remarking that Klaus doesn't want him to be equal but always inferior. In a meeting between Marcel and Klaus, Marcel says that New Orleans is his town, which sets Klaus off. The central character of The Originals was Klaus Mikaelson who proved again and again that he is the true ruler of the show. Merely said, the 15 Jahre Langer Leben Die 7 Saulen Anti Aging Str is universally compatible next any devices to read. When Mikael was resurrected by Davina in From a Cradle to a Grave, he killed all of Marcel's vampire army while they were dying of werewolf bites, with the exception of Joshua Rosza, who had previously been healed by Davina. Conclusion. I will carry you with me Cami, always. He worked with Hayley, Freya, Lucien and another member of Klaus' sireline, Stefan Salvatore. After Tristan de Martel was disposed of, Marcel became the leader of the Strix. I had a soft spot for Lucien considering all of the pain they had but him through for a thousand years. That said, Marcel still possess superior powers to the Originals, having a lethal bite and his own base vampirism amplified by the original spell which coupled with his excellent fighting skills makes Marcel one of the most dangerous and deadliest beings thus far. Klaus tells Marcel that New Orleans WAS his town. Marcel had been her adoptive father so to speak and was devastated that she was dead and that he couldn't bring her back. I'm no expert in zodiac signs, but I do spend a fair amount of time looking at both zodiac sign memes and entertainment news on Instagram and Twitter, so I feel as if I'm certified to do this. Unlike previous synopses for episodes throughout the season, the synopsis for The Originals' Season 1 finale is strikingly vague. This article has been identified as an article that, The Vampire Diaries Season Four Characters, Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found,, 'The Vampire Diaries' Creators Break Down Season 4 | EWs BINGE | Entertainment Weekly. After being attracted to Rebekah since childhood and finally falling under his feelings, Klaus gave him a choice: to undagger Rebekah and live out their days together until Marcel grows old or be turned into a vampire. You're an icon, Capricorn. are staying at his old plantation. In the third episode of series three, Marcel confronts Aya, a vampire of over nine hundred years of age and manages to hold his own against her, impressing her. Marcel and Rebekah sided together to take down Klaus once and for all so that they could finally be together, but their plan failed. Marcel and Vincent discovered totems used to bind the children to the spell and Vincent was able to stop the spell from harming them. Unbeknownst to Klaus, Marcel has some of his men follow Klaus to find out what he's planning. Also, he tells Marcel that Klaus has to have a inside man. Read his full survival story ahead! He was initially made out to be the main antagonist of the series during the early episodes of the first season before it was revealed that he is actually a caring vampire with no ill intention, who was simply trying to protect Davina Claire, a young witch whose imposing hatred toward her coven served to help enforce his rule in the French Quarter. The Originals (TVD)Always and Forever (TO)Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found (LGC) Marcel also seems to be understanding as shown in his quickness to forgive Klaus for biting his friend when Klaus gave him the cure and asked for forgiveness. In the fourth episode, Marcel faces Aya's mentor Mohinder, who is likely older than her and thus at the very least nine hundred plus years. It's empty but then Marcel shows up. He asked Marcel to be the thing the Mikaelsons feared most and to drive them out of the city as he had done once before. That night, Marcel arrived at the compound and informed Elijah that he was there on the behalf of The Strix, asking him politely to release Tristan and warning him that The Strix would eventually come in force to retrieve their leader. When Elijah demanded an exchange of Aurora for Hayley and the Serratura, Tristan complied but planned on overwhelming the Mikaelsons by bringing dozens of Strix members down on the Originals so they could seal them away with the Serratura during the exchange. He's not mad at her, Klaus comes in and has a little chat with Davina. They call a meeting for Father Kieran and the other human then they start taking out the humans one by one. Even though he was outmatched, though, Marcel revealed that he had Hayley bite him on the arm so that when Mohinder tried to feed on him, he would be poisoned by Marcel's blood. He nearly destroyed the entire family, had it not been for Freya's intervention, and maintained peace in New Orleans for five years, albeit while keeping Klaus hostage and daggered with Papa Tunde's Blade. Unfortunately for fans like myself the show is ending, season five is going to be the last. Then she wakes up in a random field in the middle of nowhere, de-aged somewhat, but the year is inexplicably 1942 rather than 1998. Never forget it. He tried to convince Vincent to take a stand instead of letting the witches be led by a boy with loyalty to The Strix, essentially handing over nine covens of witches to Tristan. After a summer fling, Cami and Marcel remain good friends until Cami's death in No More Heartbreaks. Elijah recognizes how angry Marcel is, and rips his heart out. They kinda start to panic. When did Keelin and Freya get married? Marcel is convinced that nothing would mess up his town and his rule. He then fled with it in his hand. After last week's bloody, game-changing episode left everyone in peril, The Originals will return with "From a Cradle to a Grave". In No Quarter, Marcel listened to Sofya explain that Hayley Marshall's recent activity showed signs that she could have found a cure for Marcel's bite and Klaus' siblings could be potentially healed and on their way back to the city. In the finale, a peace of sorts it settled between them thanks to Marcel saving Klaus' daughter. Unfortunately, when Van tried, the spell was unsuccessful since The Ancestors had already gotten to Davina's spirit and shredded her soul. In the present, Marcel is concerned about Davina, who feigns a panic attack about "something bad coming" at Elijah's instructions. In Out of the Easy, after Rebekah had been attacked by The Strix, Marcel worked with the Mikaelsons to try and find her. By the end of the third season, they have grown to resent each other due to Davina's death and Marcel putting Klaus down with Papa Tunde's Blade and causing him to lose five years of his daughter's life. How is Vampire Diaries connected to The Originals? Back in his youth, Marcel was shown to be innocent; he was greatly disturbed when Kol decided to "educate" him about vampirism at the cost of several innocent lives. Manage Settings Marcel, in stunned disbelief, demanded to know what Kol was still doing there, since he was supposed to have left the city. When he refuses to say, Klaus threatens to feed on him. Marcel was adamant that once the kids were out of danger, the Mikaelsons would be on their way, gone from his city again. Marcel, being bold, asks her out for 9 o'clock that evening. Marcel wants Klaus to step up as a leader. Episode Count When Marcel says he knows how to deal with Klaus, Elijah comes in to talk to him. Rebekah says she thought he was dead and accuses Marcel of being afraid of Klaus. Marcel then agrees to give Elijah back to Klaus. Understand Podcast Hosting Platform In Detail! Five years after taking down the Mikaelsons, Marcel's anger subsided and he made a truce with Vincent, putting aside their differences and working towards keeping New Orleans safe, showing that Marcel had returned to his more level-headed ways. However, the dinner was revealed to be a test of loyalty as Aya brought out the witch Ariane to divine the Strix members' true intentions. He chooses to become a vampire like he always wanted, though he never stopped loving Rebekah and Klaus' actions later caused Marcel to turn against him. After their reunion, their relationship is frosty, the two flirt and it is clear Rebekah has unresolved feelings for him and that he still loves her. . He asks the daywalker where Marcel is. Marcel sent Josh to retrieve the prize but he was brutally beaten by Sofya and her vampires running the auction. At Lafayette Cemetery, Marcel is leaving Vincent, who he was meant to meet, a voicemail when Elijah arrives and begins to taunt Marcel. Marcel Gerard (season 3 episode 21) is a character in the show. After Cami locates the box for the key, he assumes someone got to it as the box is empty. Basically it's none of Klaus' business, which obviously Klaus doesn't agree with. First seen Marcel wanted to know who her friends were and she explained that she worked for The Strix, the oldest society of vampires in the world. Kim K! Lucien reminded him about the prophecy that stated Klaus' sireline would fall and burn, prompting Marcel to try to stop Aya. Meanwhile, Klaus is roaming the New Orleans streets and back-alley bars when he sees one of Marcel's day walkers. He told him that he'd have until sunrise to try and figure out who took his ring and then get it from them, despite The Strix members mostly being far older than Marcel. The story revolves around the vampire families and their tussle with the werewolves. Klaus actively worked against Marcel, to retake the city and Marcel eventually gave up his role in order to protect his fellow vampires. The girl grabs the coin and at first Marcel acts smug, but then snaps the girls neck. Marcel tried to fight back as Davina screamed for him to help her but Elijah snapped his neck. When Davina questioned his action, Marcel told her he was preventing a blood bath and protecting her, but told her to go help Vincent who was having trouble in the cemetery while Marcel would keep an eye on Kol. It had to happen eventually and Morgan actually teased the reveal to TVLine, saying that Klaus isn't going to take that news very well. He is also a close friend and confidante of Josh. Klaus later calls to say he knew Marcel did not bomb the wolves, told him Kieran died, and he had 24 hours to come help Cami and to bury his friend until his exile is re-instated. Marcel gave Kol a blood bag when he woke up, hoping to satiate his hunger and keep him calm. He also seems to genuinely care for his subordinates, having stayed at the side of one dying from Klaus' werewolf bite until the latter provided him with the cure. He continued that he fought for Hope, kept Hayley breathing, and even kept white oak from piercing their hearts. He has also said that he looks good in a suit which he wears on special occasions, such as the Masquerade Ball he hosted to present himself as respectable. So, let's think about this Klaus would be heartbroken if he actually had to kill his surrogate son and it would make him wildly unpopular with fans for doing it. When Marcel declared there was only one justice and it was him, a freed Klaus appeared behind him and stabbed him with Papa Tunde's blade. Later that year, Marcel was shot by the governor, his own father, while trying to free some slaves. He wants them to rule side by side as equals, as brothers. They help Klaus fight off Mikael when they get to their location. When Marcel leaves Davina alone to check on Cami she makes a quick getaway with Kol. Which Marcel agrees to. And every day Elijah would walk past the other boys training together, oftentimes sneaking past them to avoid being seen. Marcel angrily breaks ties with the Mikaelsons. Marcel elaborated that Elijah was the type of person who needed to fix broken things. Katie is hurting Marcel by Davina's help-through magic. This isn't the first time Kol had died during the TVD/TO universe but this one I feel was more upsetting than the last.