The Justice card is often depicted as a woman wearing a blindfold, holding a set of scales in her hand. If you are planning to expose the unethical behavior of your employer, do so with extreme caution and lawyer up! As an action, reversed Justice leads to a shady path. She will signify an important person in the seekers life, someone who has major influence over them. You shall receive what youve been waiting for, and reach the culmination of your plans. It is a person who sais "We are not doing this. From a place of clarity and understanding, you will be able to feel complete and balanced. Justice only points out that we have to be fair, honest, and give back to those who have treated us with kindness. Some people believe that justice is a karma card, while others believe that karma has nothing to do with justice. The sword points upwards to higher ideas, while the scales represent balance and critical thinking. Justice means that the person of interest thinks you are resolute, fair, and wise. She allows the human being to rise from the gutter and claim a place in the world. It can just as well reveal a tendency to deny yourself what makes you happy, due to the belief that youre not worth it or that its wrong and prohibited. He is also wearing a yellow blouse published with the fiery salamander symbol. However, Justice acknowledges and respects emotions, and sympathizes with the unfortunate. Actions (or causes) lead to consequences (effects). Its up to you to be completely honest and to chart your own course through life. The answer would be they see you as someone who is just, who dedicates their energy to doing the right thing and making a wrong right. They believe that you were the reason for the breakup and theres nothing you can do to change their mind. People struggle with their choices every day, in career or romance or lifestyle, picking and choosing, and they miss the point entirely, lacking the foresight or resolve to face the consequences of their actions. When others see the qualities of Justice in you, they appreciate your swift and balanced decisions, your independence, and the kindness you show to the less fortunate. The answer would be they see you as someone logical, intellectual, good at analyzing the problem from many sides, and taking well-thought decisions. This is somewhat related to karma, though not in the permanent and long term way of the Wheel of Fortune. Unlike the Knight of Wands or the Knight of Swords, this specific one isn t charging along with his horse. The Justice Tarot Card in a Career Reading, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed in a Career Reading. Aristotle described 'poetic justice' as being "pain felt at either good or bad fortune if undeserved, or to joy felt at them if deserved". Sometimes, he may even be fake about his confidence. Justice as How Someone Sees You. Thus, Justice is the force that allows you to stop the wheel of karma, meaning that if you learn her subtle lesson, your mind will be free from the toils of suffering and the illusion of good luck. She does influence them, but only as an impartial judge who acts with the greater good in mind. The Justice card foresees a long term balance and a peace of mind that will help you progress and solve your problems. Ask yourself honestly what is really going on so both parties can begin working together towards restoring harmony within the partnership. If you are asking about an exs intentions, Justice shows that they see you as someone who is a part of their past now. In case you mistreated someone in the past, the consequences of this behavior may follow you even in your future relationships. If you think someones way out of line, express your concern directly, sooner rather than later. I would think 'what you see is what you get' would be The Fool card, if we were picking a Major Arcana. Fair-minded and merciful, but not emotional. This includes discussing both the good and the bad. Justice as How Someone Sees You (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meaning By Justice is the card of fairness, truth, and law. In every person born under the Libra sign, you will find a beautiful mind, a caring soul, a deep desire for balance and peace, and a love for the elegant and the aesthetic. They believe its an active process rather than something that just happens. The Nine of Swords depicts a female that is sitting on her bed whilst she holds her head in her hands. They respect your opinion, your point of view, and your ability to solve problems while having the best interests of everyone at heart. Her great intelligence acknowledges that perfect symmetry is not only impossible, but perhaps inhumane, and her eyes are wide open unlike the traditional portrayals that want Justice blindfolded. The person of interest believes there's more than meets the eye with you. Basically, they cannot trust you. This view of karma is often called the law of cause and effect. According to this view, justice is not a karma card. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Like the person is so honest with others about who they are (the good, bad and the ugly), that no one can claim that you never showed your true self to them? By either claiming something you have not earned or by lowering your self-esteem and deeming yourself unworthy, you create confusion and imbalance. It will often mean that youre judging yourself and others incorrectly and too harshly. Card's full meaning Ten of Wands meaning Justice may indicate that you achieved a major victory youve been planning, although it may be a while until your plans are fully realized. Sometimes a reversed Justice card is an indicator of insecurities, and the desperate want to feel loved and accepted. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. This card reversed means that you made a mistake, a conscious choice that was morally wrong, and now you face an important choice: will you hide the truth in hope that no one finds out, or will you try to make things right and face the music? Justice shows up when someone sees you as a special and mindful character who cares a lot for others. Nine swords are hanging on her wall, and a carving that depicts a person defeated by another may be located in her bed. She upholds both the Divine Law and the rules that govern the world of men, fully conscious of her choices and aware of what has to be done. If the querent is feeling like they havent been treated fairly in a past relationship, Justice can suggest that they take action to correct the situation. In any case, you have to be mindful of how your work affects your personal life. For example, if someone is assaulted, and then they go on to assault someone else, they would be seen as having justice in reverse. Either you or the other person(s) have been treated unfairly and it may seem like nothing can be done now to make things right. I just don't get the warm, cozy, inviting vibes from Justice. Under the light of reason, weak arguments, absurd claims, and biased views fail to hold up to the truth. It can indicate a wrong evaluation of people and circumstances, like underestimating or exaggerating ones talents and being too strict. It means that you have the clarity to decide for yourself and take matters into your own hands. He is also sporting an armor helmet with red plume protruding of it. Open-mindedness Non-conformity Stifling Innovation Subversion The Hierophant as How Someone Sees You This person may view you as a stable, respectable, and grounded figure. If thats not the case, then somebody may have been working against you from the shadows, out of spite or ignorance, and you will finally see them for who they are. Justice will offer redemption to the guilty, but a second chance is not always guaranteed. And that is what Justice strives for; to balance everything out so nothing is owed, either by or to you. It appears as even though the female has simply awakened from a totally terrible nightmare. Generally, this card appears when you have to make an important decision or when the consequences of your actions are beginning to show. You are a compassionate partner, and you both value teamwork as the main factor that dictates how a relationship is going to work out and improve. In a reading about love, this can mean that the querent is looking for a fair and equal relationship, or that they feel like they havent been treated fairly in a past relationship. The Justice card reversed in a friendship reading likely means that there is dishonesty and distrust between you and one of your friends. Seizes Bitcoin Arrests Couple. This means that each person is given the same consideration, respect, and courtesy. When you observe the Knight of Wands' face, you ll see the dedication of wanting to achieve success in his endeavor. If the querent is feeling like they havent been treated fairly in a past relationship, Justice can help them to take steps to correct the situation. Shes independent, serious, and lives by her own rules. There are a lot of other things that Justice can represent in a reading about love. Your exs time with you was an important and transformative experience, one that offered treasured memories and valuable life lessons. A reversed Justice card may hint that someone is trying to sabotage you, that you are being overworked and underpaid, denied benefits, and so on. It cannot, and it truly seems unfair. You should know that we all make mistakes and have to pay for transgressions. The ornamental tassels hanging from his fingers and back, in addition to the pony s mane, are all inside the shade of flame. Get the answers you need about your unique situation. Trust your wisdom and your knowledge, and take a stand for what you believe in. The sword of Justice brings to mind Ockhams razor, meaning that the simplest explanation, and therefore the simplest course of action, is most likely the right one. Her only imperfection is being too human, compassionate, and down-to-earth, otherwise she wouldnt be real. As the old saying goes, what comes around goes around. Merging the qualities of "Page" and the qualities of the "Cups Suit," the Page of Cups card would represent: Being emotional. Find the mental clarity to make the important decisions in your life, and speak your mind with honesty and objectivity. The Justice tarot card can also indicate that you are working through or have dealt with some karmic issues. The Justice Tarot Card as How Someone Thinks of You, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as How Someone Thinks of You, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as Feelings, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as a Situation, The Justice Tarot Card as Intentions / What Someone Wants, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as Intentions / What Someone Wants, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as a Place, The Justice Tarot Card as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as Action, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as Advice, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as an Outcome, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as the Future, The Justice Tarot Card Reversed as a Person. By ignoring the truth that were all equal, one claims the false privilege to make absurd and superfluous demands. As you achieve your goals one step at a time and start to see a realistic path leading to your dreams, you shall discover whats truly important in life. The tarot card known as the Justice card is often associated with the idea of marriage. Someone thinks highly of you. According to this view, justice is a karma card because it is the consequence of our actions. Their equal partner. In a reading, its a sign that if you judge a situation objectively and weigh your choices carefully, youll be able to give yourself what you deserve. If you are too hasty in making decisions, you may end up regretting them later on. Contact us. Arguing about it will possibly yield no results. Remember that both guilt and self-righteousness are bad incentives and, as they are quite self-centered feelings, they cannot mend an already damaged relationship. Merrick "Alpha Male" Crusher, Untamed Pussy. Justice reversed evokes thoughts of wrongdoing and crookedness. If one could weigh them against rational thinking and the drive to carry on, theyd find out that theyre focusing on the wrong side of life. Things between you ended badly, theres still a ton of bad blood between you two. Ten of Wands tarot card as how someone sees you how someone sees you Low arcan Ten of Wands Ten of Wands Ten of Wands as how someone sees you Someone who does not delegate, has to do the work themselves, tend to be streesed, a hard worker. Your relationship is unbalanced and there are many things that are throwing your partner off. How someone sees you or feels about you? It may not display this or other websites correctly. This suggests that she is impartial and fair in her decision making. Justice reversed in the obstacle position can be interpreted as overwhelming guilt, a weakness to face the truth, and feeling unworthy. What does Justice mean in a relationship? In the outcome position, the Justice card foresees a favorable resolution. Today's arguments: The Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in two cases challenging President Joe Biden's student loan debt forgiveness program, which remains on . Your behavior may be erratic, conservative, and self-centered. Besides caution, there may be feelings of respect, admiration, sympathy, and reverence. Cards combinations of Justice Empress and Justice Tower and Justice Alas, in modern times, her role in the hands of the powerful is questionable, if not corrupt. All rights reserved. The horse is known to represent one's drive, energy, and power. The Justice card means that you are seen as a smart, practical, and balanced individual, capable of making your own decisions. Maybe a sense of self-righteousness makes them think youre no fun to be around. Tower as how someone sees you - as a hothead, a person with an explosive temper, someone who blows their top; - who is emotionally volatile; . The Justice card is the eleventh of the Major Arcana in the Rider-Waite deck. The valuable truth of a reversed Justice card is that immoral men will always break the law if they can get away with it. What you desire will remain out of reach for at least a little while, but dont lose heart just yet. While they might find you attractive, that is only superficial, and you seem to be totally self-centered. Its a good omen, like arriving at the peak of a long hike. Perhaps he perceives you to be somewhat cold -- not in a bad way, but just takes a bit time before warming up to you. It suggests that your behavior in the past has affected the situation that youre currently in. Our expert Tarot readers are here to help. This card urges you to lower unrealistic standards and think about the reasons why youve been single. They weigh all the pros and the cons. The King of Cups indicates which you do not suppress your impulses, however have found out to cope with them in a balanced manner. It can also imply the want to lower the status of everyone so they descend to their level of cynicism. Conversation. You have a unique beauty and you treat people with fairness and compassion. Theres something off with your relationship dynamic. This can be interpreted in a number of ways, depending on the individuals situation. At the bottom of the card, on the right-hand side, a rabbit is pouncing into the frame, which symbolizes her excessive energy and fertility. You wouldnt want to cross her, she demands and deserves the utmost respect. It can also mean that theyre charmed by your intellect, and theres a rare cerebral connection between you. It typically means that you have done something to create harmony and are now being rewarded accordingly. We can see from the heritage that there's a regular stability among the aware and unconscious. All of this . Unfortunately in such cases, there can be little you can do without two-way commitment and understanding. Justice shows up when someone sees you as a special and mindful character who cares a lot for others. magician clarified by death as what someone thinks of you. Maybe you feel like youll never find the perfect partner. It is a wakeup call, a chance to own up to your mistakes. Maybe youre beginning to see the consequences of your actions have not turned out for the best. The card might show up when youre thinking about what is the right thing to say or do. On one hand, it can be seen as a form of justice when the tables have turned and the person who was originally the victim is now the perpetrator. Justice weighs feelings before allowing them to develop. This needs to change, and we need to find a way to make justice fair for everyone, regardless of who they are. They admire your intelligence and critical thinking skills. She seems to be upset, irritating and fearful. Unless youre able to work together to restore balance, then further commitment is not in your future. Behind her, there may be a purple cloak and status gray pillars. Her throne is embellished with diverse beasts of the earth, tying her closely with nature and abundance. Consider the opinions of those around you, especially if they care a lot, but dont be swayed by them. The Knight of Wands is seen on his horse this is reared up and ready for action. If you think this through, youll find out that there is no other possible answer. Minor problems are of no importance; they will be dealt with swiftly on common ground. If it appears upside-down, the answer is possibly negative. Dont rush to conclusions, and if youve wronged someone, try to make things right. When you see the Justice tarot card, it is a sign that you should examine your actions and their consequences. If Justice appears reversed in a friendship reading, it might refer to a close friend hiding or twisting the truth and judging you. Justice is the card of fairness, truth, and law. Need intuitive advice but wary of getting scammed? On the other hand, if there is no chance at all to make amends, focus on your healthy relationships, and dont hold a grudge! 5 of Swords as ROMANTIC feelings - HELP please! She stands for perfection, fairness, truth, the law, and decisions made with a sharp and balanced mind. They want to follow in your footsteps as a leader. If the Justice card appears in a reading, it is usually a sign that you need to be fair and impartial in your dealings with others. You may be feeling a sense of balance or order in your life as well as freedom from guilt or blame. Justice is one of the tarot cards that gets a lot of attention, and for good reason. As an icon, Lady Justice has been around as a personification of equity and fairness since antiquity. Simply face the circumstances with a sense of duty. Justice can signify a place related to the law and government, namely courthouses, police stations, town halls, or a lawyers office. She will show compassion and understanding if thats what it takes to get to the truth. It means that by exercising your intelligence, you would arrive at this conclusion by yourself, as it is quite obvious. Perhaps no-nonsense. All rights reserved. @punishedmother. Whereas the card in its upright position is mostly about preventing wrongdoing and resolving conflicts in a fair and beneficial way, when reversed its a sign that a lot of damage has already been done, whether this concerns a relationship, social status, or legal affairs. Privacy Policy. It might also be a sign of potential loss or an unfair deal. The Justice tarot card is a symbol of reality, fairness, and law. Maybe youre judging your emotions instead of letting them just be, thus feeling lost, insecure, and unable to cope. For existing relationships, Justice reversed means that they see you as a partner who isnt reciprocating their efforts. Justice constitutes one of the four cardinal virtues of the Tarot, the others being Temperance, Fortitude, and Prudence. Do so with honesty, try to make amends, and save what you can. However, she wont engage in pointless flattery or say what you want to hear; the truth is what matters most to her. Your partner thinks that the relationship isnt feeling quite right. As she sits in her chair, the scales in her left hand represent how intuition must balance logic. Try to solve any issues related to self-esteem, guilt, and contempt by finding the reasons behind them. In short, Justice in a tarot reading about love can mean a lot of different things, but it always comes back to the idea of fairness. This person may avoid self-reflection, instead choosing to place blame onto others as a means of defending themselves. Justice means that they see you as someone who has treated them well. Someone who is, perhaps, a fighter for unjust matters and just doesn't have any time for the BS! To be clear about what you want, but most importantly about what you do NOT want! Dishonesty, lies, and avoidance always undermine a love affair. They feel like you're one of the people who cannot be approached easily. Letting your feelings show. Or perhaps the Sun, where everything is out in the open. He might see you as an option, since Justice is Key 11, which is 2. If they dont, it probably means you have to make an important decision. You may be out of balance, unable to think straight or make important decisions on your own. The Queen of Pentacles card depicts a stunning lady sitting on a embellished throne conserving a golden coin. Couples need to be able to openly and honestly discuss any issues that arise. The answer would be they feel betrayed by you, you don't have their back, you are not committed to them, and they may feel alone and lonely in the relationship. The diffuser holds more water than other diffusers and lasts longer. The lesson of Justice is that hard work and honesty pay off. The Justice card means that you are seen as a smart, practical, and balanced individual, capable of making your own decisions. Envy is feeling pain at someone's well-deserved good fortune. Ask unlimited questions. The purple veil between the pillars symbolizes wisdom based on structure; her red dress, passion. There is trouble in your mind, clouding your judgment and preventing you from making the right decisions. It could be a lack of experience and clarity on your part that creates this impression. What Justice wants is fairly simple, although not always easy. It can also pinpoint prisons and detention centers, where those who broke the law receive punishment for their crimes. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the Justice card can mean different things for different people. Examine their reactions, their patterns of thinking, watch for what triggers them and why they believe they are right. If you did someone wrong, they may seek retribution. Facing the truth may come as a shock. - Justice to mean that they see you as rational minded, fair, and detached, someone seeking for constant balance and . This card in reading about a conflict means that you are in the right, and that youve posed a correct argument. He has a smile on his face, which looks more like a smirk. If youre wondering about a persons intentions towards you, Justice will often mean they want an honest relationship where youre both equals. Both partners need to feel like they are being treated equally and with respect. Your point of view is biased, and therefore you may not have the best interests of everyone at heart. Although you may face difficult moments in life, know that by doing the right thing, you will be rewarded in the long run. The key here is to set your priorities straight and objectively think for yourself. If Justice reversed has appeared in your readings, it can be a sign that something isnt quite right with you and your partner. In that case, the card denotes that ulterior motives led to a biased decision, and the person responsible for this has silenced the truth. Should you look closely, you will see two snakes emerging from her green mantle, implying that even Justice can be fooled by lies, discord, and deceit. The Devil Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You When asking how a specific person sees you, the Devil isn't a very favourable card to receive. Give yourself a present every now and then as a reward for your efforts. You may be taking a rational, objective approach to things, and you are able to make fair decisions. As feelings, the Justice Tarot card can also mean that they feel there is a karmic connection between you both, especially if the 6 of Cups or the Lovers are also in the reading.. And if youre an overly ambitious person, Justice will serve as a reminder that we cannot always get what we want. She symbolizes impartiality and karmic comeuppance. His horse is orange in colour and has a mane that looks as if flames. They dont see you as a liar per se; more like someone who would change the facts and speak half-truths because they cannot be objective and truly independent. They most likely make lists and finish them. It is clear that justice is not blind. It is based on how someone sees you, and this can lead to unfairness and injustice. Truth becomes obscure to either conceal ones low self-worth or to boost their inflated ego. However, a new development in the situation may tip the scales. Only by returning to the heart of the matter, the objective truth, can one hope for clarity and resolution. Stand still, if only for a moment, and try to see things as they really are. The Justice Tarot card identifies with the Air zodiac sign of Libra. Letting anyone get away with dishonesty and cruelty is like admitting that the world is an unfair place and resigning from our basic rights as human beings. She symbolizes impartiality with the double-edged sword in her proper hand. When Justice is drawn reversed for a conflict, you can be sure that the truth has been twisted and obscured. This change was made by Arthur E. Waite himself, probably for better astrological correspondence because Leo precedes Libra! Such examples may include prisons and juvenile halls, casinos, gang headquarters, and the black market. Your words may hurt their feelings, while an inconsistent behavior can create trust issues, frustration, and doubt.