But the plant page did say not recommend to build the plant so I was hesitating. A McGraw-Hill Business Strategy Game Online Expert, Copyright 2023 Win The Business Strategy Game Online Powered by Wordpress, W3 Total Cache & Cloudflare, Business Strategy Game Quiz 1 Study Guide, Business Strategy Game Quiz 2 Equation Cheats, New Glo-Bus Simulation Game Quiz 1 Answers, New Glo-Bus Simulation Game Quiz 2 Answers, Buy The Business Strategy Game Guide for $29.99, Tips and equations to make the quizzes easier, An easy to understand tutorial on exchange rates, tariffs, interest rates, and how to utilize them to your advantage, YouTube Videos on how to play the game and learn the software as quickly as possible, An distilled version of the players guide to save you a lot of time. Ive created this website as a final project for an online marketing class (and to help me pick up an extra bar tab a month.) The Business Strategy Game is a PC-based exercise, modeled to reflect the real-world character of the globally competitive athletic footwear industry and structured so that you run a company in head-to-head competition against companies run by other class members. I am the longest known active Business Strategy Game player with a career stretching back to 2006 and throughmultiple versions of BSG. Hence, keep track of the industrys internet price and how it changes. Theguide will show you how to make your company lean and agile to cope with the industrys marketplace. The BSG tends to underestimate those values by about 20% and hence, you need to correct them for a more precise estimate. Set Models Offered to 50 and Free Shipping to No. Write down each regions reject rates and add them up to the regions estimates sales volume. It didnt matter how competitive they were, how motivated they were, or whether they were Industry Champions. On this page, you will set your values for your branded production. These games often involve managing resources, making . . PDF The Business Strategy Game - California State University, Northridge A free section gives the casual reader some tips and tricks in class and a paid guide for people who are behind and need to catch up or students who want to save themselves the headache and win. These simulation games can help you develop hard. Learn the single most powerful strategic financial decision you can make that WILL, Discover why one business level strategy is FAR SUPERIOR to all the others and why you will surely lose if youre not implementing it, Learn in plain English what each decision screen does and the data thats important to manipulate to win, Learn how to pull yourself out of debt instantly even if youre bankrupt or dead-last, Learn which industry reports you MUST pay attention to and how to interpret them, Discover the single-most common mistake that students make and why you MUST avoid it at ALL COSTS, Learn which regions you should build factories in and which regions you should steer clear of. If your results in the first year are not too good, its not a big deal. . Business Strategy Game (BSG). Do you have any tip/tricks on - reddit With the high-quality shoes + low model strategy, the only thing you care about is your PROFIT. After clicking on the green Go to Decisions/Reports-button in the corporate lobby, you can see your profits in the lower left-hand corner. These are some of the tips you can use to win the business strategy game. Business Strategy Game Espanol (Spanish BSG Help ), Ayuda En Espanol Para La Simulacion Glo-Bus (Spanish Glo-Bus Help), Business Strategy Game En Franais/French, En Franais Business Strategy Game Assistance (French BSG Help), Business Strategy Game In Het Nederlands/Dutch, In Het Nederlands Business Strategy Game Help (Dutch BSG Help), Business Strategy Game Auf Deutsch/German, Business Strategy Game Auf Deutch Assistenz (German BSG Help). Do not worry about your market share percentage or any other value than your net profit. Buy Now with PayPal. It makes sense; the more ads you run, the more your celebrity endorsement will be seen and the more effective it is. PS: I left a comment, but I did not see it and thus retyped. Your Delivery Time should be set to 3 weeks. Tips for Lowering Cost and Other Recommendations For Winning the Business Simulation Game Toggle the advertising spending to see the lowest cost at which the company can achieve the desired market share. And you can basically never have enough capacity for private label. Any thoughts? You have successfully adjusted to your competitors. 2. The best business tip I have received so far is to have a backup plan for all your moves. For many students, winning the Business Strategy Gamecan be the difference between PASS and FAIL. Do this for all four regions. Chances are it would be a piece of cake right? I would like to ask about the Pay Dividends. My stupidness did not know that I should not pay dividends while Im in LOAN mode. I will explain soon, how to increase plant capacity and why we need the capacity for private label. Learn tips & tricks, from a BSG Grand Master! These Business Strategy Games Teach You to Plan Ahead Furthermore, I spent all my cash on hand for dividends and stock repurchase to increase my ROE and EPS as much as possible. Thank you! I know every strategy, secret, and tip you can possibly imagine about the Business Strategy Game, and Im willing to share them with you. Our final score was 99 and the closest team to us scored a 74!Out of a total of 11 teams, 7 of them scored below 40! I put $1.00 pay dividends, which turned out 20,000k in total. The rule of the game is to compete with the other students' teams to stay ahead to gain a competitive advantage over other teams. total sales volume estimate into the Branded Pairs to be Manufactured in Year XXslot for North America, write down your reject rate and add it to your previous total N.A. So do you mean although we sell exactly same shoes it does not matter even my rivals price is lower than mine so long as i can maximize my profit? No worries, this is logical and you did nothing wrong. That combined will give you a good boost for the last year. Business strategy game. Business Games. 2022-10-12 How to solves this situation ,have you given us any suggestion. Be careful: Sometimes, especially for advertising, numbers that are way off (for example $100 and $8,000) can yield about the same net profit with only a little difference. Period. During the entire simulation process, it is important to keep tabs on the company intelligence reports (C.I.R) and the company operating report (C.O.R) The C.O.R will give you insights into plant investments, labour statistics as well as data on plant capacity. What will I get for my $48? My friend and I walk through the simulation on how it works. gorilla on your side. On BSGTips, we have an email service and forum to handle any support issues you may have. Let me walk you through the various decision pages and explain you how to optimize each entry. Learn More Which wholesale are you referring to? BSGTips.com is a proven guide (written by a Business Strategy Game Grand Champion) on how to win, not just how to play. Hello. However, try your best. It is definitely around 1.2 though and I recommend starting off with this value. As much as expansion is important to the lifeblood of a company, if you are faced with a situation of people rapidly building a lot of capacity. Other teams in your industry wont stand a chance when you unleash the tactics we teach. You will soon know why. You can only do one upgrade at a time in each region and a total of two updates per region. So if one of your markets is not satisfied or prices are high, I would built capacity to attack this market and sell a lot of shoes for a cheap price, to guarantee you the lowest price so that you sell all your offered shoes. Anyone need help with BSG? : r/businessstrategygame - reddit I promise you my techniques and tips are fully replicable and have kept me theundefeatedall theseYears! Written by an Undefeated Business Strategy Game Grand Champion. like should I just follow your tips through all because I kind of get on a bad start. By employing the best cost strategy. and L.A. volumes and finally plug them into the NA manufacturing slot. Do this for all four regions. Those are LEARNING REFERENCES written bycommonplace Industry Champions, which teach you how toplay. I would recommend purchasing the upgrade for both of your plants within the first four years. Also do you know the cost of building additional capacity. World's #1 Business Strategy Game - Capitalism Lab Start off with the values that you know for sure: For the high quality, low models strategy, I recommend starting off with a S/Q rating of 7 stars and 50 models available. My direct competitor is now selling 8 stars with more than 400 models in wholesale so I think i will be at a even better position selling 50 models. The fact that you are looking for help mean. but out industry there is a direct competitor for me, he is also star 8 and 50 models, and he prices so low for wholesale, only 47! So, why not win the Business Strategy Game and stop your worrying. This manual provides actual numbers to use as guidelines, has many examples from real games, and should make your life so much easier than mine was! The guide also features step by step instructions in how to manage decision screens in making the best decision. After you have done this, play around with the values for Wholesale Price, Advertising Budget, Rebate Offer, and Retailer Support (increase/decrease by 100s only, as everything else makes no sense). In the upper right box, you can spend your excessive cash. Those that havent played the BSG Online yet and are researching online for every advantage they can find. Heres What You Get in The Ultimate BSG Solution Monster Package: The Ultimate BSG Solution Guide was written by an old established BSG Grand Champion. You need your capacity and it is never a good idea to sell your existing capacity. Free shipping will most likely not increase your profits. However, you can successfully apply most of the following tips to either strategy. . Turn delivery time to four weeks because it has no noticeable effect on sales but significantly affects EPS and Net Profit. I would still go for the 50 models and make sure to buy or build capacity so you have enough for your private label. Hi! Yes, I would only add capacity onto existing plants and not build new plants. Economic Stages Part Three Riding the Recession, Glo-Bus Quiz 1 and Glo-Bus Quiz 2 Answers, New Glo-Bus Cameras and Drones Simulation, Instant Download,Email Support &Forum Access. Hi Fin, Thanks for the detail post and the screen shots. More than often they drone on and on about BSG, to the point, its barely relevant toimpress you with abunch of words. The importance of buying back stock early and how buying back stock gives you an edge in the game. (In Y11, I did the 5-year loan with 12,000k (7% interest). The Business strategy game offers a unique hands-on experience for participants grouped in teams, to run a virtual footwear company and go head to head with other competitors to see whose business strategies win. Deciding whether to buy an already functioning plant or build one from the ground up will depend on; whether the geographical region you want to set up has a plant you can buy as well as the time that is available for you to set up a new plant. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments feel free to comment and I will do my best to help you out. It covers in detail all of the strategies, concepts, software features and tricks necessary to win the McGraw-Hill Business Strategy Game. It took me years to learn this and it would take you years as well but,I know you dont have years. Make sure the celebrity is suitable in the geographical region you want them to endorse your shoes. $50.66 but $50.67 gives you higher profits, go for the higher prices. This decision page is mainly a waste of money and we will not spend a lot of time with this page. The BSG Ultimate Solution isTHE ONLYGUARANTEEDone-way ticket to winning the BSG. Learn tips & tricks, from a BSG Grand Master! Most Industry competitorsarentable to replicate high results when they face tougher opponentsand have asimpleunderstanding of the Business Strategy Game. Then, you want to plug in your L.A. total sales volume estimate into theproductionslot for North America as well and add up your reject rates. Here is a chart again tho show you the process: If your regular production capacity is not sufficient, use overtime. The demand depends on your retails, price and quality. You need the capacity for the private label market. So, play around and find the best combination for your given S/Q rating that yields the highest net profit. Your numbers might be a little bit off due to the reject rates. After watching this comprehensive 75 minute video I haverecentlyfilmed, you will know exactly what you need to do to be successful. I daily (thank you, Hootsuite, for making it so easy!) Even though this game is said to be a business simulation, get rid of the thought that all decisions have to make sense and be logical. You can still ship pairs from LA to somewhere else if needed. Here, you will decide for how much your shoe is going to sell. Best Business Simulation Games of 2022 - Business News Daily Those that are already playing the BSG Online and perhaps want an edge over the competition. This will enable you to tap into the different unique abilities of each of the members thus strengthening your team. if you have left over inventory, you should either work on your numbers as I described in my post or put the left-over shoes into private-label. Always keep that in mind when formulating your strategies and leave room for adjustment where necessary. When coming up with a CSR initiative, ensure that the budget can be sustained over time without burdening the company. Currently, were selling 150 models.